Masters Running


Sat April 10th - Beautiful Spring Days and Allergies (Read 496 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Good morning everyone - Sneezy weezy for me the past week or so, as I have slept with my windows open - There I was this morning with my alarm clock set for 4:00am lying in bed all comfy and stuff, and about ready to get up and eat and hydrate for a 24 mile training run I have planned this morning. I hit the snooze button a couple of times then from no where I hear.........."get your fat ass out of bed" I'm trying to figure out what Mary's DH was doing in my bed, hehe. Mary, I think you are being a great influence to your DH for him to even comment at all. ------Good luck to Tampster and Laura on their 10 mile race this morning, and 7 more miles for a long run day ------Hope all the taperers are keeping their sanity....hang in there, the race will be here before Ya know it. ------Well, off I go. It's one of those mornings where it's hard to dress for....cold to start out with, but it's going to warm up quickly - TimmiBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Nice to have Tim posting this morning.


      PM's sent to Holly and Erika.


      Tinman wanted 9 miles EZ, followed by 6 miles at 15K pace (7:50), ending with a 1 mile cool down.  But it didn't seem wise to run too fast while I'm trying to heal up the leg.  So I decided to go with 6 miles at MP rather than the 15K pace.  If things felt good I'd throw in a mile or 2 at tempo, but only if I felt really good.


      After nearly a week of nothing but short runs, all slow and slower, the legs were fairly sproinky early on.  I had to reel myself in a few times as I drifted into sub-9 minute range where it was supposed to be EZ.  The MP miles went pretty well - 8:27, 8:25, 8:21, 8:22, 8:29, and 8:24 - though I could feel a few hamstring twinges from time to time.  And the HR was a little higher than I'd like (150s), but it was 73° at 5:00 AM.  But all in all, fairly encouraging.  16 miles at 8:50 pace.


      Boston talk was in the air this morning.  Anytime someone started talking about the hills I covered my ears and went "La-La-La-La".



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Good running there, Byll, and Tim is probably out there as I type this.


        Well, I'm four days into an experiment called "going on vacation without taking running gear along", and good thing there's only one more day of it after today. We're on a short trip to Chicago, which is one of our favorites since it has all the features and experiences of a big city, while being "culturally Midwestern" so we always feel comfortable there. We're in Springfield now to visit some Abe Lincoln attractions, and in reality we haven't stayed in any places where running would be very attractive.


        So if you taperers think you're getting a bit nutsy, think about going from full training mode to full abstinence for five days (or ask my DW about my fidgeting!).


        Good running this weekend to those of you doing it!

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


          That's funny Doug.  I'm guessing you didn't intentionally leave your stuff behind?

          I also ran a MP 8 miles.  Ended up with a 1:12:10, roughly 9 minute pace.  I felt good the whole time!


            Nice to see Tim start us off.

            Byll--that run sounds promising.

            Roch--I'm intrigued; what does "culturally Midwestern" mean?

            Kimmie-- nice MP run today.


            I ran a local 15K race but treated it as a last tempo run before Boston.  Perfect IRC conditions around 40F at the start.  I was able to run comfortably at a 7:13 pace and the calf felt fine.  I eased up a bit in the final couple of miles because I got spooked by a tiny hamstring twinge that I didn't want to aggravate.  But it all went fine and it put my mind at ease regarding these nagging little pains.  Since this was only my second ever 15K, I even managed a PR!


            Have a great weekend.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Nice runs (and thinking of running for those without gear!)

              Way to go on the PR and comfortable 7:13s Tramps. You are ready!

              8.5 fun miles at 8:00 am with all 4 of the Js. We laughed lots, chattered, and got blown around a lot by some fierce wind, but it was all good. Spicy J was her saucy self and taught us some new Spanish curse words, Iron J had us roaring with her impersonations, Dr. J is deep into taper madness and was diagnosing all sorts of issues on the run and in medical language, so we had no idea what she was talking about, and Canada J described prom dress shopping with her daughter in a way that made us stop we were laughing so hard. Felt good to laugh given the lost jobs, recently deceased parents, cancer diagnoses, and relationship woes facing my little band of running buddies. 

              Enjoy the gift!


                Roch says "Culturally Midwestern"........I like that.


                33 miles on two wheel this morning....still getting used to a "sleeker" seat. Lots of leg left......butt didn't fair as well.


                It's a gorgeous sunny day many things that need to be done......I'll see how many I can put off.


                Right now it's time to go earn some Spousal Approval Units so I can get a guilt free long run in tomorrow !


                  Sweet Race Tramps!!!


                  Karin, I love your run today.



                   Right now it's time to go earn some Spousal Approval Units so I can get a guilt free long run in tomorrow !

                  Same here


                  As it's stoopid windy today, the fuzzy one and I went to a 1.54 mile loop through a valley that has a large hill in the center. Half way through the first loop, Tag left me to chase something or other. There aren't too many places he can get lost at, so I picked him back up on the second loop. He stayed very close the rest of the way.


                  i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                    Nice runs Boston bound Kimmie, BQByll and Tramps! You all sound ready!


                    Tramps.. that was a smokin fast 15K!! Wowza!


                    I'm still foam rolling the butt Smile

                    One side effect is it has really loosened the legs and, combined with taper mileage, it feels like I'm running on cat's feet.    I can barely hear the foot strikes!


