Masters Running


Sat Feb 16 Daily Runs (Read 566 times)


    Afternoon all, Rain, lightning and 35 degrees here with a long run planned for today. Bleh, treadmill day Sad . Watched a movie, part of the basketball game, fiddles with the speed and incline, etc. to keep from going beserk. Anyways: 15 miles at 9:52/mile pace Paul
      nice runs today!! sending thoughts of strong legs and solid running to all of you going out for a long run tomorrow!! i went to the gym with a friend who is trying to get back into working out after being diagnosed with a blood illness last year .... so we hit side by side treadmills and i kept my pace down while she walked so we could talk the whole time........then we did some machines at light weights, abs and stretched - just enough so she felt like she worked out without overexerting 3.75 miles in 39:25 - this is the first time i've ever run 3 days in a row - usually do an every other type schedule but trying to get more running days in and stick to at least 25 miles/week sunday - going to a running/triatholon clinic sponsored by Trifury - then on-call from 3p-7p and working a scheduled 7p-7a shift so i think i'm going to take a rest day! HAPPY SATURDAY NIGHT!!


        An hour and a half on a treadmill is PAINFUL.
        Well try 2 1/2 hours, then you will really know misery. I know mariposa did 20 miles once on the TM, and my record is 15 (just like pfriese today!), any other TM records out there? Carbo loading in progress for tomorrow...

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


          enkephalin, I just realized that todays treadmill run ties my record for distance on the treadmill. If I had known that, I might have gone a bit further just to set a new PB for distance on the machine. Paul
            i too have been wondering what is going on with Dark Horse, have missed his posts. For me an easy 5 mile recovery run today, hoping to run at least 10 tomorrow.
              evryday, from your post, I assume your flu is getting better.
              Feeling much better, thanks Tom. I'm going to take 2 more recovery days and get back to it on Monday. That'll be a full week of no running... Actually, this time off has given my shin a chance to return to normalcy. It feels pretty good. I'm really anxious to get back out there, though. I'm going to ditto Ribs and say, yes, all planned runs and activities will be enjoyed by all! MTA....way to get it done inside Paul. 15 miles on the
              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                Well try 2 1/2 hours, then you will really know misery. I know mariposa did 20 miles once on the TM, and my record is 15 (just like pfriese today!), any other TM records out there?
                I did a 20 miler in 2006 while training for Napa and it was -30 outside... I'd done 18 miles in -18 to -23 temps the week before and wasn't interested in doing it again. Not sure which was the tougher run, though!

                  Jeanne, I'm with you about the treadmill. I'll go one step further by saying ANYTHING on a treadmill is painful! Way to get it done! As soon as you can get off that thing and outside more consistently, your motivation will come back. Sparerib, too bad you and the Saint can't combine body parts somehow and get one good working body between the two of you. Hope everyone is healthy sooner rather than later. Hang in there. seemomgo, what a great way to catch up with a college friend! fbgrrl, nice post and nice run! Smile evanflein, no more days off from running for you! I think your body is addicted to it, and was revolting for taking a day off. You'll do much better tomorrow I bet. When you're done puttering at your place, I have a list a mile long that I'm working on if you want to help! Sarge, sometimes an easy run when you aren't feeling well actually helps. Just make sure you don't start running a fever, and keep it easy. Good luck with the RD duties, it's a thankless job. But it's because of people like you that we have races to be able to run in, so thank you! Wow bap! Nice pace on a tough course!! Where was that? enke, good luck with your run into new mileage territory tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about it! fussyrunner, I'm in awe of YOUR workout! 11.5 grueling miles followed by a mile swim? I'd be on the couch the rest of the day after that. Very cool about the new running buddy, I wish you lot's of good runs together! vista, sticking to the plan is what it's all about, it just seems that a lot of people here run long runs on Saturdays. What a busy rest of the day you had, but I'm sure everything you did was greatly, greatly appreciated by those you helped. Smile TomS, you do a race, then go home and run somemore? A good day indeed! lyndenrunner, slow and steady and patient wins the game in the long haul. SteveP whizzes by in a flash... Paul, I can't even imagine... that sounded like torture. deez4boyz, congrats on the running streak! Hmmm, is there a triathlon in your future? evryday, good luck with your return to running in a couple of days! Lots of good stuff happening out there today! Great job everyone!

                  One day at a time

                    Another distance / time record for me today - 7.1 miles in 1:24:19, on the treadmill at the Y. It worked out well, because my kids could swim while I was running. It wasn't busy at all, so I didn't feel bad about staying on the TM the entire time. I've now surpassed the longest distance DH has run, 7.0 miles. Big grin When I got home and told him, he headed out for a run, lol.


                      Teresa and Helen, congrats on the long distances! Paul and Enke, I don't know how you can do such long dreadmill runs. Yuck! You have way more mental fortitude than I. Erika, I suppose if it was a choice between a dreadmill or -25 degrees, I'd pick the dreadmill, but only if there were no other choices. My local rec center has an indoor track, and even though its only 100 meters, making it 16 laps per mile, I choose the track over the treadmill every time. I have a system to keep track of how many laps - I bend one finger down for each lap and hold it with my thumb, so four fingers of each hand makes a quarter mile. I alternate hands, so when I've used both hand its half a mile, etc. I did 5K on the track tonight in 29:40 while DD was running her C25K workout. Tomorrow I'll try for a longer run outside with the dogs. I should have gotten outside today but I procrastinated, and DD wanted to go to the rec center and I'm a pushover for a kid who wants to run! Smile

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
