Masters Running


Wednesday July 1st Summer Runs (Read 377 times)


    Wow - I get to start the daily? Thanks for the honor! Even though it's the 1st of July, you'd never know it by the temps here this morning. 54°, windy and overcast  - but great running conditions! 4 miles at 4:30 (we're already losing daylight) at a 9:45 pace.

    Leslie, so sorry to hear about your kitten. The decision to put a pet down is incredibly hard.

    I'm really enjoying the Seattle pictures and stories - when is everyone's next big adventure?

    Mary - have a great time in Alaska! Take lots of pictures. We have no vacations planned this year and I'm living vicariously through all of you who are going neat places.

    Many thanks for all your kind wishes yesterday. The kids are sad but resolved to do whatever is needed to make sure baby Leo (not his real name, just the one grandma gave him) is born healthy and has a good start to life.

    Almost the 4th of July weekend - summer is going too quickly. Have a great day everyone.

      JLynne be strong for the kids and for their soon-to-be newborn.  Things will work out beautifully I'm sure.


      The early weeks of this new training plan appear to be focused on two things:


      1.  Slowing me down for many of my miles and

      2.  Form and Efficiency


      Todays workout was a good example of short Intervals used for improving Form.  8 miles altogether with 12 x 1 minute at 5K race effort (7:20 or so) with 1 minute jog recoveries.  The fast parts came in at 7:23 at the beginning down to 6:54 at the end.  Concentrated on quick turnover, quiet upper body, and a solid push off.


      I'm not sure how successful I was today toward slowing down though.  The plan wanted me to warmup and cool down at EZ pace (9:44).  While I tried to run "easy" they came in at 8:45-ish.  While I admit to some trepidation about slowing down, I will do it.  More work needed here ...



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Morning, gang!


        (((((Jlynne)))))  Thanks for the kickoff - 54 is pretty sweet for this time of year - enjoy it!


        Hey dg!!


        SLO - that is a mighty fine patio you built - I hope it provides many, many hours of pleasure for you and your family!


        No run for me today - my "sleep in" morning - Yeah!!  I usually do weights on Wednesdays, but I'm overly sore from the Monday weight workout and the Tuesday yoga.  Think I will just do an hour on the bike over my lunch hour. 


        Good runs all!

        Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Nice cool weather running Jlynne. IRC for you!

          Byll... new training plans are always uncomfortable because you have to build the trust and later be able to trust the plan.


          Very nice progression run in a cooler dryer 63F. 
          8.54 miles of hills in 1:12:04 (8:27 pace)
          9:36, 9:16, 9:14 (up big hill), 8:33, 8:14, 8:01, 7:35 ( down big hil), 7:48, 7:22 (.54)

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


            dg—thanks for the info yesterday

            CNY—ouch; bloody knees for a 5K doesn’t sound like fun.

            Jlynee—hope all turns out well with the new baby.

            Byll—I probably missed this; what training plan are you using this time?

            Steve—nice run.  (Have you decided what you’re doing this Fall?)


            No running for me again.  Now that I’m unpacked and caught up, I need to figure out what I’m going to do to keep from putting on weight and losing too much fitness during my stay on the DL.  Time to focus on some too-often-neglected core work, too.

            Be safe. Be kind.

            "older but not dead yet"

              5.5 miles - 70° - 100% humidity - (I know , it sucks)

              "Wow, what a strange and amazing thing I am. What a bizarre living being I am. Life! I am life! I am a sea of water bound inside this membranous pouch. Here, in this form, I am a conscious mind and this body is the vehicle through which I am ALIVE! I am trillions of cells sharing a common mind. I am here, now, thriving as life. Wow! What an unfathomable concept! I am cellular life, no----I am molecular life with manual dexterity and a cognitive mind!"


              Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight p. 42

              Ever have this feeling while running? Ever think about Jung's "collective unconscious" while traversing a mountaintop? Ever feel the wonder that's you while struggling through the last miles of a marathon?

              The author of the above statement is a neuroanatomist who is the national spokesperson for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (Brain Bank) and one of "Time" magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World, 2008. She herself had a stroke and writes about the experience from the inside.

