Masters Running


Saturdaily, 5.26.18 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Friday’s workouts:
    RunnerKSA (3.2 somewhat uncomfortable miles)
    Dave59 (8 quicker before-work miles in 62° drier temps)
    Tramps (5 sunny morning miles)
    Quickadder (5.7 steamy daybreak miles)
    Fatozzig (4 EZ morning miles + 30 min of core/hip work)
    Holly (3.3 morning miles in 72° + 30 min of weights/core)
    Spacityrunner (2.7 morning neighborhood miles with H&H)
    Twocat (morning elliptical hour + branch sawing cross training)
    Mike (EZ 10 miles with sunscreen in the rain)
    Wildchild (15.5 tough trail miles with friends, going from heat to snow)
    Mariposai (4 miles)
    Evanflein (5.6 mostly EZ miles, except for the hill)

    Thanks for the Houston link, Tramps. My first reaction on reading the story was to wonder what the heck they are thinking/smoking/drinking?

    I also wish Amos would come back.

    Bummer about the dropped Garmin, Fatozzig.

    Good sleuthing and good deed, Spacityrunner.

    Mmmm - lobster dinner, Twocat!

    Tet, you are one of two people I know with aol email. The other guy is 80.

    So much for weather forecasts, eh, Mike?

    Evanflein, Sears needs to read your rant, including the Lowe’s part. Good for them if they do something about it, and shame on them (and goodbye to their retail business) if they don’t.

    I'm off to this morning's racewalking training session in a little bit. My goal for myself is to get in about 3 EZ RW miles, just to stay loose for tomorrow's 5K. I also want to stop at the farmer's market on the way back home. It is going to be in the 80's today and the low 50's tomorrow. Ahhh, Spring in New England!


    One BIL, his new girlfriend, and the girlfriend's 12 year-old daughter are arriving mid-day today. He told us they have things they want to do/see on this trip, but they didn't say what, when, or even if they want us along. So we're just going to be ready for whatever comes our way, and will have a good time regardless.


    Big grins and tailwinds to all who are racing this weekend.


    Have a greta Saturday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.



      10 miles over easy, 11:35 pace.


      My last 10 miler took me out of remission on EBV, but I think I'll be okay this time. Smile

      Bill Wagnon / stl

        Thanks, Jay.

        As for AOL email.  It is highly discouraged by anyone with knowledge of IT security to use AOL email.  It is a much less secure platform.  We have a FBI cyber security guy who comes to speak at our company and that is one of the first things he says you need to ditch to improve security.


        6.1 miles this morning which felt like 16.  It's discouraging how fast you can lose conditioning.  My HR was too high at a very slow pace.  Struggled the whole way but my butt held up pretty well- especially after the first couple of miles.  Glad to be able to do it, though.  Took my self to Sonic for my first post-run iced tea of the season (and I might have dropped by Dunkin for a couple of donuts....)


        Saw a great singer-songwriter concert last night benefiting a program for kids who have been sexually or physically abused.  3 of the singer-songwriters have written multiple number 1 hits and the 4th was Bobby Bones, the national country radio personality with a syndicated morning show out of Nashville.  He is an incredible person with a rough upbringing and the interaction between the 4 was hilarious and the music was great.  I love living here and getting to go to things like this in my hometown outside of Nashville.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Cut my usual Saturday morning long run short today. Hopefully will make up for it on the trails tomorrow and Monday. 6.3 steamy miles.

          Started running at age 60.

          AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

          AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


          Upcoming race: Contraband 5 miler 5/4/24 


            Ran a local 10 mile race today I've done many times in the past. Very warm today and little shade; by the three mile mark I knew I wasn't going to run well so I just tried to finish it. Drank loads of water and carried a bottle but since the marathon in April I haven;t felt much like running and have probably put 8 pounds back on.....Ah well, time for a reboot.


            Marathon Maniac #957


              My last 10 miler took me out of remission on EBV, but I think I'll be okay this time. Smile


              What is EBV?


              DH and I watched Patriots Day last night.  I didn't think it would really interest him, but it had a lot of good actors in it.  Really took me back.  I remember how all of us on the forum were checking back and forth and reporting in on the safety of our many friends who were at Boston that day.


              7.1 miles for me this morning in 72-74 degrees.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Trails are hard!

                Saturday greetings to all from scenic Little Sebago.  Took a lot of driving to get here, as I commuted from our project site south of Hartford.  I was supposed to be there to replaced a failed piece of equipment that I spent the previous two days battling with vendor beaucracy to get shipped so we could re-start our startup.  So, early morning drive to be on site when  it was SUPPOSED to arrive, only to arrive to a call that it had missed one of its flights and now would not be arriving until Tuesday due to the holiday.    Apparently this is a holiday weekend and the trip that Waze said would be 3-1/2 hours ended up being over 4-1/2.  JUST a bit of traffic.  It was a pleasure to get to the camp.


