Masters Running


Saturday - 2/12 where is everyone? (Read 474 times)

    9.03 very easy miles - 1:22:36  (9:09)


    This was supposed to be 9 miles at pace.  However, my right hip is a little sore and I am feeling a little twinge in my knee.  So I thought it would be more prudent to dial it back since I have a half marathon next Sunday. 


      Just back from a run and I was going to start the thread going when this popped up, thanks.


      I went out for a 6 mile loop, felt good enough to add on a 7th mile.  Everything is just running smoothly right now and feeling good. 




        Heya Maine


        Thanks for opening. Give that Hip a rest. There's no more training you can do now for the Half next week so might as well dial it back. Good Luck on your half.


        I got in just shy of 8 glorious miles this morning. Temps in the mid 20's...felt like spring since we've been in a deep freeze this last week.


        DW and I have her Companys "Winter Party" tonight.  They really like to make sure they're politically correct. They don't even call it a holiday party and they make sure the holidays are out of sight...In truth though...this is thier "Christmas Party". You would think a Bank full of Republicans would have a bigger set of kuhunna's and call it what it really is. A Christmas Party in February.


        Happy Weekend, Good Luck Racers and many haapy long running miles.

          Good Morning,   Tough going out there today windy & a 20 minute blizzard during the run.  Snowed 1 inch before the run & another 2 during the run.  Anyhow got 6.2 miles slow miles around the neighborhood 5 loops w/DW and our tracks were covered on every loop.        


          Dave,  Yes coffee is making everything better, rightnow   Glad running feels good for you, that's what it's all about. 

          Slo  Christmas party in Feb. ?   Winter party does sound better...             


          Maine you fast Smile  9 miles at 9:09 very easy, I wish...

          Headed to Cleveland for college b-ball game then take DD to dinner.   

          Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


            Slo  Christmas party in Feb. ?   Winter party does sound better...             



            Your right, it does sound better. They just bowed to the "popular" opinion that they shouldn't promote Christmas so they moved the party.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Slo - still, February is a nice time for a party to break up the winter doldrums, and it relieves you of another committment during the busy holiday season.


              10 easy-paced miles for me this morning in 30 degrees (ave 9:52).  Warmer than it has been, but the wind made it seem cold anyway.


              Now I'm in the midst of major housecleaning.  We're having another family over tonight for dinner and family game night.  For once the kids won't be banished to the downstairs for a grown-up party, but instead will be guests.....Smile

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Sarge Right.

                Coffee Good.




                .......28min poolrun........



                60-degrees TrailRun tomorrow.........ohboyohboy



                ...........good running guys....

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  Welcome, Hermeacl…um...Honee..uh…New PersonJoking Blush (Seriously, you’ve got to explain Hemerocallus; similar to the flower but different spelling…what’s the story?)  Sorry to hear about KR but hope everyone there feels welcome to come on over.  We don’t have pie but we’ve got Twocat’s muffins. Smile

                  Smart move, Maine.  You’ve been getting plenty of speed lately.

                  Dave—great when you feel good enough to just add a mile for the helluva it.

                  Slo—I kinda like the “Winter Party” idea.  There’s too much going on around the holidays and come February, everyone needs a break.  Though I’d call it the “Spring Party” to get in the right mood!


                  26F at the start and quickly warming; IRC.  21.3  miles of “relax and run,” which resulted in an 8:14 pace.  I worked in plenty of hills in the first half and banged out a half dozen MP miles (<8:00) at the end.  I definitely felt that one. Whew!


                  The Big Thaw is coming our way this week.  Could hit 60 by Friday! 

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                    Heme is here! Hurray! New gal by the way Tramps---unless you meant guy in the overall "hey guys" kind of way Big grin. I ran with her while in Toronto a couple summers ago and she is fabulous and quite an athlete. I too noticed that KR seems less busy---the ads are what did it for me---enough of that in all other parts of my life and nice to be ad free here. Hope you are here lots.


                    Hockey, hockey, hockey and a bit of running thrown in----the kiddo had a game last night at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield before an AHL game (Springfield Falcons vs. Worcester Sharks) and then two games already today and one tomorrow The regular season for one of his teams is winding down and we still have at least 6 weeks for his other team. I love it, but it's a L-O-N-G season. Love that avatar George!