              But what I find more fascinating than simply being able to both remember and write so lucidly about her experience are the metaphysical and somewhat mystical revelations she had while disabled in this manner. Reading her descriptions reminds one of the writing of the medieval mystics with their constant allusions to metaphorical "union" with God ("a common mind").

              I find that the archetypal symbols assault me constantly when running in Nature. Trees, mountains, rivers, etc. are all manifestations of universal commonality. But the big question is: "When we become disconnected with our normal cognitive self, are we then connected to an infinite, omniscient, collective consciousness?"


              Ah - "Cogito, ergo sum!" It's a running state of mind. 0


              Seeking the interface between the cerebral and the visceral.

              Marathon Maniac #957



                Jlynne - please keep us posted.


                CNYrunner - that sounds like something that would happen to me.


                Erika – I didn’t do 11 miles yesterday, just 7, and they were very slow and easy.  I’m glad your foot is feeling better. 


                The socks that Mariposai recommended are the Bolga socks, and I wore them for my ultra with minimal blistering, but  I got a doosie of a blister in spite of wearing them in Seattle – the entire top of my left middle toe is a dime-sized blister – in fact the entire toenail and bed is floating on the blister – major yuck!  I keep draining it with a needle because it feels like my toe will explode from the swelling otherwise.  (TMI, I know)  I have it carefully wrapped and coated with antibiotic, and I’m wearing sandals, and it does feel like it's getting better.


                Last night I said goodbye to my 6-year-old DD, and this morning welcomed my new 7-year-old DD into my life.  I made her pancakes for breakfast to start her new year. 


                5 easy-paced miles for me today (ave 10:31).  Creaky at the start but felt pretty darn good a couple miles in.


                I finally had time to add some pictures to the Seattle picture thread this morning.  Sadly my flash wouldn’t work, and all my indoor pictures didn’t turn out, but I got some nice ones outside.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Finally became an early-morning runner today, although it was more than an hour post- rather than pre-dawn. Up and out at 6:30 is for 5 miles.  Started in the sun, finished when the clouds had turned to light rain.  It was pouring by the time I got in the house.  I was glad to get the run in, but sad that the ensuing thunderstorm canceled what would have been my first time as a tour leader on a beach nature walk of the summer.  I get another shot at it this evening, if the weather behaves. 


                  Jlynne - neonatologists are doing some miraculous things these days.  Here's hoping your grandson needs - and also benefits from - only a small miracle. I'll keep your family in my prayers.


                  Tramps - beautiful pics.  Those hills! Oy!  Reminds me what a flatlander I truly am.


                  Leslie - sorry about the kitty.  So hard to let go, even when they're suffering.  We lost our almost 17-yo kitty in the winter, and now that she's not here with me at the shore, I'm missing her all over again. 


                  Holly - sorry about the toe.  Thanks for the gory details, though - proves that I'm not as much of a wimp as I thought. 


                  Today's also the first day for the farmer's market in town.  I hope they stick around after the rains are finished.  I've been dreaming of fresh Jersey produce all winter.  Jersey tomatoes, mmmmmm.





                    Good Morning Gang!


                    No run yet today. It was a swim work out this morning.


                    Yasso's........I'm not much of a marathoner but got to thinking.......Yesterday I did 8 x 800 and averaged 3:15mins for each repeat  on 90 secs rest. If I'm to believe this Yasso character then I could reasonable expect to do a marathon in 3hr 15 mins........Obvisously I've not trained speciffically to do a marathon but yesterdays interval session has got me thinking.


                    The Marathons I have done have been primarily for enjoyment. My worst time is 4hr 18mins and my best is 3hr 42. I've pretty much have doubled my weekly mileage in the last 8 months and I'm regularly running almost as much now as I was in the heaviest weeks of my previous marathons so I'm thinking about giving a Marathon an actual all out shot. Go see what I can really do.


                    There is a home town Marathon Sept 27th and another close enough on Oct 18th.......I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to take a peak at my log.


                      Good morning everyone,


                      Happy Canada Day to any Canucks out there. Day off today. yeah.


