Masters Running


So glad it's Friday, 7.14.23 (Read 38 times)


    Late to the party but they're on West coast and Mountain time so still in the day! Happy birthday to Mariposai and Wildchild! I usually remember these Bastille Day birthdays cuz my former boss shares the day, too... but I hardly ever talk to him anymore so lost that connection.


    18.3 miles on the stationary bike, reading a new book (not a Reacher!). Then spent almost 3 hours out pulling vetch and wild rose bushes (i.e., prickle bushes) and can declare the vetch project done, for now. They'll be back, but I'll be ready. And next year I'll get started earlier. The cooperative extension service says if you pull them consistently before they flower and shed seeds, you'll eventually reduce the infestation. Not sure I'll be here long enough to really get there, but here's hoping!


      Hi Runners, talk about late to the party.  I had a very busy (in a good way) Friday and didn't get on here until now (Saturday 5:00 AM'ish) and am going to have a rest day today.  Glad to see a 3-page Fridaily.


      Jay, I think my feelings about the battery-powered mower this morning are that if I had a lot any bigger than the one I have now (1/3 acre - not very big at all) and was starting over, I'd get a gas-powered ride-on mower.   The mower I currently use - a 20" Greenworks battery job - was probably intended for lots much smaller than this one.  But going to mulching vs. bagging, at least for this time of year, has improved my quality of life due to finding I am allergic to every grass pollen they tested me for at the allergist back in 2020. Dumping the bagger into the collection bags was really a drag.  So now I mulch, and wear a mask, while mowing and trimming.  The allergy shots I have taken for three years have improved things but not totally eradicated my response to cut grass.


      Friday's workout was a double again.  I've done a strength training workout before all but one swimming workouts since I started strength training again back on the 20th of June.  There have only been a couple of times where I thought that the swim workout was effected (affected?) by the strength workout, and this past one was not one of them.  I did rows, pull downs, low back extensions, arm curls, and a rear deltoid exercise on the pectoral machine where you adjust the movement arms and face the opposite direction from what you would for a chest exercise.  I've seen one other person use it that way this past month at the Y, and I've seen a couple of other people look at me like "WTH are you doing?!!"   The swim workout was a relatively easy 2,100 yarder that was supposed to be 3,000 yards but I ran out of time and needed to get home for dinner with DW.  The main set was 3 x 200 yard freestyle at a target time of 3:00 each and rests of 2:00 in between reps.  My actual times were 2:57, 2:56, and 2:55, which I thought was great because I didn't check the clock every 50 yards, and wasn't trying for a progression, just steady pacing of about 1:30/100.   Rewind to when I challenged myself to swim a 200-yard race for the first time in the 2021 Empire State Senior Games, and my time was 2:57.  I practically couldn't get out of the pool afterward.  Actually the two things I remember best about that first 200-yard race were the time, and that I got lapped by a guy in the adjoining lane, who was in the 50-54 age-group, and swam 2:04 for 200-yards, and if I remember correctly it was one of the top times in the country.  Humbling. But a good start.


      TV's: We bought a Panasonic plasma 50" back when the kids were young (now 25 to 30) and it was in the living room until all but one moved out.  Then it went down into the (mostly finished) basement where it has now been in the family room for about the same amount of time it was upstairs.  It was basically the only television in the house, until earlier this year when all of the residents of my aunt's nursing home got brand new smart tv's in their rooms and she asked my DW to home her previous one.  So now that is in the living room, and we're back to watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy in the living room when DW is home (not taking care of her Mom), and when she is away, I watch Antiques Roadshow on the sofa when settling down at night.


      DS3 moves out of the house and into his new apartment in Albany this morning with help from DD's husband.   He's been a good tenant and if circumstances forced it, he could move back in temporarily again.  Seems like he moved in, back in April.  It'll be nice to have the guest room back though.

        Another late to the party to wish Nancy and Carolyn a vey happy birthday!! 

