Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)


    Linda, yay!  Big grin


    Happyfeat, that's a great tip!  how do you like running with these?   I do use the compression tights, but not usually when I'm wearing shorts.   I do have one pair.  & they do ride up, so I might try this!     eek, at first for some reason I thought you were putting it on yourself.  


    Laurie I hope things are still going well.


    Kevin, great you had such a zippy half mile!   I am trying to do some of the same things, well, I still need to get in more distance, .... but upping my discomfort tolerance is something I'm really working on.     11 miles today.   Not pretty, at least parts were really hard (embrace the suck Wink )   but did have joy of running for parts of it too.   am happy I did it!   the only thing that hurts is the stoopid unhealed surgery thing.   everything else seems to be fine! 


      So so sorry to hear you are still dealing with postop problems, Deb. What's going on there?? Way to tough it out for a long's okay to do that?   I re-read my PermaTex post and I can see why you would think I meant to put it on my leg instead of the shorts.  I wasn't exactly clear.  Good thing I posted a photo!


      As far as what I think about the shorts: the UnderArmour Ultra don't compress like the CW-X, but they are very sleek and comfortable. They fit like "a second skin" though and I really don't think I would wear them in public. I'll just save them for my treadmill - which I actually have been using alot even though it's nice outside. One of these days, I think I'll try the CW-X in a small again. The medium gaps slightly at the waist when I run and seems to have "relaxed" all over since I first started running in them.  Even so, they do provide some compression - feels like a hug and I think I prefer them over my loose shorts because they prompt me to focus on my posture/form/core..all that.  My back and glutes feel better lately, and I do feel the shorts have helped. 


      I've finally self-diagnosed my hip/glute/sciatica problem to be ischial bursitis - which can also cause sciatica . The picture was clouded by a flare-up of my low back problem which has now calmed down.  I'm really happy to have a name for this bugaboo which seems to have arisen when I started building a long run back into my weekly running. So I'm following all the good advice that's out there. I even WALKED yesterday instead of running. I may do that more often if that's what it takes to get this resolved.


       MTA: Have decided to take a week off running and hope the bursitis will resolve.  I'll get caught up on my gardening with all my extra evening hours, but still it will be a challenge.  I'm admittedly somewhat of a compulsive runner and  get very antsy if I don't get to do it.  But I'm fed up with all the problems I've been having; so it will be worth it. I'm also going to redesign my exercise program (that I haven't really been doing anyway) for core fitness and all that so I can be a better runner when all is said and done. I've never been an "athlete" but I certainly have room for improvement.

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

      Beginner all over again

        HappyFeat - how is your Week off going? 

        Are you still antsy?

        I'm the opposite...sigh...I'm a very LazyRunner.  I love,  love, love my Rest days and am prone finding "valid" excuses to taking extra days off (see my log ha)   In fact I'm sticking to every other day until September 1st, which is about as long as I can seem to have a "valid  excuse" to resist running ever two days in a row. :-)

        But how are you doing on Day Five now???


        Hi to everyone else!  Hi , Hi, Hi !


        My Long Runs are starting to make me tired....sigh... I guess that's part of the training.  Repeating them weekly so eventually they don't make me so tired...?....?


        Anyone else running?  Indoors? Outdoors?  Weather's gettin'



          Hi Frances and thanks for checking on me. To combat my running withdrawal symptoms, I put yard work/gardening into my running time slot because I find it to be a strenuous activity - wears me out, wears my back out. In fact if I’m doing any yard work on the weekend, I make sure to run first or  I find I might not be up to it. So physically that’s working out well.  Mentally, I’m so excited about the improvement in my symptoms and so excited about returning to running pain-free and stronger, that I am resolved to seeing this through.


          About your long runs making you tired - are you getting adequate fuel, hydration, and rest surrounding the run? 

          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


          Trails are hard!

            Hi all, heading north to Maine to settle in and rest for a little bit tonight for my half tomorrow.  Have to stop on the way to pick up fixings for my pasta dinner.    The weather is about as perfect as I could hope for in June--mid 50's at the 7:30 start time.  the only little drawback is that the race is another hour north of our camp, so it will mean a 5:30 departure, to allow me adequate travel and panicked location finding.  Nothing like getting the HR up a little before the race .  I'm still curious to how this will play out, as I didn't make the 10 miles that the plan had called for, but did have 3-9 milers.  Last year's times had a few people finishing around 3 hours, so I have a little assurance that I might not be DFL.


