Masters Running


Tue Aug 26 Runs and Workouts (Read 380 times)

    Good morning, everyone! A beautiful, breezy morning here in Maryland -- 63°F and low humidity (70%) -- definitely IRC. I felt a little peppy this morning, so let myself run a 5 miler at a GA pace -- about 8:15/mi for me. Along with a few striders, today's run felt great. PDR left just a bit ahead of me, and when I came out she stopped. I was worried that her hip was still bothering her (she had to skip Sunday's run), but rather she had a close encounter with some wildlife. I myself caught a glimpse of a fox, but that was all. Have a greta run!

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Morning Lou...and everyone else to follow. Nice "peppy" 5 miler in IRC. After the past weekend 27 miles, last nights 4 easy / recovery miles felt great....which I already posted late last night when most were probably sleeping. I think I will do my track workout tonight instead of Weds to experiment around a little. I think Tues may be better at setting up my long runs on Sat's I felt lost without the Olympics last night Sad . Really enjoyed them this year! Still awaiting my test results, but sure all is fine. Have a great day and running all Smile Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        I have gone without posting long enough. No run to report yet today, but I will get out there soon. I am trying to get everything organized as this is my busiest time of year, more on that in a moment... Spareribs Glad to see you on the mend and have missed a lot of the daily recently. I laughed when I saw your reply to Dark Horse yesterday. Just love your sense of humor and optimism. Tim My wife was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and a heart murmur when she was young. Also like you she is extremely aware of her heart beat, it just amazes me how aware of it she is. long story not quite as long she was feeling some irregular heartbeats during a stressful time, doctors put her on a halter monitor to record incidence, she ended up having none and the cardiologist said she had been misdiagnosed as a child and that was a common misdiagnosis, so hopefully your tests will put your mind at ease. Dark Horse Thanks for sneaking back in here. Your wit has been missed. Great to have you back just please don't post in Latin I have enough trouble speaking American. Karin Sorry I missed you in Rochester, I am seriously undertrained and my time is stretched, hopefully you will issue a raincheck. DickyG Can't wait to see what you will comment on now that the olympics are over. Holly Your daughter cracks me up! Good to see you no longer broken, I like the optimism in your recent posts. Continued good health. As for me, college volleyball season has begun. Two and three a days last week before classes started. We open this weekend in Memphis at Rhodes College. (If any one knows any good running routes in Memphis I will take them). Aside from this "part time" job my full time teaching job resumes one week from today. On top of that I am taking 3 grad classes and trying to finish the kitchen remodel that has been delayed by the manufacturer continuing to send 1 defective cabinet. This is not a rant I actually enjoy being this busy just know that time is at a premium. For anyone interested in Division III college volleyball Good runs, walks. workouts and rest all.
          Good morning all. Nice to see WRFB leading us off again. It's been a while. Glad PDR only had a wildlife sighting and no hip issues. Tim, I sometimes notice what I think are missed heartbeats. It's always strange though. I'll notice it doesn't seem to be beating and I'll think to myself "Okay, you can start up again anytime you'd like". Holly, my youngest DD sometimes had a warped sense of humor too. She once took a full bowl of spaghetti and turned it upside down on her head, because she thought it's make a good hat. I have a picture of that somewhere I'd love to find again. Nice to see Cranium back and enjoying his time fillers. No wildlife sightings for me. Dark out there now, almost the whole run. 6.15 very easy miles at 9:29 min/mile pace. Avg HR 135, max HR 142. Tomorrow I'm going to push some repeats so today was just getting 'em done with no wasted effort. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


            Yesterday I moved my youngest daughter into her college dorm room. I hope she does ok. I spoiled her way too much her whole life and now she'll have to take care of herself. Despite the worry, this was the day I had been looking forward too. This was supposed to be "Empty Nest Day". But with the arrival of the granddaughter (5 months ago today) that dream will have to wait. I'll just continue go with the flow and see what happens. I ran 4.3 miles this morning with 6x3 minutes at a hard pace. I really, really didn't feel like running today. My plan called for 5x3 minutes hard but since I was in a hurry to finish I threw in a extra interval. I noticed as I put my run in my paper log that it matched to the second my run on this course 3 weeks ago. Now that the Crim 10-mile run is over with, the nice weather patterns have returned. It's in the upper 40's today which is 25° (or more) cooler than Saturday morning. Tongue




              Topsy-turvy day will mean a late run for me. In lieu of a real vacation (which will come someday), DW and I have rented a cabin in a state park for a week near where she’s got a work conference. I’ll bring work to do as well (though no Internet access). I'll get a change of scenery and new trail runs! I’m looking forward to it. See y’all next week. As usual, no fighting while I’m away. P.S. What’s this I read about shady stallion getting older soon? Congrats on that and the new job!

              Be safe. Be kind.

              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                Nice smart running! peppy runs when peppy, recovery runs to recharge, and speed work. Waiting here in the hospital for my dad to have kidney stones blasted with lasers. Should be uneventful. Scheduled rest day. Seems like a long time since I ran last.... But it was just yesterday! Posted from my bro's iPhone..very cool.