                This morning 3.6 miles, including making it up the big hill without stopping.  This surprised me a bit, because even though I haven't been running a lot, it's all been flat.    Then we finished the opening by getting the dock and raft in, boats out, motor on, and now I'm tired.


                There may be a beer in my future.   and an early night.  Haven't hooked up cable yet, as we won't be back much in June, so no Sox for entertainment.


                So now I find out that not only do I have an ancient Garmin, Jay thinks I'm 80 yo.    Yes, both wife and I still have AOL accounts.  It's probably mostly inertia--we've had them for so long, that it seems very intimidating to try and get everyone to talk to you at the correct address.  I do have a Gmail account--maybe I just need to start using it more.  but I don't find it really simple to use.  suppose practice might help?

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Like quickadder and sees the ground, I too ran 10 miles today. My first double digit post knee injury. I am mighty happy with the run. Glad to have been joined by my running buddy half of the run. It was a great chatty morning, I may add.


                  Then it was planting flowers and caring for my yard. I really enjoy being outside getting my hands dirty .


                  Tonight will be getting together with a couple friend of ours for a steak dinner. A great way to start the 3 day weekend, I may say.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everybody!


                    I've had a fairly busy day...and, if Debbie gets her way--which she normally does--it ain't over yet.  I sprayed some dandelions, mowed the lawn, power washed the shed, went for a 10 mile run under sunny skies and 94°, lifted weights, took my 3rd shower of the day, and, now, I'm getting ready to go back out and put some stuff down to, hopefully, get rid of our clover that seems to be taking over our yard, then I have to go to Home Depot and get some paint and stain for the shed...which will be tomorrow's work.


                    Okay--gotta go before she see's me sluffing off down here.  See ya!


                      15 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail today.  Originally plan was 20 but we were both underdressed for how cold and windy it was up there. We started at around 5000 ft and we were in thick fog that never did burn off while we were there.  temps at home were 50 when I left at 6:30 a.m. and were down to 37 when i got there. Had no idea it would be that cold. Trees were so wet and the wind was whipping around at times that it felt like we were getting rained on heavily, but it was just water being blown of the trees. I never did get very warm and we were running for close to 4 hrs. 3110 ft of climbing. 

                      We were thankful that at times, we were totally sheltered from wind and had amazing views like this


                      Image may contain: plant, tree, sky, outdoor and nature




                        What a beautiful trail, Tammy! I want to run there!  We had the opposite weather - even up here at 9,000 ft it was almost 80 degrees, which is hot for here.  I went for a nice 5 mile hike in Golden Gate Canyon State Park with DH, DD, and DSIL.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Pre collapse post. Went 7 miles. Got half way on pace and then the wheels fell off. Got home  Did some planting on a sunny deck while sweating up a bucket. Spent the next few hours trying to recover. I am fine now  but I was in pretty bad shape most of this afternoon.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                            Had a blast at the 5K here in the village tonight. 2nd in my age group, a t-shirt and a cool little drink glass. Even better I got to run with friends!!!

                            Trails Rock!


                              Nice racing, Liz!


                              Twocat, sounds like you were dehydrated from the start maybe. Hope you're feeling much better now. Well, it's almost midnight where you are so hope you're sleeping soundly and feel better tomorrow!


                              Stumpy, I'm always happy when I make it up the couple of hills I face without stopping. I'm surrounded by hills, but if I run from home or from my office, and want to make it a round trip, I've got a hill to climb to get back. Usually don't make it without stopping or walking, so good for you!


                              Tammy, that trail looks beautiful, but brrrr! Probably a good call to cut the run shorter than the planned 20.


                              Woohoo Mariposai on her first double digit run! I had that last weekend and know how good it feels to cross that barrier. Yay! How's the knee afterwards?


                              Got up this morning with a niggle in my upper/inner right ankle. WTH is this new and unwelcome development? I'm hoping it's just a strain from wearing sandals outside on uneven ground yesterday, but who knows. I did run 5.1 miles this afternoon, keeping the effort pretty easy, and it didn't seem to make it any worse, so we'll see. I'd like to do 11-12 tomorrow for my long run and hit 40+ miles for the week again. Can't believe how hard it is to make that goal, when 40 miles used to be the "floor" for my light weeks. 


                              Started planting some stuff today. DH got the garden rototilled yesterday and it's still pretty wet, but I'll start raking up the rows and getting the soaker hoses laid and hopefully some planting tomorrow. My broccoli starts are wanting out of their little six-packs, and my potatoes are terribly sprouted. Everything is so late this year! Dug up some columbine that had been planted next to the old deck, then we tore that down and redid things so they're in a bad place. Cut some roots shorter than intended so hope they're ok. I planted them all in little containers with lots of water and food so hope the roots recover and I can plant these in better places going forward. And my two peony plants have come up strong and healthy looking so hope to see blooms from them this year!