Masters Running


Thursday's Daily, 6.27.13 (Read 40 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Big CONGRATS! to Mustang Sally for her AG course record ride! Excellent job of getting beyond the banana and staying focused.


    Mariposai, sorry to learn of DH's grandmother's passing - my condolences to him and his family.


    Looks like some good running going on, and some exciting races coming up this weekend. Keep up the good work, folks!


    More shots from last Sunday:


    Sorry this is so dark - this was looking east, toward sunrise. However, the previous night's storm was still moving off the coast, so I could only catch glimpses of the orange glow through gaps in the clouds. But it was still a great view of the day's dawning.



    By the time I got to this point, heading south, the sun had risen above the clouds (behind me now) and was beginning to light up the landscape. These are old fish shacks at North Hampton State Beach. Fishermen used to use them to store their gear. Now they are vacation homes for the few lucky owners. This cove is naturally protected from storm surges, so these shacks have been here for at least 50-60 years. No significant exterior alterations are permitted, but some colorful paint is quite fine.


    5.8 racewalking miles at 4:15. It was 59F - 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, which was quite nice. The Weather Channel said we had fog, but it was more like a heavy mist or light drizzle. Is the difference between mist and drizzle the size of the water drops? Hmm... The trouble I'm having on my workouts this week is that the poison ivy I acquired last weekend is proving to be a distraction. Trying to avoid rubbing those affected areas during my workouts is somewhat of a challenge, but I'm dealing. There's always something...


    Have a greta Thursday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Good grief MS.  That is nearly 25 mph sustained avg. speed in your Time Trial.  I don't think I could sustain that for one of your Mailbox sprints.  Nicely done!


      6.1 miles as the summer slowdown and H&H acclimation continues.  It's amazing how hard 6.1 miles at 9:30 pace seems right now.  It'll get better I know.


      Did I ever mention that Packing to Move $%^&*( ?  Well, it does.  We're doing pretty good at it and are on target for the Move.  But many decades of accumulated stuff / junk is now being sorted into multiple piles:


      1.  Bound for our soon to be Rental Townhome

      2.  Bound for Michigan

      3.  Bound for DS and/or DIL

      4.  Sell on Craigslist

      5.  Donate to Charity

      6.  Recycle

      7.  Throw out


      We've been putting really good prices on things and the Craigslist ads have been selling well.  People are getting great stuff at great prices.  Most of our furniture is solid wood and weighs a ton but it's been getting done.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      King of PhotoShop

        Tough work Bill, but you seem to have a good plan.


        Very proud of you Mustang and your speedy bike work. I don't cycle so I have no idea what kinds of times are fast, but you won so it must have been good.


        Easy 5.6 at the park today.  Now a few morning chores, mostly end of month billing, and then I'm going to watch TX-NY baseball.  Spareribs


          Mustang - congrats on your speed

          Jay - love the pics; have run and biked many times on those roads

          Bill - packing and tossing is a mixed feeling - enjoy!


          Ran 11 on the Charles and around for my first 100 month in several years. retirement is good for running mileage, but not biking mileage




            Mustang Sally is a BEAST!!  Wow, girl! that's some awesome racing!


            Mariposai, my condolences to all of you on the passing of Paul's grandma.


            One of the advantages of living in a small home, with less than ample storage is that I don't really accumulate much so when the day comes for us to move, it hopefully won't be that bad. or at least on the less-bad end of the spectrum. Glad you guys are having success with Craigslist, Bill!


            Congrats on your big mileage, Marj!!   I haven't had too many 100+ months either in the past couple yrs. Just the couple before my marathon in May.


            speaking of CL, we are shopping for a small travel trailer. With David's sports especially and having to travel out of town by the time he's in HS for meets and competitions, we were thinking how much easier that would be with a travel trailer so we aren't constantly dropping $100+ per night at a hotel. Plus, when he's at OSU (what he's really hoping for), we can go up on a wknd, see a ball game, have our own place to stay, etc. Not to mention the ease of camping (currently, if we camp, it's tent camping of which I'm not fond!). So, I'm taking tomorrow off and we are headed to Eugene to look at one I found in CL - one of those hidden treasures you can sometimes find amongst all the junk. David is still away at camp, so he knows nothing about this. But he's been DYING for a travel trailer, so if we go back up next week to get this trailer, we'll bring him with but not tell him the reason for our trip until we are there. He loves surprises like this. Some of you may remember our story of taking him to Disneyland and never telling him where we were going until we arrived at the hotel at DLand after two flights.


            The heat is rising quickly in So. Oregon. We enjoyed about 4 days of unseasonably cool weather, some rain and now we'll be in the 100's by the wknd!


            Picking up David from his camp at So. Or. University on Saturday morning. So anxious to see him and hear all about his week. They've posted a few pics of the kids at their FB page, so I've been able to peek at some of the fun they are having.  Then since we are down in Ashland on Saturday to get him, I think we'll make a stop at the waterslide park there for some cooling off.


            Leslie - have an amazing time at WS this weekend!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!


              Jay, you've posted some great pictures the last couple of days.  C-R, re. the corn in your state.  The corn here in the "thumb" of MI is growing well.  The farmers who are in our afternoon coffee group are not complaining.  MS, impressive bike time trial.


              Nice long run for marj and good speedwork for mari.


              This morning, it was about 70°, there was just a light breeze, and a bit of humidity.  I got in 8 miles at an 11:03 pace.


              A good day and good runs for all.



                coastwalker spectacular pictures!  I actually quite like the one you said is dark.  It just has an attractive look about it.


