Masters Running


Sat Jan 05 Daily Boomer/Master Runs (Read 810 times)

The Jogger

    Morning All These titles are getting longer, don't want to exclude but as we are all boomers maybe should we title it boomers? A nice run today with a few hills chucked in, sort of undulating. The trail was wet and muddy in parts after last night's rain, as was woody after the run Roll eyes Anyway 5m 56:54 @ 11:23 pace AHR 149 69% Good Runs All Roy

      Hi Roy. That was quite a bold post this morning. (Heh, heh). Let's retire that Boomer name. It's from another time and place.
      Buy a decent watch with lap timer feature. I use a Timex Ironman. It stores all your info, keeps track of splits, you can save workouts, etc. (Insert smilie emoticon here.) Spareribs
      Grrr. [insert “I know when my chain is being yanked” emoticon here] Soundie—you actually remember your interval times in your head? Wow. I’m impressed but that ain’t gonna happen. I have a hard time remembering my phone number. As to recording intervals, I pulled out the actual intervals as one entry and dumped everything else (warm-up, recoveries, cool-down) as a single (warm-up/cool-down) entry. At first I had the recoveries as “easy” mileage but that just didn’t seem right.
      Why thank you, Evryday! Something we try to remind the feds all the time! (of course, we do that while receiving more federal money per capita than any other state... ok, civics lesson over for today!)
      Hey, be glad you’re not in DC. Just some core work for me. Didn’t wear my Garmin. Grrrr. ETA: I watched the movie La Vie en Rose last night and was disappointed. Turns out it's not about RoseColoredGlasses/LaVitaDolce.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Hi Guys! Nice 'n easy 4.06 miles at 10:04 pace this morning. It's a balmy 25F with no wind. Monday's high is predicted to be 65F around here! Though of course I will not be outdoors during the daylight hours to enjoy it. More like 40F when I run - but still. I hope Mariposai was able to get some sleep last night. I feel your exhaustion - really I do.

        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning! PDR - you and Mariposai have been working some long hours lately - hope it eases up for both of you. 7.15 easy-paced miles (ave 9:47) for me today (ave HR 1:39) in a pleasant 38 degrees. My hamstrings, especially my right one, are very sore from yesterday’s strength training. I don’t understand it – I do weighted squats and dead lifts together every week, same weights, same reps, same sets, and yet every week I’m sore for 2 days afterward. Am I never going to build any muscle there? Or do I lose muscle faster than I can build it? Swim lessons for both kids, lunch out, then bathroom rehab on tap for today. Happy Saturday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Good Morning, PDR and Mariposai both amaze me with your ability to keep going given the schedules you keep. I wish I could give you extra sleep hours. The kiddo was at a friend's house last night for a sleep-over and since it is a hockey teammate, we had a mellow evening and morning. Mr. CNYrunner and I just came back from a sunrise cross-country ski adventure. It was beautiful. We hit the trails just as the sun was peeking over the horizon---10F and no wind. We skied and even raced each other (well sort of) for 90 plus minutes. That's it for me today on the exercise front. Off to the hockey rink to watch the game. Good day all....supposed to be in the 40s later and then even in the 50s next week. Groovy CNYrunner

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Hi all, still no running for me yet with my sore calf. The pain is almost gone, but not 100% This has been super hard NOT being able to run, and I have been really tempted to run anyways.....but understand a little patience now, will get me running injury free instead of hurting myself again. I was thinking last night that it really sucks when there are millions of people that don't run, and don't care....but I just want to run, but can't. To more experienced runners here than me, how long do I wait to run when the pain is 100% gone, and how long or far? I was thinking maybe a short 1 or 2 mile run in the next few days to just test my calf out. I actually have been staying away from here, because to be honest, it's kinda depressing hearing of others that are enjoying their you understand I hope. Good runs all, and have a wonderful day!!!!! Tim PS: Still been riding my bike trainer 2 hours everyday, but it's about to drive me crazy Cry

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              Hill Runner

                Good morning all, We're getting into the heart of winter here...24F but not much wind and clear. 10.02 miles of hills@ 9:04 pace (153AHR)..the second half of the run felt much better than the first after I warmed up. Good runs to all today.

