Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 608 times)


One day at a time

    Wow, 55 miles!  That's great!

    I took DS17 to the airport this morning to catch a plane for Memphis to visit Rhodes College,  Then he'll fly to Atlanta to look at Emory University.  It's still hard for me to let him go, even though he's been flying by himself for three years now.  It was just too expensive for me to accompany him.


    So I've wimped out on running for a couple of days now.  Have to get my mojo back!  I have absolutely no excuses.  Sigh.


      ((( Teresa's mojo )))     I'm sure it's still there.   Hope all goes well for DS17.  I know, it's tough. 


      Linda, well just yippee.   Big grin.    I am so glad.   ohboy ohboy. 


      Laurie, 55 miles is amazing.  I'm sorry about everything else that hurts.  


      just over 10 miles this morning, although my plan called for 12.  (lLinda, see me make a good choice for once!  ;-) ) 


      ok you guys.  one week.   wish me luck?


      Trails are hard!

        Happy Saturday all.  I guess I've had a "life intruding" week and when I seemed to have a little time, I didn't have a lot to say.  Mon to Thur, I had a cold and felt lousy--mostly gone except for some congestion.  Made it out on Fri. for about 2.5 miles due to a lot more prep work than I planned on.  I'll be trying again tomorrow.  Hope things don't bug me too much.


        Teresa--sounds like you had a very good run.  it was a nice cool morning.  Sorry the time wasn't quite what you wanted, but everything else sounded great.


        ETA:  I ended up leaving this last night when DW got back from helping my mom move some of the last stuff from Rochester to Westfield.  She gets very high goodie points for spending 2 days travelling with her MIL (even if they do get along)


        Laurie--quite a ride--even when I rode a lot, I never made it that far.  Hope all the various hurts are getting better.


        Deb--only a week to go?  Don;t worry, what could go wrong?  On second thought, have you considered staying in your house for a few days   I think you'll do great--you've had a lot of good miles in the bank.


        Roberta-- happy new grandkiddie.  Sounds like your family keeps you awful busy.  Hope you get a little time for yourself--that you might acutally use to run/walk.


        Mike--nice trail run.  guess the shoes worked well.  Empty nest is still a little starnge--we're talking with her every day so far.  More than I think we did when she was at home.  we do seem to make a few more plans without having to take her plans into account.


        EliΩ--glad to see that you're feeling better finally.  I'd make a contribution, but my DD just started college .  Hope your fundraisng goes well.


        Linda--positive all around these days--great for you!!


        I made it out for a run this morning.  only 2.5 again as my shin feels very tight after a mile or so.  I did do a couple of 1/4 miles at under 8 min pace, just to see how high my HR would go up.  I think I've just felt nervous about going too high, not that I couldn't.  Have to download Garmie and see what I actually did do.  Strangley enough, shin hurt less than running slowly?


        Hope everyone has a good week.




        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Kevin, what does the doc say about getting the HR up? Is it ok?


          Leg not so bad today. Rest and yoga today. No running until tomorrow which will be a full week off.



          Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


          Trails are hard!

            Laurie--All my heart docs have told me no restrictions.  Just my own cowardice about ramping it up.  I'll keep the experiments short for a while and get comfortable with it and then I can work back up to what passed for speed before all this flutter carp.


            Speaking of cowardice, I was so happy to hear rain this morning when the alarm went off for my run.  I really didn't want to get up.  Now I have to go tomorrow, regardless of the weather, but I did get in another hours sleep

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              Kevin - I don't think its cowardice.  Listening to your body is a personal thing, only you know yourself.  My experience lately is that doctors do a lot of "practicing medicine".  Feeling comfortable with what your doing is important.


              As for me, I got a call from t he doc yesterday that they want to see my regarding lab & ECHO results Sad  I'm guessing she's going to make me see a cardiologist, just so they can tell me I'm fine... ugh  anyway doc appt is Thursday.


              And get this I've caught a cold Sad  so will attempt to treadmill tonight depending on how I feel.


                The almost five weeks off from running took its toll. I was planning to do w3 of C25K one day, w4 the next day, etc., to get back where I was. HA!  After yesterday and today, I'll stick with w3 all week.  But it does feel good to run again and gets me ready for the day.

                And, as a side note, DH's small tool shop hasn't been doing well for several months, expenses have to be cut, so (among many other budget cuts) we've turned the furnace down a couple of degrees. Wearing extra layers, no problem, since it's just us two; and since running warms me up, I don't mind the lower temp. 

