Masters Running


Friday Daily, 7.5.13 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    I hope everyone who celebrated yesterday and last night did so joyfully and safely.


    After traditional burgers, chicken, corn, etc. yesterday evening, we went a couple of towns north, to Rye, NH, to see some great small-town fireworks. Everyone brought their blankets and lawn chairs to a big, open field and town and relaxed and chatted behind live music on a stage assembled for the day. The local police chief was directing traffic in front of the field so another of his officers could have the night off. Lots of kids and games and dogs and friendly neighbors and life as it should be (to quote a state slogan from ME). Afterward we drove down the coast toward Hampton, and caught the finale of their major fireworks production while on the road. They were impressive, but I much prefer the small-town atmosphere.


    5.3 EZ-PZ racewalking miles this morning. I went out a little later than usual (4:50), and the sun was up and it was already in the mid-70's. That's still warmer than I'm used to, and with remnant leg fatigue from yesterday's race, I couldn't have done more than EZ if I wanted to. But since that was the plan, it worked out quite well.


    Have a greta Friday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Sounds like a nice celebration, Jay.

      Hey C-R--what's the deal with fireworks in daytime?  Isn't it perfectly light at 7:30?

      Erika--dive-bombing terns?  That'll keep you on your toes, I guess.


      Like others, we had a nice relaxing day with lots of summery food.  Low key and relaxing.


      Out for an EZ 5 this morning.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Dave, I hope you get over feeling extra tired all the time.  CNY, that CrossFit workout you did Wed. sounds brutal.  deez, what a tragedy with your coworker's daughter.  MS, sorry to hear your son had a bad experience.  Tramps, nice 5K race with AG award in spite of feeling bad.  Jay, good job in your race in the heat and humidity.  C-R, nice racing.


        Nice long run for evan.


        Yesterday, it was in the mid 60s and there was a light wind.  I got in 5 miles at a 10:59 pace.  After that, we went to our son and daughter in law's to celebrate the 4th with them, our daughter, our son's father in law, sister and brother in law, and their kids.


        A good day and good runs for all.



        King of PhotoShop

          3 easy this morning.  Racing tomorrow.  Spareribs


            Tramps, those birds are either gulls or terns. I think a type of tern. They shriek and swoop down at me, sometimes in pairs. In one spot, this one bird comes close enough I can feel the "swoosh" on my head, but they've never actually hit me. Kind of freaky, really. They nest in wet areas right by the bikepath, which is heavily traveled. You'd think they'd find someplace less "busy" but they don't seem to bother bikers much. I've seen them do this with other pedestrians, including a woman with a stroller. Just something we deal with for a couple of months every summer.


            Sounds like everyone had a pretty good 4th. I'm off again today and sure wish it was a little warmer, but at least it's not as overcast and windy as yesterday. I'll get out for a short easy run later, and play in the garden. Gotta do some weeding and hill those spuds!

              Racing tomorrow as well ( an all women's 5k for the American Heart Association in Hartford) but decided to stick to the marathon ramp-up plan since the race tomorrow is just for fun. 9.6 sweaty miles at 5:30 am. Feeling fitter as I get further away from the injury weeks and back into consistent running weeks. CrossFit helps too once I recover!


              Sounds like good holidays were had by all. Ours was mellow and that's fine by me---spent the afternoon with super-granny.


              Terns are on my bad list for the way they used to dive-bomb our late dog Chester. Poor guy would do his best to remain upright in his later years and those birds were relentless. Freaky to deal with that while you run Erika. Dumb birds. Don't they build nests in the ground, so go after anyone or anything that passes by?


              The kiddo just headed out for  a group run with his HS mates. Heat index is 102---yee haw!


                Kind of freaky, really.

                They should make a movie.

                Oh wait....

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  Little do the birds know they could take over the world if they could just get organized.  They make me jump out of my skin when they swoop at me.


                  I was going a little stir crazy with this not doing anything, plus I took the day off work, so I rode my bicycle for half an hour or so.  Felt good to do something.  In addition to the energy drain, I've been fighting a cough the last few days, but it was better today.



                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Tramps - Big grin


                    No run for me today, just 30 minutes or so of weights and core.


                    Last night's slumber party kept me pretty busy - I took the 5 girls to a local movie (Croods), paid their tickets bought them popcorn and drinks, and left them there to watch with strict instructions (Stay together at all times, no one goes to the bathroom alone, do not leave the building until I return) then joined DH, DS and my MIL for dinner at a restaurant a couple blocks away. DD was thrilled, first time at a movie theatre without adult chaperone.  Then, after the movie, we went to a local arboretum to catch turtles in the light rain, then home to have a water balloon fight with 250 balloons we had filled that afternoon, then we lit off our own fireworks at home.  I didn't get to bed until close to 1am, got up to tell the girls to go to bed at 2:45am, got up again and brought the hammer down at 4:45 am. GO TO BED!


                    I'll be a little grateful when she outgrows these....Joking

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    mustang sally

                    Bad faerie

                      Bad news, Holly.  DD16 still hasn't shown any sign of outgrowing those. But now I just go to bed and thank my lucky stars that her bedroom is at the other end of the house.


                      Heading home on the ferry soon after a tough couple of days in the big city.  Am looking forward to a few days of playing outside with my phone OFF to burn off steam.  I see a few Epic Rides in my near future.