Masters Running


40/40 Thread for week ending 12/30 (Read 1203 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Tally for week ending 12/23/07 Soundrunner - 58.4 Yowza! Taper time. Twocat - 54.56 West Indies start to the week Canfit - 50 First 50 in a while – woo hoo! CNYrunner - 49.15 Nice tempo running Holly - 46.2 Enjoying some core workouts from Exercise TV Way5yom - 46 Impressive training Pfriese - 40.5 You made it! Ilene - 40 Super ab work Breger - 35.10 Like many, holiday traveling Fortunate Son - 35 Reverse Taper Evenflein - 33.35 Changing her week to be with us Dark Horse - Eye candy only – mileage may vary Big grin Tetsujin - Tapering till summer Bringing his abundance of joy Smile If I missed you or got your total wrong, just let me know. So, here's this week: DONE Mon: 8.55 miles Tues: 7 miles Wed: 7 miles Thurs: weights and abs Fri: 7.15 miles Sat: 13.5 miles w/7 miles @ MP Sun: 6 miles Total Miles: 49.2 miles - DONE

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Thanks, Holly! I never really did this at CR but I think I'll give it a try. This week is a mess with holiday obligations so I'm playing it by ear; hopefully it'll add up. Mon 7.5 Tues 5.2 Wed core work Thur 5.7 w/3xhill Fri 7.5 Sat core work Sun 14.2 Total ~40.1 Thanks Holly, this was good motivation this week. It would have been easy to get caught up in work and not get out there. I'll try to sneak in again next week.

      Be safe. Be kind.


        Holly, thanks for doing the 40/40 thread. No real plan for the week, just running when I can. M------------> 14.1 miles - done T------------> rest day - done W-----------> 5.5 miles - done Th-----------> rest day - done F-------------> 7.6 miles - done Sa-----------> 8.2 miles - done Su-----------> 10 miles - done ____________________________________ Total--------> 45.4 miles - done Paul
          Listen hon (is that patronizing enough?), good job, but you know, I did actually run 4 miles last week. I'm more than just a pretty face. Angry Dark Horse
          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

            Well, ok... some of you guys are doing some pretty impressive mileage for middle of winter... Not sure when I'll see 40 again, but I'm gonna post here anyway! Holly, did you make your log viewable to everyone? Or just the group? I did just the group, but don't have the "view log" under my name... Just wondering what's up with that. Here's this week, to be filled in as I go... Monday: 5.25 miles, fartleks on the treadmill Tuesday: turned out to be a rest day; Merry Christmas! Wednesday: 6.15 nippy, snowy miles Thursday: 4 tough miles on the TM.... Friday: Rest day... cleaned boys' room... hazard duty pay? Saturday: 8 miles at -4F brrr! Sunday: 12.1 miles... Total for the week 35.5 miles.... a little better than last week. Ok, I feel a bit better about bailing on my LR Sunday, even if I'd done the full 15, it wouldn't have gotten me to 40.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Erika, I have no idea. It's such a new concept to me that anyone would even be interested in my log. Now that people might be looking, I'm trying to begin including more details, like "hills" and "tempo" and even ave pace. Re your other question - I don't think I'll hit more than 60 miles, more like maxing out at 56-58 maybe, since I take 2 days off running each week. Last marathon cycle, I did get one 61-mile week, but that was only because I ran 6 days that week, just to set a PR.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                I'd like to do 40/40 in '08. (Actually, HAVE to if I'm going to get a BQ at Vermont City in May) I mainly lurked at I have a rockin' screen name, even though I don't walk much. Anyone know how to post a pic/ attachment? Miles this week: Monday....7 Tuesday....7, before the presents See you SWAL
                  Week beginning December 24 Week 2 of Pfitz (24 week/55 mpw) Schedule Mesocycle 4, Taper and Race Goal Race - Chevron Houston Marathon, January 13, 2008 Weeks to Goal Race - 3 E Pace - 9:26 - 11:12 (1-2 minutes slower than MP) LR pace - 8:26 - 9:12 (110%-120% of MP) MLR pace - 8:26 - 9:12 (110%-120% of MP) GA - 9:00 (Getting in the miles) MP - 7:40 (Based on current VDOT), revised 7:48 Tempo - 7:13 - 7:24 (15K - 1/2 Marathon pace), revised 7:30 VO2Max – 6:46 (5K race pace) Monday Rest – Complete Tuesday 7 GA plus speed miles with 8X100 strides – Complete, rest, no time to run in Dallas since it is Christmas Day. Wednesday – 8 GA miles – Complete, 8:37 pace. Thursday Rest – Complete, 4 easy miles. Friday 4 Recovery plus speed miles with 6X100 strides – Complete, with 5X100 strides, legs feel great, overall pace, 8:53. Saturday 8 Tempo miles (4 @ Tempo) – Complete, 9 miles, tempo splits, 7:03, 7:21, 7:26, 7:50. This run was more tiring than I would have preferred. Sunday 16 MLR – Complete 17 LR, 8:49 pace, legs were tired and sore. Weekly Mileage Plan – 43 miles. Weekly Mileage Actual – 42 miles. This week’s goal – I may have to skip Tuesday’s run since it is Christmas. The key runs for the week are Saturday’s Tempo and Sunday’s MLR. Weekly Summary – Saturday and Sunday’s runs were more tiring that I would prefer but even so, this was a good week. As usual, during the taper, I feel so unprepared. This is madness, surely.
                    I figure that where the 40/40 thread goes I go. So here I am! Holly thanks for not only keeping this going but making it easy to find from Active/CR. I am sorry to lose the ability to create tables though. It was nice to have for a week. Sigh. No I am at the other end of the training cycle from wa5yom. My goal race is Boston so this is week 16 weeks to go on Pfitz's 18 week <70 program. i put down thursday for my long run but that may get moved. day...............plan..............actual monday........... 9.................9.09 tuesday..........12...............12.36 wednesday.......0.................0 in record time no less! thursday........17...............17.28 friday.............5.................5.04 saturday..........8.................8.09 sunday............5.................7.00 total..............56...............58.86 program.="" i="" put="" down="" thursday="" for="" my="" long="" run="" but="" that="" may="" get="" moved.="" day...............plan..............actual="" monday...........="" 9.................9.09="" tuesday..........12...............12.36="" wednesday.......0.................0="" in="" record="" time="" no="" less!="" thursday........17...............17.28="" friday.............5.................5.04="" saturday..........8.................8.09="" sunday............5.................7.00=""></70 program. i put down thursday for my long run but that may get moved. day...............plan..............actual monday........... 9.................9.09 tuesday..........12...............12.36 wednesday.......0.................0 in record time no less! thursday........17...............17.28 friday.............5.................5.04 saturday..........8.................8.09 sunday............5.................7.00 total..............56...............58.86>

