Masters Running

good nutrition in '08 (Read 949 times)

    I was waiting for Jan 1st to get serious about cutting out the junk food and limiting portions, but there's so much sugar and fat in this house right now, I'm going to start today. If any of you would like to join me in trying to eat wisely but not too well, that would be great. We could share strategies and success stories. Smile I don't have a time table, but I'd be happy to lose 5-10 pounds and get back into a certain pair of jeans. But I really want to cut out the junk and not over-eat. Right now my house is full of candy, pastries, and bread. DS brought home from work some about-to-expire blueberry coffee cake (320 cals a slice) and another loaf dripping with icing, no calories listed (must be zero!). We also have a tin of peppermint-chocolate bark, a few huge brownies with giant chunks of chocolate, too much bread from the bread machine, a freezer full of Breyers (DH can't resist a good sale) and misc. candies and goodies. Oh, and I forgot the 4 pound box of Godiva chocolates from my SIL. My plan for today is not to make eye-contact with any of this, and stick with my tried and true nutritious foods. Any interest in posting about better eating? Or is everyone really tired of this subject? Jem

    One day at a time

      I'm with you, Jem! I've eaten way too much this month. The peppermint bark has been my downfall. I seem to be the only one in the house who likes it. We also have a lot of work to do in our home office, so I don't have time to plan meals wisely. Maybe I will go to the grocery store during the Patriots' game tonight - the aisles will be deserted! My 12-year-old son has developed an interest in cooking, so I need to think up some healthy meals he can make for us. He loves to do the whole thing, from start to finish! Good luck with losing a few pounds - I need to do the same thing. Teresa

        Yes, always a good idea! I have some jeans I want to get back into also... 10 lbs would be wonderful, but not sure I'm gonna see that. My problem isn't junk food though.. it's just too much of everything! I'm a nibbler but I love to make big dinners... Being off from work this past week hasn't helped. I need to make some stuff that's easy to throw together when I go back to work, that my kids will eat, and is nutritious... I'm roasting a turkey this weekend and will stash several bags of 3-cups cut up turkey in the freezer so easy to throw in with pasta or rice, etc. Other ideas?

        Professional Noob

          Absoultely! This is one of my bigger foals for 2008 - to try to eat in line with the food pyramid. Sooo unlike the junk I eat now, lol! Right now, I'm just concentrating on improving my breakfasts. I figure if I can eat one milk, one fruit, and two breads for breakfast on a regular basis, it'll be a good start. In a few weeks I'll start working on lunches...

          Roads were made for journeys...

          King of PhotoShop

            I'm doing the same because I am not running, so need to keep weight off. Nice quote from Othello by the way. Spareribs

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Okay, I'm in there as well. I'm way too short to be putting on weight - I'm starting to look like an oompa-loompa. I made my husband take the gifted coffee cake (400 calories per half-inch slice!) to work yesterday, and I threw out the blueberry pie (I was the only one eating it). Tonight won't be good, though. Friends coming over for dinner, cards, wine. I'll try to be somewhat moderate. Tomorrow I begin in earnest.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Count me in! With all of this cold and snow we have had, it has become really easy to sit around the house and bake...sample, then bake more. Ugh! I need these holidays to be over!!!! There are cookies and chocolates and yummies everywhere!!!! I have no will power. Easy healthy recipes?? I love the crock pot for cooking chicken. It stays really moist and then can be used in a variety of ways! I know I need to incorporate a lot more veggies into our meals. We usually are good about it, but lately we have sloacked off. More of the colorful stuff!!!!
                  Count me in as well, my goal is to make it under 170lbs this year, currently I am at 200. I have started by setting aside time and cutting up fruits and vegetables and putting them in tupperware to make it easier to eat as snacks or use in preparing meals. The big trick will be continuing this when I go back to work (teacher who is enjoying his time off right now).
                    Good, we can all keep each other company! Erica, I remember descriptions of some of your meals - they were mouth watering. Theresa, how cool that your son wants to cook! I'm going for the veggies, too. Butternut squash, brussels sprouts, baby carrots, cole slaw for salads (crunchy), broccoli (peeled stems are good raw) ~ gotta get to the store. Ribs, oh that this too too solid flesh would thaw, melt, and resolve itself into a dew (hmm, that doesn't sound quite right - I think my quote is out of joint).

                      Definitely want and need to be part of this group. I want to lose 10 pounds before I start my marathon training in May. Sugar seems to be my biggest downfall... I'm turning 50 tomorrow so I'm going to wait until the 1st to get serious....
                        Over the years, I've taylored my tastes and habits to provide me with a fairly good diet. I seldom eat red meat and thrive on pasta, potatos, rice, and beans. I do have a couple bad habits however, being beer and chocolate. I can manage the chocolate pretty well and I don't even try and manage the beer. I just drink away. After a recent physical and in reviewing my blood work, my Doctor said it doesn't appear to be hurting me any. I would like to lose 5 pounds by 07/04 and race the big local 10k at 165 pounds.

                        At the end of the day, be happy with where you are and what you've accomplished.


                          Let's see if this dawg hunts. My Dr wants me down to 180 lbs by his scale and mine tells me lies. This time last year, I was 204 on my scale. More than 10lbs heavier on the Dr.s' office device that promotes self loathing. Today, the family scales says 193. Nearly 10lbs heaviers than my marathon weight, but 11 lbs lighter than last year. As a running forum has been a great tool, I'd like to give this a try. We often have guests for meals, though, often not planned. All are welcome. We often prepare feasts that only DW, DS and I partake in. God Bless Ice Cream.


                            Hey Jem, Where did all the weekly newbies go? I cant log into cool running anymore for some unknown reason. So it looks like I am here by default. Did you guys start up a newbies thread? Laurie

                            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                              I don't even try and manage the beer. I just drink away. After a recent physical and in reviewing my blood work, my Doctor said it doesn't appear to be hurting me any.
                              Like my Mom used to tell me, "Ya can't argue with Dr's. orders!!" < icing="" down="" beer="" for="" this="" afternoon="" football="" game="" />
                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                                I, too, am eating healthier (beginning now). I've kept my weight fairly constant over the last 4-5 years, but am in the process of trimming off some belly fat and toning up the muscles. Someone said back in the CR days, "run for fitness, eat for weight control" ( or something to that affect.) Thanks for starting this thread, jemmama. Your right in that there is always talk about the subject, but seeing it this time has gotten my attention, and this time I'm listening!
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM