Masters Running


Thursday 5/6 post cinco de mayo, margarita fueled runs (Read 610 times)

    Wow, am I really starting the daily? First time for everything.


    Nice 8 miler this morning at a comfy 9:03 pace. Had a little jump in my step after watching my beloved Bruins go up 3-0 (sorry Flyers fans).


      3.5 slow, recovery miles at 10:02 pace. Even though the HR stayed in the low 120's, I still sweat like crazy. Our summer has arrived.


      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Trails are hard!

        Wow, I ran faster AND farther than Byll this morning.  .....Oh wait, I didn't do a marathon a couple of weeks ago.     Oh well, I can dream, can't I?


        3.8 miles in 36 minutes.  Only 61º with an actual tail wind on the homeward stretch.  trying hard to do the last mile faster than the first and it seems to be working (at least a little).  Trying to decide on a 6K this Saturday that I ran a couple of years ago.  I'm also having a cyst removed from my back this afternoon and not sure how long I might have to restrict movements.  Hope not long.


        good runs to all that follow.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Good Morning......Boy late start....


          13.5 mostly easy miles because it was pretty hot out (8:56 pace).....80 degrees and humid with a storm front moving in (speaking about last night's run) Had about 1 more easy mile of barefoot running, which felt even better than Mondays 1 mile.....walked a couple of miles too on rough and rocky surfaces, to try and toughen up the bottoms of my feet


          7 more super EZ laborsome miles this morning - 9:13 pace - as my legs were sore and felt like logs. 2 more real long runs (23 then 26 miles)....then 50K with Holly 


          In a hurry to go and work on my new office....have a greta day everyone!!!



          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            jtv, it's nice to hear from you after such a long time.  fatozzig, sorry to hear about Fatso.  dg, it sounds like you have been put into the land of limbo.  I hope some resolution is found before you do something rash and really hurt yourself.  craneium, I can see how your job dilemma is both good and bad.  I'm sure whatever you decide will work out well.  enke, good luck with your thyroid (and doctor). trent, thanks for the update.  We're still thinking about you and the others in your area.  steve, what a great picture of Noah and Tag.


            Nice long runs for breger (with speedwork) and kimmie.  Good job on the speedwork, and fast mile, for EGH.


            This morning, it was about 45° and there was some wind.  I got in 8 miles in enough under 1:19 for a 9:51 pace.


            In a few minutes, we are leaving to see my mother for a couple days and then go to my daughter's second graduation from MSU.


            A good day and good runs for all.



              Cloudy here today.  It looks like off and on clouds with the occasional thunderstorm here for the next few days. 


              EGH3 the only time I get to start the daily is when I am out of the US and in a timezone that makes it easy to do so!  So, be happy!


              biketm what is the latest on your shop's grand opening?


              DW is still set to do her 10K.  Got the date wrong in my prior post.   The race is Sunday.  I am still debating about doing it.  As for me, today it was off for 6.65 miles of crazy run/walking.  Good thing I got this new antenna/headset for my XM radio!  I can keep switching channels to distract me from how bizarre it is to run a few minutes, then walk, then run again . . . Geez nobody is going to be willing to run with me until this ends!  Heck, I am not sure I want to run with me!  

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                Twocat, I'll run with you!   You can be my torchbearer.   something like that. 


                ok back in a little bit.   following a hunch that I hope might cure this stoopid code.


                ... thanks Tom. 


                2.5 miles (slow, a little hilly) in between the walk.         well, I could have lied!


                   steve, what a great picture of Noah and Tag.


                   Oh...I was talking about the Batman pillow they were sleeping on...........The kid and the dog are sweet too


                    dg. every time you write about your "code" my first thought is computer code!  It always take me a few seconds of puzzlement to figure out it is a cold!  lol  As to running with me just try it virtually some time!  I can almost guarantee you will rescind your very gracious offer!


                    I been meaning to mention my DW's exploits from last night.  She had a dinner planned with a long time friend of hers.  The original plan was to go to a Mexican restaurant just because they are both fans.  Well, she calls one place for a reservation.  Booked.  Booked?  It is a Wednesday night how can a Mexican restaurant be booked?  Oh well, try a another.  Booked!  One more.  Booked!  Oh yea, Cinco de Mayo!  Every Mexican restaurant in NYC is booked!  So I think they ended up at a grill or some such.  It was good for a chuckle when she told me her story.  So happy day after Cinco de Mayo to all and may you be able to book whatever table you want!