                Hang in there, everyone.


                  L's, nice to hear you back here and hear youre running again. Starting back up takes time. I went from running 12 miles fairly strong to running a weak 15 - 30 minutes with aches. These days I am happy if I run 20 mins with no pains. Baby steps! If it makes you feel any better I too am cutting back. Heat set at 67 plus a space heater in Kims room to keep the lizard warm.


                  Kevin, you will get up the courage to push it soon. After I was diagnosed I was a little skiddish to push it. Now I dont even worry about my heart. Actually lack of worry is better for the heart! Less stress, less episodes.


                  Linda, that goes for you too! No sense in worrying about what hasnt happened yet! What does worry accomplish?


                  19 minute run today. About 10 min per mile pace. Very little shin splints. Yep I started strengthening and stretching them. A little ache in the tear and hip. Hip thing was caused by spreading 3 yds of mulch.


                  Need to take it easy this week. Another long club ride sched. for Sat .This time I am the ride leader. I love the long rides. I could easily spend the whole day on my bike!




                  Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                    Hi, all,

                    I'm slow in my return to running as well.  Didn't run at all for 2 weeks due to flu and then bronchitis.  Did well on Sunday, but I've been swamped at work so far this week - more to catch up on from the week I was out than I'd realized - and haven't been home before 6 yet this week.  Tonight it was after 7.

                    Setting the alarm extra early for some yoga in the morning.




                      Hey all -


                      doc gave me the all clear on the heart, report says no apparent reason for heart murmur..


                      my bilirubin is still high, so she wants me to see the doc who did the ERCP in the hospital &  make sure that's okay.  cholestrol was good - 154 &  LDL 89.  Vitamin D low, so looks like I need to be taking Vitamin D & Calcium..

                      Not quite sure why she wanted me to come in for that, except she did give me copies of all the reports.


                      I have been sick & last night I ended up falling asleep on the couch instead of treadmilling...

                      Beginner all over again

                        Hi everyone,

                        Nice to be back, even for just a moment. I'll try to come back on the weekend again


                        I'm been busy with work, some overtime, and the rest of Daily Life using up my time that I could be sitting in front of the computer chatting with you folks on RA   


                        I'm happy to report I am doing okay with Jog-Walking.  No injuries, no owies.

                        I do go out only 3 times per week, and I keep the pace Really Slow so it's pretty much a guarantee that I am not getting injured. 

                        Also, I walk-slowly for 10 minutes as WarmUp and then again walk-slowly 10 minutes as Cool Down.

                        No stretching, so I'm not stretching anything sore or making anything sore by stretching too much.


                        I've been doing "Double your endurance" for the past few weeks.

                        Next Run (I only go out every other day) I'm starting Week 4 Day on of Galloway's "Double Your Endurance"

                        Has anyone seen this?



                        I'm looking forward to completing it. I'd like to enter some 10K's as training runs.

                        I still have my sights set on completing a Half Marathon once I get my mileage up!


                        Hope you all are doing well! I will catch up on your notes this weekend.



                        Happy Trails....


                          Frances, I think you are the smart one in the group. I should follow your lead and also take it slow. Glad youre back!


                          Linda, all good news! Now just stop working yourself too much and all will be fine.Have you ran outside  yet?


                          GOOD LUCK TO DEB!!!!! Run Deb Run.


                          Mike, check in.


                          21 min run/walk today. Longest run without walking since Dec. Just finished week 4 of the return to run program. One week left then I am on my own.


                          Its freezing cold in new england now. I am detirmened to acclimate it running in winter. But anyhow post winter running tips please.



                          Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                            After a week of doing week3 on C25K, maybe I need to repeat it. Huff, puff - it's a lesson not to stay off the TM so long.


                              Hey Everyone,


                              Checking in as ordered.  Nothing to report.




                                Mike, good boy.  ;-)    how's work?


                                hi guys.  just a short hello, I'm not used to this laptop keyboard.  


                                Linda I'm glad most things are really getting better, at least it sounds that way.  weird about your bilirubin, though, isn't it?    but all the major things (dumb cold) hopefully are straightened out & finally finally you can do the things you want to do.   Big grin


                                Jevin, you are funny.

                                I understand completely about being hesitant to push too much.   i don't think gradual can hurt.  


                                Frances it's good to hear from you!


                                Roberta, just keep at it.  that is, if you want to!  we're all testimony to the fact that it works.  though there may be occasional side trips. 


                                thanks for the good wishes!    (deep breath).