Masters Running


Tuesday, Oct. 21 Runs and Rests (Read 556 times)

    Simon, congrats on your half PR. mariposai, way to go on your award. From what we know of you at RA, it's no surprise to see you honored. steve, that's really sad about the Batman shirts. hopeful, happy birthday. Also, it's great that you did 2 miles 2 days after your marathon. Two days after my marathon, I hung it up after a half mile. But then you're a lot younger and tougher. Another also, I'll be thinking of you and your appointment with the doctor tomorrow. bike, congrats on 2000 miles for the year. Twocat, congrats on the AG award in Sunday's race. Nice long runs for lynden, Jogger, perch, and Twocat. Good job on the speedwork for Holly and breger. This morning, it was about 40 with a noticeable wind. I got in 8 miles in about 1:18:30 for a 9:49 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS


      Hey, who's the dinner guest??? Don't keep us in suspense! Tammy, I'm not sure at this point if I want to run a marathon, but if I ever decide to do one, the redwoods sound lovely. And running at sea level would be a bonus for me. I also like the looks of the St George marathon in Utah - supposed to be a very scenic course, and with a good net elevation loss. Not that I'm really thinking about it, but after reading the latest RRs.... Wink Hey, Enke, I drool when I run, too. Big grin Twocat, congrats on the 18 miler and on the 2nd in AG in your race on Sunday! Erika, I liked that comment that you look normal. Do you think you could pick out another MM in a random group of strangers? Hope your doc has good news for you at 3:15. Teresa, what a nice compliment from your son's teacher! I did a 6.2 mile wave run at lunch, on the trails in the state park near work. 65 and partly cloudy, with leaves crunching under foot. I got to enjoy autumn in the high country a month ago, and now I get to enjoy it again down here in the flatlands! I think I developed a new type of training run today: a regression wave run. Each fast segment and each slow segment was successively slower than the previous one! Splits: 10:15 - 9:18 - 10:43 - 9:26 - 10:59 - 10:08 - 11:31 last 0.2. Oh, well, nice to be out enjoying the gift!

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


        Oh I am just crushed! Got a call from pod dr... emergency came up and he had to leave this afternoon... rescheduled for next Tuesday but she'll again try to fit me in sooner. What sort of emergency does a podiatrist have?? I'm assuming it's not office-related... Grrr! Angry No

          No Evil grin

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            Oh I am just crushed! Got a call from pod dr... emergency came up and he had to leave this afternoon... rescheduled for next Tuesday but she'll again try to fit me in sooner. What sort of emergency does a podiatrist have?? I'm assuming it's not office-related... Grrr! Angry No
            Surprised Angry Angry Tight lipped No Confused
              wildchild, even a crappy run is a good run. I did 10 miles, 10:57 pace. It was gorgeous out there. About 48-50F. No wind. Bright blue skies. Fluorescent orange, yellow and red maple leaves contrasting with the ones still green. Numerous runner sightings. Ahhhh. Too much concrete though, ouch. They turned the water fountain off at my favourite pit stop. So I did the handheld thing. I hate that. I never know when they are going to turn it off. Seems to be a week earlier each year. I met a guy at the gym that is running NYC in two weeks? He seemed very excited about it. Has done it before, and Maui too etc etc. He was talking to me like I'm a real runner or something. Erika, No

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                200 pushups, 200 situps, 30 barbell curls, 30 lat pulldowns, 30 squats, 50 wrist barbell curls. Dark Horse
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                  200 pushups, 200 situps...
                  Shocked Shocked Slacker!

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                  Top 'O the World!

                    WC: good thing you got some good "Fall weather" whilst you could...snow tonight! Wink
                    Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                    Half Fanatic #36

                      Happy Birthday Marathon Mary!!! October is an excellent month to have a birthday, I've always thought so..! Another 7.23 for me this am with a flashlight, I'm starting to like running in the dark , good thing because I've got plenty more morning outings like this before 30 Nov/ Seattle!! Back to work now! Francesca

                        5 miles just to enjoy the fall colors. I could have gone for ever. Waiting for that picture the Beers promised us.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          Talking about beer at the end of the Milwaukee marathon, there actually is a run held every June in Green Bay called the "Beer Belly II". It's a 2 mile race, and there is beer at the water stops. Quite well attended, really...

                            Better late than never....3.5 miles this evening.

                              PET/CT scan today! And I learned about the brand spanking new PEM scan! Positron Emission Mammography!



                                I hope everything came out good on the test, srlopez!! {{{J-Lo}}} ?


                                Runners run
