Masters Running


FRIDAY! - Oct. 10 Boomer Runs and Rest (Read 514 times)



    My dad used to work for General Electric, and somehow one year he and a fellow engineer were asked to be the judges for a neighborhood Christmas decorating contest. Well, his taste in decorating is simple and tasteful, but he felt that the people who went overboard expected to win something. So they came up with a category for "most kilowatts" or something.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Still fighting something off and not feeling well so I slept in this morning. I went for a rare mid-day jog; 3.7 miles @ 9:21. Oy! If I don't feel better tomorrow, 20 miles is gonna kill me. Dead

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Mary – Thanks for starting us out today, but come on a rest day is a poor excuse for no donuts! Bill – That’s still a great workout in that temp and high humidity…I sure don’t miss the humidity. Holly – Probably a good idea to stay away from those lunges for awhile longer. Tim – Glad to hear the legs are feeling good…and a Christmas Tree…what’s up with that? Tall – nice workout last night, and Thanksgiving with all the fixins…mmmmm... Nono – so sorry about those back spasms…I know how painful that can be, that seems to be the only remnant of my spinal fusion that I have left although I haven’t had any for quite some time…knock on virtual wood! I’ll bet that cream puff did the trick. Doug – I can’t believe that you were so close to Holly and didn’t get to say hi, although I’m one to talk Amos was here in Maine and we ran the same race and I never saw her either…ok I’ll shut up! Tight lipped Gordon – best of luck in that 5K tomorrow, and you get to see Mariposai too! Dg – good workout – and hey did you actually get some donuts? Twocat – that’s a smart move bailing on that HM if you have pain in your calf, no sense in risking injury so close to NY. Sarge – It looks like you got some nice runs in while on vacation, be sure to post those pics real soon. My DW & I are headed to Vegas and Arizona just before Thanksgiving until the first week of December, I can’t wait. We may take a trip down to the Grand Canyon although I’m not sure yet. Mariposai – what’s this about rest and recovery after a marathon, did I miss something? DickyG – Hey what’s up bud? I could use some prayers too ya know, as far as speed goes as I have said so many times before it’s all relative…look at Tall, heck I don’t even belong on the same page as him. And I do have a few local guys in my age group that I always seem to be chasing…so what do ya think? Wink Wildchild – snow this weekend…say it ain’t so…it’s way too early for that! Amos – My DW would be right there with you when you write Tim’s neighbor that ticket…brother! Tammy – Good luck in your race tomorrow…and French toast is one of my most favorite breakfasts! However, I don’t eat it often…way too many calories. But every once in awhile I do…mmmmmm! Tramps – I hope you feel better, especially for that 20 miler. I’m picking up one of my granddaughters after work today and she’s spending the night so I ran at lunchtime along Long Sands Beach in York: 5.01 very easy miles – 43:28 (8:40) Avg HR 127 Max HR 168 a very nice and sunny 68 degrees with a pretty stiff wind though.

          <quote pid="6cffa752a4814d54939b5d4d18633fa8<b>mariposai</b> – what’s this about rest and recovery after a marathon, did i miss something? .</quote> :d hey... i am just a bronze maniac b(. i don't come knee high to you dahling. pid=""></quote pid="6cffa752a4814d54939b5d4d18633fa8<b>mariposai</b> – what’s this about rest and recovery after a marathon, did i miss something? .</quote> :d hey... i am just a bronze maniac b(. i don't come knee high to you dahling. >

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            Wildchild it would certainly would have to be a professional artist to draw the Grand Canyon, it is so awe-inspiring that the depth and vastness can not be captured by the camera. Dicky I lost all the money my DW earned playing golf this year about $55 Roll eyes So not too bad! It was a common joke in Vegas that everyone felt they had better odds gambling than in stock market, or maybe it wasn't a joke. Confused Maine go for the Canyon's south rim in Grand Canyon Village controlled by the National Park Service it's worth the trip. The west rim is on an Indian reservation & has the sky walk for a hefty fee. I believe the North rim closes for the winter. Besides visiting the canyon will get you & your money out of Vegas an extra day or 2. Twocat sorry to hear about your race plan getting knocked off by the injury. Get well for next time.

            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


            Running out of mistakes!