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                      Actuals for the week ... Mon - 9.0 @ 9:50 Tues - 3.0 mi @ 9:54 ... prep for Tues race Wed - 10.0 mi Boxing Day race@ 8:26 ... time: 1:24:29 ... a 5:11 PR for this race Thurs - 7.0 mi ez Fri - rest day Sat - 8.1 @ 9:48 Sun - 15.0 mi ez @ 9:48 ... the last 2-3 were tough Total - 52.1 miles Thanks for your effort, Holly! PJ
                        Thanks Holly! Here's my plan for the week and the results thus far... 12/24---6.6 miles at 8:34 pace weights and abs work 12/25---4 miles in 31:02 (10 minutes shag-jog WU, 20 minutes at 7 min. pace--CD jog to house) 12/26---11.6 miles at 8:52 pace---last mile in 7:55 pretending to run down Boylston weights and abs 12/27---OFF 12/28--- 8.5 miles with 5 miles at 7:30 pace (not as much mojo---was 5.5 miles at 7:40 pace) weights and abs 12/29---plan 6 miles----17.8 miles---great weather and had a friend join me---switched it out a bit 12/30---plan 18 miles---6.6 miles steady pace--56 minutes total Total---plan = 54.2 The real story=55.10 I'll try to hold at 50-55 through January---on the way to 60 mile weeks in February and then 70+ miles in March. Woo hoo---hear that Mother Nature?! CNYrunner

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Thanks Holly! StepBack week (from 50 last week) cause I've got a little ding to repair in the leg joint. Mon - 3 recovery (did 3 mi with Tory .. felt GR8!) Tue - 3 recovery ... X-mas it depends (X-trained by opening presents) Wed - 8 m-LR Easy (did 8 mi in 38F rain with Tory.. he was THRILLED!) Thurs - 3 recovery + X-train (did 4 mi with Tory + leg strenthening) Fri - 6 Easy (did 6 mi with Tory + leg strenthening) Sat - 5 Recovery (did 17.2 mi @9:12 pace.. very muggy 66F) Sun - 15 m-LR (did 6 mi @8:38 with Tory, no stiffness or soreness anywhere!) Total low 40's ish but all easy Actual 44.3 mi and the knee ding is fixed!

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                            Anyone know how to post a pic/ attachment? See you SWAL
                            SWAL.....Select options, then My Forum Preferences...... Tim, Ardmore, OK.

                            Professional Noob

                              SWAL.....Select options, then My Forum Preferences...... Tim, Ardmore, OK.
                              To put a picture in your profile: Options --> My profile. To put an avatar (small pic) in all your posts: Options --> My forum preferences. Profile and avatar pictures can be uploaded directly from your hard drive. To put a picutre in an individual post: Several ways to do this. Easiest way: copy and paste the URL of the picture into your reply. Highlight the entire URL. Click the little button that looks like this: . End result:
                              (Thanks, "Eye Candy" DarkHorse Wink ) You can only post an individual picture like that if it has an URL. That is to say, you can't upload them directly from your computer. You can, however, use sites like Flicker to post your pictures online and then link the URLs from there. Don't know how to get the URL for a picture you find online? Right click on the picture and select "properties." There will be an address listed in the box that pops up. It'll probably look something like: or may have ".gif" at the end. You want to highlight the entire address and right click to select "copy." Smile Hope that helps. My running plan for next week includes a 2.6-ish pavement run, a 5.4 mile trail run, and a 2 mile treadmill run... MTA: Yes, that's nowhere close to 40 miles... but I *WISH* it were. Does that count? Wink

                              Roads were made for journeys...

                                Thanks for the picture attaching advice. So, the week shaped up well: M--7 T--7 W--10.93 Th-0 F-0 S-6.1 (3+mile WU/ 5k RR/ 1+m WD) s-11.4 43-ish. First week like that in a while. The 5k was kinda disappointing...20:35 for 9/34AG in the 40-49'rs, over a minute off. Guess that's December for you...I haven't done a speed workout since before halloween. Hope everybody has a good week! SWAL greges te circum mugiant vaccae