Masters Running


Friday Dec. 28 Masters and Beyond Runs (Read 781 times)


    No run for me today - but I had to pop in on such a monumentous day. Congrats to 'ribs and theSaint. Smile
      Teresa, nice 5K race for your son. Smile SteveP, thanks for the good job wishes. Just minutes ago I saw an article in the paper about the local adult education program, which gave me the idea to email them and ask if they wanted to add a chess class. In a sense I am missing the boat, because the article is about their upcoming term which I imagine is already set, but maybe next term they will want to hire me to teach a class. You never know what something will lead to, if you put your name out there. Ilene, it's always nice to log on here and see your butt. Dark Horse
      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

        Spareribs, congratulations to you and mrsribs!

          Breger - I look forward to the day that I can use the words "easy" and "11.2 miles" in the same sentence.
          At lunch today, I drove an easy 11.2 miles stopping to get groceries at the grocery store, beer at the party store, and new wiper blades for my daughter's car at the auto parts store. See, it's not that hard to use 11.2 and easy in the same sentence! No running planned for me today. The forecast is calling for a quick 3-5 inches of snow which should start any minute now. That may change my plans and force me to go running in the snow. Or it may force me to pack my skis (cross country) in the car and head north to the Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI. We'll see what happens as the day unfolds. If intelligence wins out, I will finish work like a good person and go skiing tomorrow.



          Marathon Maniac #957

            Happy Anniversary, SR and Mrs. Ribs!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ribs, Happy Anniversary! You must have married Mrs. Ribs when she was a child because she looks so young! Another XT day because I have a 16 miler planned for Saturday. It's "cold" here (46 deg F) by the beach.
                I'm overdue for a post so will remedy that. The last few days, there has been lots of chatting that makes me feel real comfortable here. I enjoy seeing so many familiar names as well as some that aren't. I suspect some of those are old friends with new names and some are new friends. runningindc, it's good to hear you are able to run after your good MRI news. pjh, nice race with big PR. Evan, thanks for the post run picture. Congrats spareribs and mrsribs on your anniversary. Nice long runs for hallar, SirWalksalot, Twocat, Econo (in sleet!), jjj, breger, biketm, and WRFB. Good job on the speedwork for holly (too bad about the fall and ripped shirts but they'll be fine in your early morning runs), marathonderrick (on hills), bap ( and 6 day streak), rgreen, and MustangSally. This morning, it was about 30 degrees with practically no wind. I got in 14 miles in about 2:13:30 for a 9:31 pace. I was happy to end up with the second 7 being over 2 minutes faster than the first 7, the last 4 being the fastest miles and the 14th the fastest of all. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                  Hmmm...wonder which four years SR wasn't happy with.

                    Hmmm...wonder which four years SR wasn't happy with.
                    Well, I was sorta wondering the same thing. Congratulations on however many you have between you... Confused Eliz, I wish someone had told me about that bad cross training idea. I feel like Byll with the days off=pounds gained, but I haven't taken the days off! Too much fresh baked bread (SIL's fault), too much chocolate (my fault), too much wine (who's fault is that one??) and too much sitting around perusing old magazines (I'm sposed to be cleaning the house!) all conspire to make me feel like a slug. Yesterday's hard TM run was no fun either, so I guess a rest day is in order (wha..?). It sure looks nice out there though... maybe a walk later. Gotta get kids rounded up for haircuts. That's all that's on the schedule today. 2007 mile total is 1885... just 15 to go to hit 1900, so I should be able o pull that off!
                      3 nice&easy miles for me this morning, 40F and gray, sun trying to peek through but not really succeeding. I'm trying to get my legs used to running 5Xweek again, and if and when that works out, I'll try to lengthen out some of the runs. Great running, guys. Eliz, tomorrow will undoubtedly be better! My sympathies to all of you on the DL Sad Mr. and Mrs. Ribs ~ have a fabulous anniversary celebration! DH and I had our 25th last month. Big grin

                        congratulations to The Ribs!! Curious minds want to know more about these missing 4 yrs . . . Confused enjoy your date tonight - sounds wonderful! We don't have such fancy type restaurants as that in little GP Oregon. . . gosh, I miss Seattle at times! Cry



                          Nice run TomS, 30* doesn't make it any easier jjj
                          Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                          mustang sally

                          Bad faerie

                            Dear Mrs Ribs: Better you than me. (Rest day today)

                              hi geezers & geezelles, great running, everybody. TomS, it makes me comfortable too. and behind at work. and more impatient to be running. Liz, I'm so happy for you! Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Ribs. Erika, you look mahvelous! can't figure out why your TM ran stunk. Roll eyes i'm supposed to be cleaning house too, (your fault) , I thought we could both borrow DH's methods with Dark Colt for ourselves. DH, please tell him I hope he's better soon. MS, besides the numbers, your determination & focus on yesterday's run was inspiring. yippee! you got your hoodie. Yes econo is not just tough. new running log, new date book. she's invincible. Big grin belated congratulations on your PR, PJ! this morning, the usual.
                                louise, that's a long sentence... the jury must have missed something in your trial. let me know if you need help in your jail break... Wink 1030 39f 10ez 7:55 pace the sun is brighter, bird song sweeter, neighbors more neighborly... life is just better at 65mi per week than 85. taper madness ensuing soon. you nailed it lou... nicely done. heading for 340 for december and 2450 for the year.