                Upcoming Races:

                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                  morning everyone -) i'm glad you're feeling better Roy. gotta love a muddy dog. sadie always rolls in the snow, so she comes in covered in snow clumps. they stick to her hair & don't come out easily. i've stopped trying. Tramps, I was going to say the same thing to Soundie. when I was doing them, I couldn't even remember how many I'd done without electronic assistance. Wink Fran (nice to see you around Smile ) i use mine on the TM too. I did a lttle on the TM this morning. 1.99 miles (dh isn't here, right?) including walking w/u & c/d. so not much, but last week i had to stop after 10 min. of walking, so I'm happy with it. Holly, be careful. tim, & everybody that's injured, sending good wishes.
                    The real feat for the day, for me, is successfully figuring out how to link a route to a post. Hope this works. My little jaunt through farm country. I need it after this week, notable in that I haven't run a step. SWALOT EDIT: Race tomorrow+ having kids until 3:30+ darkness at five o'clock= I'll maybe run half this distance. still, a beautiful if hilly run. Biketm: if you are still sane enough to type after two hours on a bike trainer, all week, then you're a better man than me.
                      Good runs, guys. Deb, you're going in the right direction. Tim, how very frustrating - but patience will pay off. Planning to run later, but wanted to post the link to a one-page running log someone, forget who, posted last year. I enjoyed filling in all the spaces in 2007. Thanks to whoever you are. Here's the 08 version:

                        We're getting into the heart of winter here...24F but not much wind and clear. Peter - sorry for not being more sympathetic, but 24 ain't winter! Ran outside in 31F this morning with tights and fleece and felt like I was overdressed! 7.3 miles in 1:05 running on mostly clear streets (no need for the YaxTrax today) and no wind. After the run, I jumped rope for 5 minutes trying to get some extra conditioning in my legs. Like Holly, plan on doing some painting and other household improvements today - maybe catch some playoff football. Our team is off till next Saturday and I'm not sure who to cheer for today. What team will play the worst in cold weather? Have a great weekend, everyone.
                          Morning All These titles are getting longer, don't want to exclude but as we are all boomers maybe should we title it boomers? Good Runs All Roy
                          Hee hee...maybe we should all be "Masterboomers"

                            Hang in there Tim - 6 miles for me in 1:05:40. I'm finally getting back in the groove. Smile I'm going to hold at about 17 miles/week for a couple more weeks. Good runs all.
                              0700 55f 7.5 w/3 @ 6:35 a little practice run for race day today. easy warmup, some strides. then 3 miles at marathon pace chasing a group. ran 6:39, 6:32, 6:34. took a gel during that last mile just for practice. cool down jog and call it a day. workouts are done so early during tapers... what the heck am i going to do for the rest of the day???? will start carb depletion after tomorrow's 9-10 miler, up through wednesday morning's run. debated whether or not to deplete, as the recent research shows it doesn't make much difference. but i did it last year, so what the heck, i'll do it this year. it's an excuse to buy more macadamia nuts. but believe it or not, i get even more grumpy than normal after a few days without carbs... will try to my best to post nice posts... Roll eyes
                                Tramps, just so you know, if I ever do run on a track, I will probably bring my Garmin, so that I don't have to count or push buttons (but don't let SR know!). It would be interesting to see how much spurious elevation the unit picks up. I figure since I will never do a race on a track, why get used to running on one? A track is just a big round ruler, and my Garmin frees me from ever having to use it. You can do intervals on a relatively flat bike path, or whatever. "I was thinking last night that it really sucks when there are millions of people that don't run, and don't care....but I just want to run, but can't." Tim - I'm sorry it is so frustrating. Remember, those people don't know what they are missing, but you do. My endorphin soaked brain had a vision of utopia once, and it involved no cars and everyone running or biking around all day. There were water fountains along every block, only athletic clothes in the department stores and healthy burrito chains instead of McDonalds. Everyone was super friendly and mellow too and we all lived long lives. I told my husband about my utopia and he quickly proclaimed that I had finally "lost it". easy 4 miles on tap for later today.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
