Masters Running


Monday, March 28 Runs and Not-So-Runs (Read 479 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    Mike E, great running and great that your son is a runner too. DD ran through middle school and most of high school, though she is not running track this season, but it is not really her passion. She is a climber mostly. DS has started running a bit in middle school; we shall see.


    Yeah--I've been pretty lucky as far that goes.  I have an older son who I've done three marathons and many smaller races with.  And, now, with this younger one--well, it's been amazing watching him develop over the years into the runner that he is.  I was not blessed with the "runners body" that he has.  I run like a stiff little robot--he just glides.  I don't think there is anything I love watching more than him running. 
