Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 608 times)


    Hey all -


    3 mile run/walk outside this morning Smile  woohoo 


    Deb - yeah bilirubin high is weird.  Its been testing that way for at least the last 5 years... different theories, but no real reason.   Good luck on the marathon! and above all, enjoy!!

    Beginner all over again

      Hi everyone,

      I only have a minute, but thought I'd say Hello and do a wave to the group (Hi Group!)


      I had a fun run this weekend.  I did my 2nd ever 5-miler.  Instead of slow-training, I just "went out and ran" and it was kind of fun!   Jog 2 min /walk :40 seconds was my repeat/routine

      5 miles

      57 minutes


      At my 36 hours mark here my quads are in the beginnings of DOMS mode I feel it coming on!

      Trying to decide whether I should run tonight at the 48 hour mark or take an Extra Day off.

      I am schedule for an "easy 3" so I am thinking of just jog-walking it easy, see how it goes.


      Tonight's Run I'm doing Week #4, Run #2 


      I'll try to be back after work, if I'm not out jogging on the trail.........................


        Roberta, DOMS?


        Hi Linda, glad you ran outside!!!


        Runners High


        Billy sings Sweet Sweet in my ears

        Been ten months but it feels like years


        A warmly dressed skier scarecrow

        Skies sharpened waiting for snow


        Cool crisp fall running at its best

        So glad I took spring and summer to rest


        Gone are memories of breakups past

        I'm running again although not fast


        No shin splints no leg pain

        Thank God I can feel this way again




        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


          Who's Billy?



            Who wants to go hiking? Mike? Runs right through your neighborhood.


            Broncos are doing pretty far.


            That was a 23 minute, painless run. Yeah!


            Mike, come on.  A poet never interprets her own work. Thats for the reader to do. But I will offer a hint...just do a search and sweet sweet.



            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


              Laurie - yay on running pain free!!!


              Oh yeah, I ran 2 miles this morning on the treadmill.. uh, I mean run/walk  13 minutes straight, 3 walk, and 10 more minutes running - woohoo Smile  its amazing  how good that feels.

                I do believe someone owes us a race report.....



                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                  I do believe someone owes us a race report.....




                  Oh, yeah!  And it most definitely deserves it's own thread.






                    which color?      ;-)


                      Still on w4 of C25K - yesterday went well, today I couldn't do the last half-mile run segment so I walked.  Finished it with a glass of water and five pieces of chocolate/carmel/peanut candy.  The candy wiped out any benefit of the running calorie-wise and certainly will do a job on blood sugar.  DH knows to keep candy away from me, but putting it in the freezer will not stop a determined chocolate-seeker.

                      DOMS, Laurie? 

                        Oops I meant Frances, DOMS?


                        I too am a detirmined chocolate seeker. I think I will seek some after tonights run too. Join me.


                        Deb, HAHAHA



                        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                        Trails are hard!

                          delayed onset muscle soreness

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            Finally started running again.  Doing 2 weeks of a "pre-marathon" training plan and then starting Galloway's 26-week marathon training plan.  (Did I really just write that?  Marathon?  Have I lost my mind? It's all Deb's fault!)  

                            Walked 30 minutes yesterday; ran 30 minutes today.  Feel pretty good.  Trying to balance my thoughts between the goal and taking each day one at a time.  Still struggling with gunk in my throat and chest.  Not sure whether it's residual from the bronchitis or allergies - I'm leaning toward allergies - or both.  Hoping that running will help, as it has with allergies in the past.  

                            Laurie - 23 minutes pain-free is good

                            Linda - glad you're feeling good on the TM

                            Frances - 5 miles under an hour - super!

                            Hi, everyone else!



                              Eliz, if youre still struggling with gunk then take it real easy on the runs. Especially in cold air. Is it cold there yet? So are you considering Hartford with the "newbies"?


                              We are going to have to change our name to marathon newbies. Seems many of us have moved up a tad.


                              Anyone want to join me hiking the Appalachian Trail next summer?


                              30 min run last night with the women's club. I woke at 4am this am and had to fight the urge to get up and run some more. Trying to stick with the program. Two more runs on the wimps return to running program then I am on my own!


                              HELLO DEB. Wheres your thread?



                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                                Laurie - I'd forgotten about Hartford.  I just put it on the calendar for next year, even if it's just to come and hang out with the newbie gang.  I'm targeting the New Jersey marathon in Long Branch, May, 2, 2010 for my first attempt at running a marathon.

                                Lots of "Flyin' Hawaiian" shirts in my school today, as many kids and teachers are wearing Phillies garb, and Shane Victorrino is definitely a fan favorite!  Since I have the rare opportunity to wear a shirt with an actual Phillies pitcher's name on it (who, sadly, in on the DL) that's the same as my last name, I'm rockin' my Moyer jersey yet again.  

                                Quite warm here today - maybe into the 70s.  Perfect night for a ball game!  Go, Phils!!!!!     Dreaded timing, since I have a rehearsal tonight, but it's over at 9:00, and I'll get to drive by the ballpark on my way home.