            Not much running with a business trip in the middle of the week to NC where it was high 90s both days.  Not my idea of exercising weather.


            Frances--it does get better.  When I started this I had 3 milers at what I called Tempo pace turn into 5 milers at the same pace that are now "easy".  Slow builidng can be frustrating, but I pretty much managed to follow the whole plan and remained healthy for the majority of it.  The X-T has also made a huge difference and also just having a spot to do the elipical or TM if things aren't great outside.


            Hope everyone else is well--I'll check in and let you know the gory details.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              Good luck, Kevin!! We'll be sending thoughts of "strong legs and heart" your way tomorrow. Look forward to your RR.

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                Good luck Kevin.


                Frances. I too am a lazy runner. But every other day is fairly ambitious.


                Hi Deb. Glad youre recovering. The surgery part will heal. patience.


                Where is everyone else?


                I havent run in 2 weeks now due to the reinjury of leg. But it is healing. I have swam a few times and one easy bike ride. to scared to run though. Soon.



                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                  So now it's officially killing me not to run today! Yesterday was bad, today is worse. I'm committed to seeing this through and am following the sage advice of a gracious runner-sister, but I'm chomping at the bit. I'm grateful my bursitis pain appears to be gone as well as my nagging hamstring tightness. My back has never felt better. I'm breathlessly awaiting my Resume Running Orders before I lose my mind (the gardening trick has lost its effectiveness).

                  Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                    Happy, I know. Its tough to not run. But cross training might help. Can you do any of that? I can swim even when my leg is really bad. Plus upper body workouts help too.


                    Kevin, race report.....


                    Hi all.


                    Things are good! No runs yet. Going to swim today. Maybe run tomorrow.



                    Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                    Trails are hard!


                      Kevin, race report.....



                      As requested--Kennebec

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                        Well done, Kevin !! Enjoyed your RR. You can be proud of your accomplishment. WE'RE proud of you!


                        MTA: I've been given the go-ahead to run every other day at a slow pace for two weeks, barring any set-back.

                        I'm DELIRIOUS WITH JOY! 


                        Laurie, I know (groan) I should do upper body workout, core work, yoga/pilates, all manner of things that seem like such a chore to do. I'll have to learn to love them if I want to continue running into my "sunset."  I like Deb's phrase "embrace the suck." Maybe I can turn that into a mantra to motivate me along with the reminder of how much it will benefit my running.   I have trouble finding time to do those other things, but it's probably a matter of Priority because I never have any problem finding time to run.

                        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                        Trails are hard!

                          Happy--the cross training is definatley worth it.  this time around I've been doing yoga and a pump (weights) class pretty much every week.  I think it's been a big help (and also pointed out just how weak I actually was ).  Glad to hear that you'll be back on the road and starting up again.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                          Beginner all over again


                            As requested--Kennebec



                            Great job, and I enjoyed the Race Report !


                            I'm glad you finished your first HM -- That's really quite an accomplishment !!




                              Happy--the cross training is definatley worth it.  this time around I've been doing yoga and a pump (weights) class pretty much every week.  I think it's been a big help (and also pointed out just how weak I actually was ).  Glad to hear that you'll be back on the road and starting up again.

                               I know you're right (along with everyone else) and you have the results to prove it. I'm proud of you for sticking with the program. I start and fall by the wayside repeatedly.  Well the back-to-running plan is every other day for two weeks, so today being my alternate day, I've done my YogaSculpt (yoga/pilates) workout tape. I did 5 miles on the TM last night at 12 mpm and it went pretty well.


                              MTA  P.S. About posting photos: I had to open a photo account and upload pics from my computer to my Flickr account before I could put them on the RA site. (Not all photo sites work - Shutterfly did not work.)  Anyway once you have them on Flickr,  the way you put them on RA is to first select the photo you want to use. Click the "All Sizes" button above it and select the size you want.  Two text boxes then appear which contain a link to your photo. I "copy" the SECOND one. Then go to your post in RA and click on the Insert Image button (looks like a mountain with the sun overhead) and "paste" the link and Voila! the picture appears!

                              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                                Kevin, what? No tights? Good job. Congrats on running it. Now get your butt here to Westfield so I can cheer you on.


                                Happy, yep its a matter of priorities. If you can find time to run......


                                Frances, 5 halves coming up? Where?


                                I ran 3.5 today. Slow but pain free. First run in about 3 weeks. I'm loving it.



                                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.