Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 608 times)

    Iswife, hang in there with the C25k.   If any one segment or day  or week is difficult, try to break it down into easier but always, progressive segments.  That is what I did, and after I got  finished with week 5, day 3, the rest went by as just routine.  What could you substitute for the candy?

      "I just put it on the calendar for next year"


      Alright folks. Thats it. Going to be Hartford marathon, or half marathon or 5k or watch or volunteer newbie meetup. I will be glad to be the coordinator and find all the info you folks want to make this work!!!!



      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


        Frances, congrats on your second 5 miler!    Let us know how that Galloway plan works out.  I'm not familiar with it.


        Linda, have you seen that doctor yet?   I didn't know the bilirubin thing was long term... thought it was just when you were sick because of  your gall bladder.   Your cold is gone?   Your running is going so well!  I'm so glad.   don't need to tell you to be careful or anything, do I?


        Laurie, you too.   I'm glad you followed that program... think it's a good one?  wtg being disciplined, it's hard to wait when you start feeling like you can do more.  oh, I finally posted a report.  won't repeat it here..  but it shouldn't be hard to find.  thanks for asking.


        Kevin,  (sorry I called you Jevin).   You are being awfully quiet.   Are you ok?


        Where is Teresa? 


        Eliz, glad you're feeling better.    ahem.  re your plan.   you can't blame me,  you already were going to do one this fall before your setbacks...    I hope you didn't lose your registration fee!   What is your new plan like?  Very exciting that you're starting this!   :-D.  Good luck.   We can exchange tips & tricks. 


        Roberta, persistence is everything.  or close to it. 


        Mike... work?  running?   hiking?  any races planned?   any photos you can share?  oh...  stayed at my brother's house last weekend.   You should see some of his camera equipment.   Wish I knew what it was called, could ask what you think.  

          Deb, I will go find your report now. And no, I am not disciplined. Well I was until last night. Sore leg from the days before long ride. So I should have stayed home yesterday. Then I got an email that I didnt want (nothing bad just stupid stuff) and decided that I needed to escape with my ipod and run. BIG mistake! My leg was in constant pain. 15 mins into the run I gave up and walked home with my head hung low.


          Stupid stupid stupid.


          But I did dream that I was running. I was hiking the AT and we came across a komodo dragon. But fortunately we were able to out run him. lol



          Please tell me there are no komodo dragons in north america.



          Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


            Debbie - heard from the doc, yes he's going to take me as a patient (since he saw me in the hospital) but not til March.  Really no big deal since I've had this so long - they say it may be nothing..  uhhh last couple days have been wobbly on the ankle & I didn't run because of it.  Bought a  new brace & did a little 2/2 runwalk last night.  Feels okay this morning, so guess a little being careful is what I needed.  Will have to go find your report too..


            Laurie - no beating yourself up! it happens to all of us.. live and learn...


              Isn't there a scene from Johny Quest, where Johny and Haji are outrunning a komodo dragon?  I think they were saved by their dog bandit.

              Trails are hard!

                Deb—I’m basically fine, just in a snit because you called me Jevin.  You been doing any running lately? 


                My runs lately have been short and unsatisfying.  That has a lot to do with the lack of talking.  My shin splints on the right side have come back somewhat and I’ve been a bit lax about starting up with the necessary work to get them gone.  I’ve also studiously ignored the knee exercises that I should be doing.  I’m having a suspicion that my older shoes might be getting near the end of their life.  Tuesday’s run on the newer ones didn’t seem to have the same effect.  I also did run the 1st two miles at close to 9 minute pace (fast for lately) and wondered if the longer stride makes me land more midfoot and take a little pounding off the shins?


                It’s been a depressing couple of weeks car-wise.  The Subaru that I handed down to DW when we got the new car overheated while she was on the way to Maine last Thursday.  Got it towed into a garage in town and have gotten the fun and exciting news that the radiator was plugged which led to the engine overheating and cracking the head gaskets.  It’s now in the process of getting the engine rebuilt.  Just like we had a few grand lying around waiting for something exciting to spend it on.  We decided to go that route instead of a new used one because of the recent money we’ve put in it and a version of the devil you know, etc.


                Just finishing up at work, so I’ll get this in and hope for more later this weekend. 


                laurie-only little ones.