                    4 miles in 36:33 (9:08, AHR 150) with a couple strides and a last mile of 8:31 which was totally tightness and soreness free.  There was some soreness afterthe run  that was taken care of with ice, hot soak and foam roller.... ahhh.


                    Looking good.

                    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                      eliz, it's great you got a run in and your feet didn't hurt.  Same to wild except it's the legs that didn't hurt.  Tramps, congrats on the 15K PR while keeping the hamstring twinges at bay.  CNY, it sure sounds like a fantastic run with the 4 Js.


                      Nice long run for breger and speedwork for Slo.


                      Thursday, I reported on surprising myself with a 10 mile run at a 9:40 pace, negative splits, and 8:54 last mile.  This morning, I surprised myself again.  When I started out for the planned 8 miles, my breathing seemed harder than usual and my legs "deader" than usual.  I figured I'd have my normal 10+ pace run.  A little over 2 miles, I made a bathroom stop and saw my pace was about 9:45.  I was shocked and expected I would be back to normal soon.  I kept struggling and from 4 miles on wondered if I would finish.  I felt that I was just hanging on and fading.  Little did I know that I had a progression run going.  I finished with a 9:26 pace (best 8 miler since Oct), negative splits by over 2 minutes and a last mile of 8:45.  Now, I don't feel so bad about feeling so bad.  I'm a long ways from being in the same league with most of you speedy youngsters but it was good for my morale.  I can't imagine that this is a trend but am happy to have it happen.


                      A good day and good runs for all.




                        Good morning good people. Good luck wishes to Tammy, Laura, Leslie and all our other racers this weekend. Hope you all come back with PR stories to share, like Tramps. Great run this morning! Glad that the calf wasn't an issue for you and all is well.


                        So nice to see a post from Tim. Come back later and tell us about your run, OK?


                        Steve - you so make me smile.  Give the avenger dog a hug for me.


                        Bill is in "hill denial." I love it! You had a great run this morning. You are so ready for Boston.


                        Welcome Frances, and good luck with your marathon training. Post often and let us know how things are going.


                        Karin has the best group of friends. You are so lucky to have all those wonderful running partners. How about sharing some of those Spanish "curse words" with us?


                        11.5 miles for me this morning, 9:31 pace. It is REALLY windy here today and I didn't plan my route correctly. Last 3 miles were into a 15-20 mph wind. Pretty tough going. Being the gazelle like, graceful runner I am, didn't notice a bulge in some concrete and tripped. Caught myself, but felt a nasty twinge in my left piriformis. Between that and my sore left arch, the whole leg is a mess right now. Like Perch, I'm icing right now, only different body parts. Got the foam roller and tennis ball too.


                        This is the time I envy all of you running Boston. The excitement of meeting everyone, having dinner and drinks and sharing stories is something I bet you all look forward to. You all worked hard for this - enjoy the effort!

                          Nice race speedy Tramps.

                          BIll - I ran up a 150 foot hill last night, and kept thinking the big one at Newton is 300 feet, isn't it?, and must bring some runners to their knees.  Please stay in denial.

                          I wish I could be a "J" and fast, it sounds like so much more fun than being a slow "K".

                          TomS - yet another great run!  Never question why, just accept it.


                          I did a 6.2 mile sunset run last night.  Got home before I had to use the headlight.  Only problem with running in the evening is it tends to give me a migraine during the night.

                          Today I hope for a little 3 or 4 mile run in 57F temperatures, that will be nice.  I also have to appease the spouse with a bunch of chores before I can realistically go.  DS's birthday party at our house tomorrow.  Just a few boys from his class are coming over for some board games (no video games!)

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            CNYrunner maybe you guys were running around here!  Fierce winds!  Freezing, well relatively speaking, too.


                            DW went for her 12 mile run this morning. She is totally knocked out!    It is midday and she is literally fast asleep!  Good news is she is making steady progress towards getting ready for her HM.


                            Muffin report:  apple, raisin and cinnamon big hit went fast.  Pineapple and date all gone but went second.  Well I liked them both!  Had one of each yesterday with DW.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              Beautiful morning here  12.5 hilly miles w/DW  @10;15 pace but we finished with a strong 1/2 mile at the end

                              35F at start 49 at finish very nice


                              Bill forgetabout them hills, sometimes I think it's worse thinkin'bout'em than runnin'em


                              Doug, vacation with no running gear?  STOP THE MADNESS! 


                              Tramps excellent little race


                              Tom nice 10 today


                              Jlynne I hope that twinge goes away


                              Twocat how did I miss your muffins when I was in Connecicut last October?

                              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                                Bill.. the hills are not bad because it's not continuous. There are flat and even downhill stretches between them. Just take them one at a time and you'll be fiine.


                                1st "hill": Miles 16-17: Uphill for first 1/2 mile (+75'), then level

                                2nd "hill": Miles 17-18: Slight downhill first 3/4,then steep uphill (+74')

                                3rd "hill": Miles 18-19: Slight downhill over entire mile (-34') then (Miles 19-20) Slight downhill first 1/4 then uphill (+63')

                                4th Heartbreak: Miles 20-21: Level first 1/4, then steep uphill (+97')



                                So the hills are only 75', 74'. 63' and 97' and none last more than 3/4 mile  before a break.



                                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
