Masters Running


Gebrselassie runs second fast marathon (Read 160 times)


    Ethiopian supporters wave their national flag at the Dubai Marathon. Ethiopian athletics legend Haile Gebrselassie won the race with a time second only to his own world record. Haile Gebrselassie narrowly failed to break his own world record as he won the Dubai Marathon. But the 34-year-old Ethiopian still set the second fastest time in history, finishing in two hours, four minutes and 53 seconds on Friday. Running on one of the world's flattest courses, Gebrselassie was inside world record pace until the final 7km. But he finally crossed 27 seconds slower than his current mark which he set in Berlin last September. The victory earned Gebrselassie £127,000 from Dubai's world record prize pool of £508,000.

    Certified Running Coach
    Crocked since 2013

      These guys are beyond amazing. I read in RW recently that Ryan Hall ran a 5k time of 14:38, this was 18 miles into the Olympic Trials marathon. Can you imagine that?

      PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                          10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.