Masters Running


Intrepid Racers - August 4th & ahead! (Read 205 times)


    And the racing continues! Good luck and fleet feet to all racers - have fun!


    ************This week and weekend*******************


    08/04 shadowrunner - River to Sea [R2C17], Milford to Matawan, NJ

    08/04 runnerclay - Hot to Trot 8 HR Lithia Springs,GA

    08/04 deez4boyz -  Beach 2 Beacon, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

    08/04 MilkTruck - Beach to Beacon 10K, Cape Elizabeth, ME

    08/04 Biketm and Donna B - Planet Adventure Eagle Creek 1/2 Marathon Trail Race

    08/05 MilkTruck - Cap Ann Yukanrun Half, Rockport, MA



    ****** next week and ahead *********


    08/12 Dove - Hamster Run 24-hour. Lake Padden,  WA

    08/12 Mike E - MDRA 15K, Edina, MN

    08/17 hermosaboy - Ragnar Great River Relay

    08/17 Mike E - Ragnar Great River Relay

    08/18 henrun - Larry Olsen Memorial 10K, Hopedale, Ma

    08/18 Marj - Larry Olsen Memorial 10K, Hopedale, Ma

    08/18 phillipfromga - Area 13.1 Half Marathon, Roswell, GA

    08/18 Ileneforward - Kevin Cook spirit run 10k, Orange CA

    08/19 MilkTruck - Westport Island Shore Run 10K, Westport Island, ME

    08/19  HollyS - Great Miami HM, Morrow, OH

    08/21 Ileneforward - Taco Tuesday trail race, Las Ramblas, CA

    08/24-25 Dove - Hood to Coast Relay, Seaside, OR

    08/25 Dave59 - Crim 10-mile, Flint, MI

    08/26 Ileneforward - USATF-SC Road Mile, El Toro CA




    09/02 OrangeMat - Run the Reservoir HM, Westwood NJ

    09/03 Dave59 - Labor Day 5k, Midland, MI

    09/03 Ileneforward - Conquer the Bridge, San Pedro CA

    09/03 wildchild - American Discovery Trail Marathon, Colorado Springs, CO

    09/08 Mariposai - Lake Chelan Marathon, Chelan, WA

    09/08 SLOjim - Heartbreak Ridge Half Marathon, Camp Pendleton, CA

    09/08 Coastwalker - Fox Point Sunset 5 Miler, Newington, NH

    09/08 deez4boyz - Pumpkinman Sprint Triathlon

    09/15 wildchild - Autumn Color Run marathon, Buena Vista, CO

    09/15  HollyS - Equinox Marathon, Fairbanks, AK

    09/22 deez4boyz -  Lobster Dash, Ogunquit, Maine

    09/23 TammyinGP - The Rogue Run HM, Medford OR

    09/29 TammyinGP - Enchanted Forest Wine Run HM, Applegate OR

    09/30 henrun -  Smuttynose Half Marathon, Hampton, NH

    09/30 Marj -   Smuttynose Half Marathon, Hampton, NH




    10/06 Opie - St. George Marathon, St. George, UT

    10/07 shadowrunner -Steamtown Marathon, Scranton, PA

    10/06 Ileneforward - Chapman Univ 5k, Orange CA

    10/07 Ileneforward - Long Beach Marathon, LB CA

    10/13 OrangeMat - NY Rock & Roll 10k, Prospect Park, NY

    10/14 Dave59 - Inaugural Lighthouse Half Marathon, Traverse City, MI

    10/21 Twocat - Amsterdam Marathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    10/21 Ileneforward - Huntington Beach Derby 10 miler, HB CA

    10/27 TammyinGP - Grants Pass HM, GP OR

    10/28 Coastwalker - White Mountain Miler's Half Marathon, N. Conway, NH

    10/28 Ileneforward - LA Cancer Challenge, LA CA




    11/03 wildchild - Moab Trail Marathon, Moab, UT

    11/04 OrangeMat - New York City Marathon, NY NY

    11/04 Ileneforward - Santa Clarita half marathon, Santa Clarita CA

    11/18 HollyS - Flying Monkey Marathon - Nashville, TN (if we get in)

    11/18 Ileneforward - Flying Monkey Marathon - Nashville, TN (if we get in)




    12/02 Fortunate One - California International Marathon, Sacramento, CA

    12/09 Ileneforward - Holiday half marathon, Pomona CA

    12/29-1/1 Dove - Across the Years 72-hour, Glendale, AZ


    Runners run

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Kinda late and I forgot to add this - my first race of 2012 because of my back problems and surgery. Also my girlfriends first ever race Smile


      8/04 - Biketm and Donna B - Planet Adventure Eagle Creek 1/2 Marathon Trail Race


      Thanks Ilene



      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Hi Ilene--I just signed up for this one.  Thanks!


        08/12 Mike E - MDRA 15K, Edina, MN

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Ilene, can you put me in for these:


          08/19  HollyS - Great Miami HM, Morrow, OH

          09/15  HollyS - Equinox Marathon, Fairbanks, AK

          11/18  HollyS - Flying Monkey Marathon - Nashville, TN


          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."