Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 608 times)


    Linda, the tm is always harder for me.   So we will still have a party because of :

    "2 miles straight run outside today Smile  then 2 mile run/walk back home.  4 miles in all, can you believe it?"


    Hi Kimberly Sue!  I agree with everybody else, you're way past us,but welcome anyway!.  congrats on your first place!!   You are training for all of those at the same time?  what is the time frame for the races?     Are you following a particular plan?  This thread has been primarily a new to running thing, but now it's been around for a long time so now there's a mix of new & not so new.  It would be great having you post here along with wherever else you post.   Have you found the daily yet?   A place to post runs, ask questions, talk about your dogs.. whatever you'd like.   Just look for a thread that somewhere in the title has the day's date.  :-)

    i'm also married, kids grown.  I started running just over 3 years ago, have had my share of down times but am doing ok right now.  I just ran my first marathon, was slow but finished.


    Eliz, happy first day of marathon training!  .    back slowly away from the bicycle.   good girl.  ;-)


    Laurie, well, don't know what to say about the never get married thing, too deep a subject!  funny, though. i always think of myself as one of the guys.  do you have brothers?       Re stretching, what I've read is dynamic before your run, static after. 

    " Contrary to popular wisdom, muscle tension is not a structural problem—namely
    “tightness”—within the muscles. Rather, it comes from motor signals from the
    brain that tell the fibers in that muscle to hold tension. Therefore the secret to
    improving your dynamic flexibility in running is to train your brain to tell your
    antagonists to relax and stretch when required to during running."

    That is from this link --- oh, I can't figure out a way to copy it.  it opened a pdf document, that has all kinds of information, including his dynamic stretching  & core strength routines,  from the training book I use the most.  Was really happy to find it online!  If you google Matt Fitzgerald Dynamic Stretching, it's the first link you'll find. 

    congratulations on graduating from your back to running program.


    ok, too long limit just ran the bell.   more soon.

    oh, did 10 miles Sunday, & my knee seemed ok.  I was really careful on the corners, which seemed to help.



      Hi Kimberly,  Welcome.


      4 miles for me this morning.





        Linda, I think its psychological. The tread mill is boring so it seems like more work.


        Deb, thanks. Can you please translate that all for me. What does that mean to us as runners?


        Kevin, are you still with us? If youre in a funk then run. Its the answer to the whole world.


        MIke, do you do long runs? When?


        2 hour bike ride tonight. 28 miles. We found this awesome rail trail hidden in the Ct countryside. Smooth. New. Flat! A good find. Too bad we had to find it this late in the season.


        My leg is good. Very good.



        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


          My leg is good. Very good.



          The Phillies' Flyin' Hawaiian, Shane Victorino, got hit hard by a pitch on his left index finger early in tonight's game.  He kept playing and after it was x-rayed, he said, "it's not broken; I'm OK."  

          Methinks you two have more than a nickname in common - you're both tough cookies!



            Laurie - actually it is different for me..  I have trouble with the consistent speed of a treadmill, and when I run outside I have trained myself to allow my body to speed up/slow down depending on my breathing.    I can't do that on the treadmill, so its harder.  That's why I always run faster outside.   


            Debbie - thanks Smile yes, very cool.. but then I go thinking about a 5K.  I know I'm not ready - but the next one in the area isn't until March   something about winter... lol.. I never had this problem in Southern California.


              LInda, why am I not surprised.   ;-).    mebbe a good thing you are not in So. California right now, you think?   makes me happy that you're where you can start thinking about that, (a 5K) again! 


              Laurie, did you get a chance to look at the website?  here is a link.    I think it expalins it better than I can.   This doesn't really address the injury angle though.. do you really think your hamstring is still torn?  Usually they say not to stretch it then.  I liked Ilene's idea of using the stick, or something like that.   tennis balls are good for releasing tension in the muscle but it might be too much if it's torn.   If it's healed but w/scar tissue, then I think (not like I really know!!! don't mean to sound like that)... that very gentle stretches --dynamic or static-  are ok to try but adjust them to fit you.   it's easier to tear it again w/scar tissue there. 


              Eliz, so far so good?


              6 miles for me this morning.   It was really pretty out!  but cold.


              Hope every one else is happy & healthy.


              Trails are hard!