                      Tried updating my injury post but it would not let me )-:


                      Ilene and Evanflein were right... well mostly. It looks like I have a host of overuse injuries but not a stress fracture. Looks like severe piriformis syndrome especially on the right hand side as my hip motion is severely limited...All these months it has not been a hamstring injury but piriformis impacting my hammy, my lower back, psoas, abductors on the inside of my legs are very very tight (the size of a dime) pelvis, etc...Going thru ART...(Wow do I want to scream and swear when he does it. so deep...


                      I am still scheduled for some x-rays, scans etc to rule out cancer, or other abdominal, pelvic problems...I can run...30 minutes at at time if I feel up to it...but I have to stretch3-4 times a day to get my motion and hopefully my abiity to run well again...


                      Amazing that I did not see this coming and stretched and strengthened during this stage with limited awareness. I am definetely a good candidate for yoga...


                      Take care everyone and hopefully by the end of the summer I will be racing again.


                      Recent Best times: None recently


                        'Morning Jlynne.  Ok, Leo.   We can keep him close in our thoughts.    ... I agree, this coming weekend came around entirely too soon.


                        Thanks Byll.   I was just getting ready to ask what exactly you were doing for form, & then you described it quite nicely.  Smile   Can I borrow that?   Can't do speed... so form is definitely what I'm working on right now. 

                        Hey if it would help I'd be glad to trade you for my 'easy' miles! 


                        Hey Sue Smile.   do you usually do weights & bike?  


                        Alex.... sometimes.


                        I have a pair of Bolga socks.. they're great!  But I've never ran a marathon in them.  ;-)

                        Holly,   7????  I remember when she turned 5.    My how time flies!


                        Tramps, you're welcome.


                        Nice runs everybody.


                        Hey Eliz, we could have run together.     I've already gotten spoiled by our Farmer's Market again.  I found a really good running group  (...Byll, I'm looking)  but their LR's are Saturday, & I don't want to give up my early morning trip there.  It's just too nice..... and relaxing. 


                        Slo... beautiful work.   I'm impressed.    Good luck on your plans.   I'd be happy to help but I no nuthink.


                        So this morning's run... 6:40 am, 5.01 miles.  10:12 av. pace, 9:16 max.  ahr 161, max 170.   The plan called for 6x400 at 3000 meter pace w/3 minute recoveries.   I didn't do that.  Not even close... it would be asking for trouble right now.  (see Holly???  do I get a cookie?)   Just speeded up (don't laugh)(oh, go ahead) a few times.   A nice run.


                          CNY - You sandbagger, you!


                          Holly - Happy Birthday to your DD!


                          Alex - Sometimes it seems like Sum, ergo cogito is just as appropriate.


                          A cool start to July, but great for runners: overcast, 60F, no wind. A friend and I ran the 6-mile loop around the lake. When the conversation gets going, I tend to speed up, and by the halfway point both of us started saying "Let's slow this down a bit". But we ended up with negative splits mile by mile all the way around, finishing with a sub-9 mile and a 9:15 overall pace (not bad on this hilly route).


                          Keep it going, all you runners out there!

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                            {{{{{{Tallrunner}}}}}}  do your PT exercises faithfully and yoga too, and get better soon!


                            Runners run




                              nice run Doug!


                              Hi Ilene!


                                Tall--heal up well! 


                                Slo--FWIW here’s what I (with my very limited experience) see:


                                Looks like you were doing 30 mpw at the end of last year and have built up to nearly 50 mpw; that’s great!  If you can safely maintain that base and build on it, you’ll be crushing that PR by double-digit minutes for sure.


                                Now, I assume, you’re looking to add to this base to prep for a marathon.  This is obvious but longer “long” runs and adding tempo miles are the two areas where I’d focus my attention.  No need to be adding miles as you introduce these; you could do some modest increase a little later as you adjust. 


                                If it were me, I’d consider doing the hometown race (or part of it) as a very easy long run and target the later race.


                                BTW, there is some unevenness in recent weeks (a couple of sub-30-mile weeks); life happens, I know, but you don’t want too many of those to slip in.


                                Nothing you don’t already know, I imagine.  You’re doing great and I look forward to watching your progress.


                                BTW--your tri work can only be an added bonus in all of this! 

                                Be safe. Be kind.