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                  I am here to cheer Kevin up. I almost typed Jevin. Oops I did type Jevin. 2 mid to forefoot. I was getting shin splints too. Then some strengthening exercises and stretches helped. I work on trying to keep loose legged, not tighten up my lower legs and land mid to forefoot.


                  Mike, I outran the komodo dragon and saved my dog by putting him in the car.


                  Very nice 2 hour hike with the kayak club tonight. We are branching out in more directions.



                  Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                    Kevin - {{{{{hugs}}}}}}   I promise not to call you the other name Big grin


                    I did 3 miles outside today - 1.5  miles straight woohoo!!! even made it up the hills that I couldn't do last week (on the mostly downhill)   and then run/walk up the hill back to my house.. 


                      Iswife, hang in there with the C25k.   If any one segment or day  or week is difficult, try to break it down into easier but always, progressive segments.  That is what I did, and after I got  finished with week 5, day 3, the rest went by as just routine.  What could you substitute for the candy?


                      That's just what I did - breaking week4 into segments. The last half mile is impossible (I think more of a mind game), but I decided not to fight it, but to keep running as FUN, so I'm doing all except that last segment. I think Monday I'll try the whole thing. Thanks for the idea.

                      A substitute for the candy... afterwards, I always think, why didn't I get a drink of diet soda or something to take the edge off. Matter of fact, it's what I'm doing right now - I'm trying to ignore the chocolate turtles down in the garage freezer and am making some coffee. Perfect for a cold, windy, gray Midwestern day (but chocolate would be perfect too ; )


                        Good afternoon,


                        Laurie,  Was Race Bannon there to roll a big rock onto one of them?


                        Linda, Great news.  That is so encouraging.


                        Roberta,  I think its important to keep the running fun and remember you are not in any kind of race to improve.  As long as you are staying active, you are winning.


                        Debbie, I really enjoyed your race report.  I'm glad you were able to spend a little time with some of your family members.  Congratulations again.


                        Kevin, Sorry about the car thing.  I have been having a little of that myself lately.  I wouldn't be suprized if your shoes might be the culprit with your shins.  How many miles do they have on them?


                        4.6 miles today on the trail back to the waterfalls.  Its beautiful.  the leaves are just starting to turn here.  When I lived in Toledo, everyone there would drive to northern Michigan to see the fall colors.  I am excited that I don't have to go anywhere to see them.  My run this afternoon was more of a fast hike, but it kept my heart rate up just the same.


                        Cheers Everyone



                        Beginner all over again

                          We are going to have to change our name to marathon newbies.



                          I'm going to do Four Half's myself in 2010, pretty spread out throughout the year, one per quarter I think.


                          I haven't run in 7 days.......overtime, kids, etc.,.....well, I can only do what I can do.   I am not worrying about it, no need to add another Worry-Line to my aging face    


                          So I think I will run a 3-miler, another 3-miler, and then a 6-miler, and then pick up again after the First 6-miler on the Galloway Double Your Endurance.


                          When I get that First 7-miler done, I'm just going to run "by time after that"  maybe increase the LR weekly by 10 minutes per week, or :20 min every other week or something like that.


                          We'll see.  The overtime is great $ but it's not helping my Training Log Graphs!

                          I guess I need to be careful about Not Missing anymore, now that I am training for the Half Marathon coming up rather quickly (relatively speaking)



                            Linda, woohoo x 2!


                            " Was Race Bannon there to roll a big rock onto one of them?"


                            Man, I dont need no Race Bannon to fight my komodo dragon battles! I saved the dog and hikers by myself. OohhRahhh! Oops. I just remembered that I wasnt in the Marines.


                            Frances, you go girl!


                            L's, remember we have to eat for our mental health too. Treat yourself to chocolate every now and then. I will mail you some of Ali and my home made chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes.


                            Rest day for me. Good day too. And this time I really am resting.



                            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                              I actually rested yesterday.


                              23 mins today. 3 min walk. 20 min run. Hamstring hurt a tad. Iced it and now I am fine.



                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                                Newbie runners where are you?


                                I feel like i am chatting with myself.


                                Kevin, you still in asnit? Hows the cars?


                                Linda, Are you still running outside? Hows the leg?


                                Mike, fast hikes are just as good.


                                Long night hike last night. Not too fast. Leg is still a bit out of whack. I think I need to get in the pool, hot tub or ocean soon.


                                Wearing green for Celts opening day today! I think this is their season. Preseason looked good.



                                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.