              TwoCat - "Better safe than sorry" is so true... Mariposa - Every time I look at the maniac qualifications, I shake my head and realize why they call you folks Maniacs! :-) I'm off from running today. I had my pre-marathon massage and I'm ready to go for Hartford. I'm fit enough for a sub-3, lets just hope my head and the conditions allow it... :-P
              -2009 running goals - sub-3 after Boston (probably VCM), 3 PRs, 2009 miles for the year, and no untreated injuries
              also on Twitter

                Nice little 3 mile walk around a nearby neighborhood.
                  Back online from a Residence Inn (nice digs) in Nashville...
                  You are in Dayton and you didn't call me for a run? Of course, you'd have had to roll out of bed pret-ty early and I know you retired folks life that laid back life of leisure...
                  My "retired life of leisure" has already gone south along with the Dow Jones average Sad. But anyway, it's your 20-year age advantage that would scare me more than getting up early; I feel even older when I think that people are waiting for me to catch up Wink. But I will be in that area again when I have more time to plan for it, and will definitely let you know next time. Now if you want to challenge me on a bicycle...

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                    Marioposai - Good Luck on your Autumn Leaf Run tomorrow. Over 700 registered??? That's amazing for such a lower population area. You must have done something right to get that many registered. I also have never done a lunge. Not sure my quadraceps tendon would like it. But really, I just don't know how to do it. I was thinking of doing 16 miles today (because Sat and Sun are shot for long runs)....but I woke up with about zero motivation. Somehow I plowed through 12, split 6 outside (felt kind of cold and windy...not used to this yet) and 6 on the TM. Everything from my knees down was achy. I thought that was a bit weird then I came home to my running log to see I ran 10 miles two days ago. D'oh! I had completely forgotten about that run. I was trying to hit 45 for the week, but it just isn't going to happen. Where is Perch??

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Erika--enjoy your day. It is now 36 here and the weatherboard says "feels like 31." Cars in town that started out from the north do indeed have snow on them. I ran 3 easy on the treadmill after the gym--Holly! I tried an interval program after reading your post--it was interesting and made the 'mill a little less boring. I just did a 3 minute-1 minute thing to see what it was like for just shy of a half hour, but I can see where it could work for real intervals (with more speed) in the winter. Thanks! (Of course, I once fell off a tradmill and got sand papered pretty badly, so I'll have to temper my enthusiasm Shocked) Oh, and I hereby deputize MR's DW and anyone else here who wants to join me in trying to bring some taste and class to their neighborhoods. Get out there and write those tickets! (Your dad was way kind, Carolyn...) grins, A
                      Masters 2000 miles

                        And I do have a few local guys in my age group that I always seem to be chasing…so what do ya think? Wink
                        Maine...this 10K I'm gonna run in 2 weeks...just a local affair...less than 200 runners. You would be either first or second in the 50-55 group. Your race times are almost identical to my friend Robert...he's maybe a year younger than you...and also in law enforcement...#2 man in the city police dept. His best marathon time is about 3:15-3:20 but I think your last sub-40 10K might nose him out. You ought to move down here! DickyG
                          Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedreally trying here Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedbut Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedhaving hard time Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedsorry folks but Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped it's only 3 and a half hours until the ALCS starts in Tampa Bay Go SOX! o o o o o o sorry sorry, bad Amy Black eye Tight lipped Tight lipped
                          Masters 2000 miles

                            Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedreally trying here Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedbut Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedhaving hard time Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lippedsorry folks but Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped it's only 3 and a half hours until the ALCS starts in Tampa Bay Go SOX! o o o o o o sorry sorry, bad Amy Black eye Tight lipped Tight lipped
                            Big grin

                              I had a chance to run the Long Beach Marathon this weekend. Gonna be between 50-70 degrees for that race. I said no. I was going to stay local and do the Halloween Marathon instead. Temps between 40-60. A couple weeks ago, one of my friends from Spokane died. He had lost his battle with leukemia (technically, actually, the chemo caused him bad side-effects - and those got him). As some of you know, this is a condition that I've lived with for a long time, although a slightly different type. SO... I decided I'd go run the Spokane Marathon this weekend. And. It is going to be 25 at the start of the Spokane Marathon. Oh boy. With my island genes, that's gonna hurt. A LOT. It's the right thing to do, but Long Beach... a beach!... sure sounds mo bettah.




                                Stevie Ray, Sorry for the loss of your friend. Bundle up and run well for him! I wussed out on running at lunch - it was predicted to get to 60F today, so I only brought shorts and tee shirt. Well, it was only 45 when I dropped my car off for snow tires, so I walked to do errands instead (with my jacket on.) The sun is trying to peek thru the clouds, and it's up to 49F, so I'll go after work. There, now I've said it here so I have to follow through. Wink

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
