Masters Running


Monday, Jan 14/08 Daily running thread (Read 800 times)

    Dark Horse, Since I like and respect you so much, I will tell you about a little invention. Its called a snow blower. It blows snow. It is much faster than using shovels, especially shovels powered by cranky children.
    Cash, I purposely don't get a snowblower so that my two boys, who don't get much exercise, will have to shovel snow. I am crazy like a fox. Dark Horse
    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


      don't know how they do it, but the tucson city snowplows are excellent. they get the darn stuff off the yards too somehow, even before we wake up. where they put it, no one knows. Big grin only reached 60f today. had to wear a heavy sweater. walked a mile. legs felt ok.
      They must have taught their expertise to the Long Beach guys too! Big grin 74F here today, just a light sweater needed.


      Runners run


        Dark Horse, Since I like and respect you so much, I will tell you about a little invention. Its called a snow blower. It blows snow. It is much faster than using shovels, especially shovels powered by cranky children. You may not have noticed, but where you live gets snow almost every year. Therefore you will get many uses out of the snow blower and your cost per use will go down
        I love it... snow advice from Mr. Southern California guy. Ha, now that's funny. We have a snowblower but it hardly seems to work well. Or at least that's what my dh keeps telling the complaining teenage boys who get handed the shovels on a regular basis. Our snow is so dry and fluffy (at first) we just use a broom on the front stairs.