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning! BCMorant – 9 years old and 5’7” – wow! Shocked Erika - $90, 3 times in one season – ouch! I think I’d be telling him to wear an extra pair of socks. Somehow I missed the podiatrist report. Tell me again what is wrong with your foot. Are you going to have to have surgery? CNY/Karin – you can be Krabby anytime you like…glad your MIL is doing better. {{{Tammy and family}}} Tim – keep us posted on the blood tests, will you? That Riblet is indeed a very handsome boy. Is he in 6th grade this year, SR? Craneium – hello, hello! Today’s run: 7.25 miles in a lovely 58 degrees, including 22 MP-paced 100m “surges,” followed by 3.75 miles on the treadmill (I had to get home before DH left for work) for a total of 11 miles. Ave. pace for the outdoor part was still only 10:23 (but that’s improvement) ave HR 132, and on the treadmill I did 10:00 pace, but there were several stops and starts as I made sure DS combed his hair, brushed his teeth, etc. and got out the door to catch the bus (we’re still working on the school morning routine). As with all my runs lately, I am still feeling achy and stiff in the hip/pelvis/groin area, but not actually pain. Where to draw the line? I don't know. This is my first running injury, so I'm just feeling my way through. As I was coming home from the outdoor part of my run, I passed several corners where high school students were gathered, waiting for the bus. I have to admit that I don’t feel comfortable with the thought of running by groups of smirking high-school students every morning. I walked DD and the neighbor boy up to their bus stop (his mom and I trade off being late for work to do this) and took Dexter along. He was nosing the ground, then I noticed a strange clicking sound coming from his mouth. I pried open his jaws and a large cicada dropped out, still clicking. Before I could stop him, Dexter scooped it up and ate it. Yuck. This time of year there are a lot of cicadas on the ground, and Dexter apparently thinks they're pretty tasty. Bug breath. Yuck. Dead

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    morning! Nice peppy run Lou. I hope that it's contagious. I'm so glad PDR is being careful with her hip. Hi Craneium. you sure sound busy. glad you took time to post. good luck Tim. I know that kind of thing can be disconcerting, to say the least. Bill, I get the missed heartbeats too, and had the same reaction. I think I read someplace that sometimes one beat is early, then it's a looong time till the next one. As long as we're talking heartbeats.. I thought this was funny. I used to have my Polar beep when I went over my limit; it just beeped all the time. I finally got used to it (although it must have been annoying, & I finally just turned it off). Once for some reason I was actually below my upper limit & it stopped beeping. For a minute I actually thought my heart had stopped. Roll eyes enjoy your break, Tramps. hope all body parts are good, on those trails. Perch. A rest day? Is there something wrong with my pc? 4.6 miles this morning, average pace 9:24, max 6:54. AHR 173, max 190. Not so happy with that. but my miles were 10:20, 9:34, 9:02, & 8:44. both that last mile & the average pace are recorded best for me. Smile. have a great day, everybody.
                      Well, I thought PDR might get a chance to post about her wildlife encounter, but I guess she's busy now. She saw what she thought was a strange looking cat, and ran within 5 feet of it only to notice it was a skunk. "Nice kitty, kitty" might have come out of her mouth, which could have been interpreted by said skunk as aggression against it with the expected outcome, but luckily she held her tongue. She stopped to warn me -- I guess we don't have enough tomato juice for a bath to get off the stink Big grin

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                        Good morning everyone. Ran my 7.5 mile route but forgot my watch. Judging from the time I think I left till the time I got back it was probably under a 10 minute mile, but not much. Even after not running yesterday, I could feel my PF and knew it was time to call it a day. Had a close encounter with a teenager at an intersection. His car windows were all steamed up and he never even saw me. If I had decided to play "chicken" with him, I think I would have lost! Holly, you crack me up! Bug breath - is that worse or better than morning breath?! Nice run this morning. You seem to be recooperating pretty well. Cranium - our high school volleyball coach quit to take a job at a local college. Want to take on one more thing in your already really busy schedule? They are interviewing right now. Tim - good luck with your test results. Hopefully everything will be where it should be. Nice peppy run this morning, Lou. Are you training for anything right now? Dave, good luck with the "empty nest" thing. Our kids keep leaving and coming back! I told my DH we should just install a revolving door on the front of the house. It's beautiful here in Wisconsin today - hope your part of the world is just as good. Jeanne
                          After the cycling & running over the weekend, I spent all day yesterday in the car, which always makes me stiffen up, so I felt it a bit this morning in my hamstrings when I went out. But I increased my distance slightly to 5.3 miles and actually came in slightly under a 10:00 pace, with a couple of miles around 9:45. So a very good run that fits into my recovery plan. The weather helped too: mid 50s, clear and bright. Glad to see everyone out running and posting as well. We're switching broadband companies today and they should be here in about an hour to start working on it. So I'll be offline for a while, but hope to be up and running later today. It's been a nice long run with Comcast, but there are less expensive alternatives out there for us. Good running, everyone!

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                            Good morning! Reasonably peppy 8 miler. Very nice weather, mid-50s, dry and getting sunny. I was reminded fall is coming last evening as I slowly froze at DS soccer practice. We had kind of a change in air.. nice though. Karin I hope today brings peace. ..sometimes krabby is inevitable. You have been putting in the miles lately too; maybe a little rest is in order. Good runs to all...
                              I am sort of pressed for time at the moment so I am just going to report in 6 recovery miles in IRC. Well, actually a tad cooler than I like but I bet right around where everybody else on the board would! Happy running all.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                                I am so glad to hear that PDR held her tongue this morning, skunk juice is not easy to get rid off. {{{karin}}}}}} butterfly hugs to you sistahhh. Tramps, enjoy your vacation. Perch gets a butterfly hug for resting today! dg, nice average pace there for you. tim, please keep us posted with the results. Dark Horse, the choice book for reading this summer is Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare. Utor eruditio!!! Holly ran 11 miles today? this indeed is great news. Rest day for me today. We will be mountain climbing tomorrow so I need to rest the body to be ready for it.

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