                Still here.  Sunday's run was not inspiring.  DW and I spent all day Sat. setting up our Halloween display for about 2-1/2 hours of use and then spent most of Sunday taking it down.  don't ask, it's tradition.  Our across the street neighbors do it too.


                anyway, sunday morning the toes on my right foot were really sore, but not too bad while running.  shin and hamstring however took turns--slower pace seemed to make the shin hurt more, but when I sped up to make it feel better, I could feel the twinge in the hammies.  I will get out my exersices from last time around when I get home tonight.  one problem is that one of them was bike riding and that tough to do this time of year.  I think I've snitted and funked long enough and have to do something to get going again.


                time to venture out into the dark.

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                  Kevin, I used to do the all day halloween decorating thing. Gave that up. Too  much work for one mom. This year we made Ali into an Iphone. She got many compliments. Hey man, if warm weather wimp, me, can still cycle then so can you. Last night I did 30 miles in the dark and cold with my insane cycling partner. When was the last time you bought new running shoes? Dont forget the "unstoppable" celts tonight at 7pm!


                  Eliz, thanks! and the phillies came through too last night.


                  Deb, I didnt check out the link yet. I was hoping you would do all the work for me. This time change thing has left me with less sleep and fewer brain cells. I think I need to move back to Hawaii where they dont bother with it. This way I can call myself flyin hawaiian with a straight face.


                  Linda and Deb, can I party with you guys too? Linda, 10 months huh. Time flies when its someone elses foot.


                   3.3 some odd miles today around the Res. IF youre on my facebook then there are pics posted there to prove I actually did it. Leg hurt a tad at the start. Then it went away. Pain was gone immediately after the run.



                  Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                  Puttin' on the foil

                    I'll bite.  Been on RA for about three years now, just discovered this group.  Runner, triathlete, sufferer of OCD (just kidding, maybe not).  Tapering for a race on 11/14.  Haven't worked out in 2 days, but I've been very active on the RA user groups.  I'm always impressed with people who balance family, work and athletics - like all of you people.

                    Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'


                    Trails are hard!

                      Hi youngster,  you're more than welcome to hang around here, but you're just a little more advanced than most (all?) of us here.  Like we told Kimberly, try the daily, too.  very nice folks all over the place around here.  I also made the mistake of looking at your log--I'm in awe.  very nice!  BTW I have to get ahold of that movie--I love it, but haven't seen it in ages.


                      EliΩ--I'm rooting hard for Petey and the Phillies.  I even liked that the Iggles whupped the giants.  But it was amusing what the Celts did to the 6ers.  sorry.

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                        T bone, welcome. Its good to have a fellow triathlete here. This way you can relate to the workouts and whole thing. I have been the only one here for a while. But I think Kevin (get on that bike) might be a closet triathlete though. He just hasnt come out yet.


                        I LOVE what the CELTICS did to the 76ers last night! I hope their baseball team plays better than they did.



                        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                        Puttin' on the foil

                          Thanks you guys.  I'll bug you all more frequently if you encourage me like that!

                          Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'

                            T Bone. Its a good place. we are not all newbies. I have been running 5 years now.


                            30 mins trails. My face is still have frozen. Leg is either painless of numb.


                            Now that I am up to 30 mins does this mean I can stuff my face with ice cream every other day?



                            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                              Laurie, funny.  the time change gave me more sleep.        It's just one page, & does explain what it means to runners.  short version if you want is that dynamic stretching is good pre-run.    There are links on the link to his exercises, also to his core stuff which I really like.    Did you email Ribs?  You might want to do the stretches etc. from his pt, they're really good.   And are more targeted to someone recovering from an injury. 

                              You can eat ice cream whether you're running or not.  ;-)


                              Linda, hi.  report please.


                              jKevin, you too.   I know it's hard starting again with the exercises but it's worth it.


                              Hey hi T-Bone!   Welcome.   I looked at your log too.   sheesh.   You're welcome here anyway.  Wink.


                              5 miles this morning , sort of a mix of fartlek & strides..      Still tired.  doesn't seem like I should be!  So I'm trying to build mileage back up a little, while getting caught up everywhere, & resting, so I can start an 18 week training plan the 16th.   haven't picked one out yet. 


                                Good afternoon,


                                Laurie, yes, by all means. . . stuff your face.  That's exactly what it means.


                                4 miles for me this morning.