                    Ran 10.6 miles yesterday at 7:52ish pace with hill repeats at the end---long climber hills so my legs were rubbery after. 6 miles this morning when it was 9º and I struggled to turn the key in the lock of our front door before finally tumbling into my house---a CNYsicle. Big thaw here too now at 30º---feels tropical after the last several days sub-zero. We still have 4' of snow and ice, so we won't be seeing the lawn for quite awhile. Happy to see 30s and 40s though in the forecast.


                    Sweet 21 miler Tramps! 

                    Easing up a bit is smart Mainerunnah---you've been crushing it of late, so be good to those owies now.


                    Sounds like a fun night Holly!


                      Well, Holly and I can play with the guys today [ETA, ok, Karin too!]. Where is everyone? I'm usually posting on page 2 by now.


                      So nice to see Heme over here (psst... Tramps, she's very much a SHE)


                      Holly, have fun with the kids at the party. That is a nice turning point, hope it goes well.


                      Easy does it there, Mainerunnah. Like Steve said, nothing can be done now but mess things up.


                      I agree with Holly, a winter party sounds like a nice break. There's nothing going on (usually) now, I guess that's why a lot of vacations happen at this time of the year.


                      -22 out there now. Bleh. Welcome home, eh? I'll run on the treadmill later, probably between 8-10 miles. 


                        Slo—I kinda like the “Winter Party” idea.  There’s too much going on around the holidays and come February, everyone needs a break.  Though I’d call it the “Spring Party” to get in the right mood!



                        Just for clarity....I'm not complaining and do like the fact that it isn't at such a busy time of year. I just get a kick out of how the new Board Member thought it was inappropriate to have a Christmas party or anything that resembled a Christmas party.

                          breger, great post about retirement places.  I can relate to a few.  The traffic jam is 10 cars being held up by a tractor is appropriate for my area.  The bar on the corner has been known to have tractors in it's parking lot.  OM, hang in there.  heme, welcome and post often.  tet, I loved your quote about being slow.  I can relate.


                          Nice long runs for bike, perch, Tramps (a couple), lame, PBJ, holly, and CNY.


                          Yesterday, we made a spur of the moment decision to go see my mother and stay with my sister so we're on hopeful's side of the state.  This morning, it was in the high 20s, there was some wind, and the roads were mostly plowed but looked slippery.  I decided to go out without my Yaks and be careful.  That worked fine.  I did 6 miles in a little under 1:04 for a 10:38 pace. 


                          A good day and good runs for all.



                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            I just get a kick out of how the new Board Member thought it was inappropriate to have a Christmas party or anything that resembled a Christmas party.


                            I know what you mean.  The political correctness of it all.  Even my DD's elementary school did not allow Christmas parties.  Instead they had a Halloween party and a Valentine's party.  Sheesh!


                            Erika - If I'm hating 30 (windy) degrees, - 22 would downright demoralize me......

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              5 miles, 48F and hills.  I could feel it in my legs that I ran hills yesterday, so tomorrow I will stay on the flats.  One woman ran past me holding a big heart shaped balloon.  I think she was literally running errands.  I passed another two women out walking and one of them gave me a fist pump.  That's a first!!  I will lodge that somewhere in my synapses to bring out in the future when I need motivation.


                              Welcome Heme!  I'm a T.O. native, but now live in the PNW.  So I will want to hear all about your races there.


                              SLO - do people bring shortcake and fruitcake to this party?

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                                Welcome any KR refugees. I haven't been there for a long while, no clue they were changing formats.


                                Maine.. good move.  That's what makes a smart runner, knowing when to alter the schedule.


                                Tramps... nice 21 miler relaxed and felt it is a good combo!


                                Slo... I think HR just dreaded calling it a Valentine's Party Smile


                                A good race is on (online) at 8:00 tonight!




                                Ran at noon when it was 55° and sunny!
                                So much for the planned "EZ". Alternated GA/LT miles for 5 miles in 39:20 (7:54).
                                7:54, 7:40 (uphill), 8:02, 7:41 (downhill), 8:03.

                                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
