Masters Running


Thursday, January 3, 2008 (Read 731 times)


    I woke up at 4:30 and decided to get my can on the treadmill. My DS brought over this little fan, which was really helpful. 4 mile tempo this morning in 43:40. I have to put this one down as pretty good. Good runs all. Smile
      I didn't need a fan. It's 16F out there. It's a good thing I'm typing and not trying to talk - I think my lips are frozen. 10 easy today at 10:13 pace. The first 9 were pretty darn slow, and then at the end I just wanted to be done and finished it up with a 9:15 mile. Tomorrow's a welcome rest day. Have a great day, everyone.

      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Good morning! Very cold this morning at 16F. It wasn't as windy as predicted, though, so the cold wasn't too horrible. I decided to rest my knee a bit today -- planned 12 mile speed work was cut to a 4.5 mile recovery run. I didn't pay much attention to the pace or heart rate during the run, which made for kind of a fun run. But of course I have statistics: Workout: 3.5 miles, 8:14/mi, 136 AHR Overall: 4.5 miles, 37:35 Have a good day.

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Super cold here in Indiana, 4 degrees with -8 wind chill. 2 hours on my cycling trainer - 30 minute warm up, then 1 hour hard, and 30 minute cool down. My calf feels a whole lot better today, so "maybe" I am getting closer for a shorter run to see where I am at running wise. anachrotech - good run so early in the moring on the TM, nice DS brought you a fan. I sweat like a pig on a TM or cycling trainer. predawnrunner - nice 10 miler in the cold, have a well deserved rest day....I love 10 milers. seems like the perfect distance to me. WillRunForBeer - nice to here about your fun run - hope your knee is not a big deal.....injuries really bite Sad Have a great day all.... Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Good Morning, Master-Boomers!
            Holly, any reason for 4 20 milers instead of 3?? Curious minds want to know.
            Enk - I put together my plan after looking at 6-8 other plans, and listening to advice from other Boomer marathoners, and felt that the four 20-milers would be better preparation. I felt well-conditioned during both of the marathons I ran this year, I think due to having the four 20-milers, and although they were hard, I didn't hit the wall or feel "completely spent" at the end of either of them (which might mean I didn't run them fast enough or I'm just really lucky). When I got up this morning it was 8(feels like –6) degrees. I found my Garmin knocked off the cradle and therefore dead, contemplated the many layers I would need to run in, and decided on the treadmill in the garage instead. 2 mile WU, then 5-minute slow-to-fast segments (6.0, 6.4, 6.8, 7.2, 8.0mph) x 4 2 miles at MP (6.8mph) plus 1.8 mile CD at 6.5mph 8 miles total I should say that today’s intervals were not part of my marathon-training plan – they were solely to make the TM time go by faster…Smile

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Good morning Everyone, Well it was a beautiful morning here in Toledo. The stars were out, the wind was calm, and it was 7 degrees. I don't have a treadmill, so I bundled up and ran 4 miles in 38:48. I was fine, except that my balaclava was bugging me. I kept fogging up my glasses so I couldn't see where I was going. I think I'll try my fleece neck gaiter next time. Cheers and stay warm everyone! Mike

                Good morning Boomers. A balmy 2 below zero here this morning. Headed to the Y for a warm-up mile and 40 minutes of intervals with a work speed of 7.3 and rest 6.3 at 1% incline. Then did some upper body weights and crunchies. I'm reporting in for Boomer Diets with an official YMCA scale weight of 123. The holidays were not kind to me! My goal is to try to act like a reasonable adult during the week, and allow myself a "treat" or alcoholic beverage on the weekends. I'd like to not look like the StaPuff marshmallow man for my son's wedding in June. Good Thursday runs, everyone!
                  I was fine, except that my balaclava was bugging me.
                  Two degrees F. here this morning. Too cold for man nor beast. I met my buddy for breakfast at the diner downtown, and thought I was being brave to venture out in my car. Better a baklava for a snack than a balacava out and back. Dark Horse
                  I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                    Better a baklava for a snack than a balacava out and back. Dark Horse
                    That's good. I had a piece of baklava after I removed my balaclava. Mike
                      Morning, All! Anacrotech - I admire your motivation at 4:30 AM! SteveP - hang in there! I'm sending positive job-hunting vibes in your direction!! Erika - so sorry to hear Cheyenne is still missing. I'm hoping she is being pampered by some nice folks who are trying to find you. PDR and Lou - impressive efforts in the oh so cold weather! Tim - glad your calf is better! Mike - I have the same problem with the balaclava. I wish I didn't have to wear the glasses, but I tend to like to see where I'm going ;-). 3.7 degrees here with a stiff wind this morning. Jesse puppy didn't get any extra time outdoors, and she wasn't happy about that. It's going to be just as cold this evening, so she's going to get some exercise on the treadmill. 6.35 miles for me on the treadmill this morning. Good runs to all! Sue

                      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                        Spareribs, Chess alert -- I was only able to draw my game last night against a 1586-rated player. He played 1 d4 and I got nothing. I've never had anything good against 1 d4. Have you ever played 1 d4? If so, what defenses did you not like to face? Dark Horse, aka Winless in Newburyport
                        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                          Anachrotech: I wondered if I would see you on Belle Isle on Monday, but the non-meeting streak goes on Wink. PDR: Have you ever come in from one of those cold runs and tried to talk to someone, and your mouth just won't form the words right? Mike: I can never wear my glasses with my balaclava for the same reason you mention: frozen breath fogs them right up. DH: Can you repost that in English please? After a full day at work yesterday on top of running or cross-training about 10 days in a row, I was really feeling beat last night. So today I needed to do absolutely nothing physical for a change. I just don't know what I'll do with all the extra spare time. Tongue

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            A brisk 21F today; nothing like those of you getting really cold temps. I'd much rather bundle up a bit than face the heat and humidity. 7.5 miles @ 8:41 pace; my HR was a little high today for some reason: AHR 147. I'll have to keep an eye on that. I always look forward to the annual baklava/ balaclava humor.

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              Started my run this morning thinking I could cover 6 or 8 miles,but ended up with a headache after 2 miles and cut it short after 5.First time that has happened to me... After veiwing all your temps this morning,I felt better of my balmy 37 degrees...
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                              Hill Runner

                                I ran last night, my plan is to run tonight again just to mix things up a little... Avoiding the cold temps in the early AM is also secondary motivation Big grin

                                Upcoming Races:

                                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13