                Dave59 I spent all day yesterday working on a PDE problem.  Even with that your cartoon makes you the clear winner in the worst math geek contest!  I hate to admit this, but I thought it was pretty funny!   Oh well there go my cool credentials.  As if I ever had any. Sad


                Spareribs you need a class schedule like we have.  When time is up it is up!  But then I also get paid whether the students are there or not!


                tomwhite harmuph!  I can do all the ab work I want and I still just end up with flabs!  Cry


                Mustang Sally not bad eh!  Great job on that new CR!  Wow!


                deez4boyz  I hope you guys are in for better weather than we are in the next week or so.  Otherwise that glorious day thing may be in short supply.  Glad though it worked out yesterday that way!


                fatozzig LOL, well it is a lot easier to run 10 miles while sitting on your couch contemplating it than on an actual trail!


                tetsujin209 who do you not know that runs in the PNW?  Your list of contacts is incredible.


                breger1 I would love to have a chance to clear the house out of all sorts of things we never use.  Alas, my DW is a pack rat.  So moves like yours are the only real opportunity we have.  Good luck with the sales and getting rid of things through whatever means necessary.


                mrrun congratulations on the century month!


                TammyinGP I really hope that travel trailer turns out to be everything you want it to be!  Good luck with the inspection.


                This morning I scheduled a 6 mile run with a colleague with whom I am also friends.  Well, as fatozzig's friend it is easier to imagine running 6 than doing it for real!  After about 2 miles it was clear he was going to have a rough time of it.  After about 3 miles I suggested he walk stretches and that I would run ahead and turn back to get him.  That sort of worked.  He did 6 and I ended up with 7.  There is a sub-clause in the "no running in the rain" rule that got invoked today.  That clause says if you start running and it then starts raining you keep running until you get to your finish.  (I tell you that fine print gets you every time!)  Since it was raining pretty hard when we were done  and split up I added 4 on the TM just to get some running in at my normal pace.  I fear that for the foreseeable future pop up rain storms are going to be a constant in my life given the weather forecast.  That may prove to be really unfortunate since we have guests coming both Saturday and Sunday and I had hoped to cook out on the grill.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                janie b good

                  yip, yip for mustang sally!


                  4.22 miles; 82*.


                  something big and black bit me on the back of my knee while I was cooling down.  not sure what it was??-- would need a CSI investigation team to figure it out 'cause I smacked the guts right out of it.

                  goodness is its own reward; for more tangible outcomes, you need to try badness.

                    ....janie//............if it starts to swell put some moistened tobacco on it.............figure out what it was later..........

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Once again Jay comes through with some good pics. Seems we have lots of that on here. Great to see places like Maine and Oregon and Colorado and Alaska (plus more). I may actually post some trail photos here. Or corn fields if interested.


                      Got a nice routine going. 2 easy wake up miles and then another run later in the day. Now all I need is this achilles to heal up.


                      Taught DS2 how to re-grip his golf clubs last night so of course we will be heading to the range this evening.


                      MS - that's awesome.


                      Mariposai - my condolences.


                      Moving is tough Bill. Enjoy


                      Enjoy the game ribs. I assume you're watching from the park cause on tv is a snoozer.


                      Nicely done century marj.


                      Time to finish some work. Cheers.

                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                        If it is "the thought that counts" I am going to sit on the couch and think about running.


                        I've been trying to squeeze in a run around work today.  Started once and ran into some neighbors that I haven't seen in awhile.  Talked so long I had to just head home to check things at work (and pee).  A little while later I tried again and an older man stopped me to ask a question.  We got to talking and eventually it started to thunder and rain so I headed home.  Runs of .81 & 2.16 miles.


                        The older guy moved here from Buffalo 40 years ago, I'm from Buffalo.  He has 2 kids, I have 2 kids (all attended Michigan colleges.) He said he has no regrets, I have nothing but regrets.  And we both don't understand why our road never gets fixed.   Etc.  I hope I run into him again sometime.


                        Another stressful install tonight.  Start at 7:00.  Hopefully finish at 8:00.  This will be the cumulation of half a dozen projects.  And when it is over I will finally be able to relax and enjoy our mostly empty nest.  (If there are no glitches....)




                        Marathon Iowa 2014

                          Seven slow and easy miles this morning.  Spin tomorrow morning.  Then I do this on Sunday at 3:20 am - I can't wait!



                            Kind of late posting, but I ran 4.3 miles yesterday morning.  Felt harder than it should have.  Then had a busy day preparing for my brother and niece's short visit.  Cooked him a nice salmon dinner.


                            Jay, lovely photos.

                            Twocat, I don't quite get your aversion to rain, especially this time of year when it would probably help to keep one cool.  Maybe your rain is a drenching rain though....not like my misty sprinkly stuff.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              TomWhite - tough when you don't smoke...


                              PBJ - 3:20am?  Seriously? Is Jay going to be there with you?


                              6 easy-paced miles for me today in 69 degrees.


                              I broke a tooth that is the anchor for a 3-tooth bridge.  I have a two-hour appt. in the morning for it to get a root canal (in spite of the fact it doesn't hurt at all).  Fighting with the dental insurance because they want me to get dentures instead of another bridge.   I had to go to a periodontist to get a report on the bridge on the OTHER side of my mouth before they will rule on whether they will cover a new bridge where it broke.  (sigh) According to the periodontist, I don't really have gum problems, I just have teeth like chalk.....Undecided

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                Another atta girl for Mustang Sally!


                                Short easy run in the rain.  Some "neighbors" were yelling, "Howdee!" when I passed.  I suspect many of you remember Minnie Pearl's salutation from Hee Haw and that's what it sounded like.  I ignored them, pretending they were talking to someone else but in a crazy storm at night who else would be out but me?  They continued the obnoxious salutation and added, "It's rainin'!"  Really, I hadn't noticed!

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
