Masters Running


Is It Realy Monday Already Runs and Stuff (Read 662 times)


    Nancy, I didn't get that... what are you running? I'm running the Equinox 50k ultra again. Sort of my annual standard. I'd sure like to find something else, but can't find anything where schedule and travel budget permit.

    Try spelling Van Flein over the phone at a crowded restaurant. I'm always amazed at how people who can spell Calvin KLEIN's name can butcher ours. So we're the Rockefellers when we make reservations. Good for the financial ego, and everyone can spell it. 

    We had an amazing little rain storm move through here earlier this evening. Went from being sunny and warm, to incredibly windy, and then it rained HARD for awhile. The cat came running in from the backyard looking like he'd been shot by a pellet gun! It was amazing. I love those showers like that. Then... it cleared up and now the sun is shining again at a little after 9 pm. 