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                      Good morning everyone! Guess everyone got a late start (or, just put off posting runs until after a few cups of Joe)


                      EGH3 - nice run, and glad your Bruins were victorious. I get a kick out of watching my DH switch channels between the hockey and NBA playoffs. No one is faster with the remote than he is!


                      How hot is it this morning Bill? Or is it just the high humidity? The pictures of your father, your DS and you were great - look like 3 generational triplets!


                      Kevin - good luck with that cyst removal. Hope it's okay in time for you to sign up for your 5K on Saturday.


                      Tim - tried the Vibram 5 fingers, just couldn't get used to them. Maybe I didn't give them long enough. I just felt clumsy and uncoordinated. Oh wait - I feel like that all the time  It sounds like you're making great progress with the barefoot running, though. Good job. Speaking of jobs - how is your new office/shop coming along?


                      Tom - is your DD graduating from MS with a master's? Or did she go back and get another degree to find a new job, like my DS is doing right now. When you're young, you think you can make a career with a double major in poly sci and journalism.  Not so much! Now he's back getting a degree in business.


                      Twocat - hang in there! It's a start, and it you just take it easy, who knows.......


                      Steve - loved the pictures of Noah and Tag. Please post them more often.


                      Leslie - belated hugs on losing Fatso. Hope you're doing okay.


                      Hi Deb! You have another code? This sure hasn't been your spring, has it? Do you take vitamins?


                      Last long run before the Cellcom half on May 16th. I wanted 10 miles but when I went on Mapquest, it only measured out to 9.5. Drats! A nice 9:21 pace though. Wind gusts of 45-50 mph all day yesterday and last night finally cleared out. IRC here this morning. Now, like Slo, it's taper time.


                      MTA - During my run this morning, I passed a BP station. See that gas is up to $2.94 a gallon. I wonder who's going to pay for that massive clean-up in the gulf?


                        Twocat,  I did mean computer code.   A few weeks ago we were talking about that, (when I did habba code)... funny.    which led me to say 'cure'.   Smile.      happy day after to you, too!          Alright, I'll try running with you virtualy first.   I still say it might be the best thing for me right now.


                        Stevep thanks for the picture & the story.   I saw them early this morning, what a perfect start to the day.


                        mta. Hi Jeanne...  thanks!  that was sweet of you.   Yes I take (too many) vitamins.   a challenging spring but at least not another cold!      NIce run for you today.  


                        Tom, Jeanne reminded me, (& I may have just missed this)  did your DD find another marathon? 

                           Oh...I was talking about the Batman pillow they were sleeping on...........The kid and the dog are sweet too

                          Wait, there was a kid and a dog in that Batman pillow picture?!? 

                            Just a quick posting between gulps of lunch while I work.


                            5 miles (again) at 10:04 pace.  I'm just kind of taking it easy for another week or two.  Last year I was injured a couple weeks after Boston and didn't really get back to normal until mid-July.  I'd like to avoid that this year.



                            It was hard to tear myself away from baby NJ this morning to leave for work.  He let me bring him downstairs and carry him around on my hip while I made breakfast.  I didn't think he'd take to me quite so quickly, but we're becoming good buddies.


                            GL with your code, dg.


                            2Cat - hope you can get beyond the startup thing quickly (and comfortably).



                            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                              I really liked that picture Steve! even though the kid and dog were in it


                              leaving work a bit early today to get in a 10 mile run and be home at a decent time. Supposed to be fairly warm today, low 70's and sunny. I'm running on a bike path with several shady areas though and after a few cool days that we've had, the warmth will feel nice. If I'm feeling real good, I might even go crazy and throw in an extra mile. i'm nuts like that sometimes. . .


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Anyone who didn’t get a chance to read Trent’s link about Nashville on the end of yesterday’s daily – it’s well worth the read.


                                Is that Noah/Tag photo priceless or what?


                                JTV – your walking pace is faster than my running pace, some days.


                                Tammy - don't go crazy, now...


                                7.85 miles with CNYRunner - yay! (ave pace 9:33, which must have been abysmally slow for her, but I used Tramps’ advice and tried to ask a lot of questions “so, tell me about any good movies you’ve seen this year”   ), followed by 18 minutes of this on the TM:


                                (2 min. @ 8:20/1 min. @ 10:00/1 min. @ 7:30/1 min. @ 10:00)


                                10 miles total


                                The speedy segments here really felt difficult.  The end of marathon training, plus the taper/marathon/recovery period really seems to make my speedy paces suffer.....(dusting hands off)...I see there’s some work to be done here.


                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
