Masters Running


Sundaily 2/18 (Read 36 times)


    the upcoming 50K wasn't really intentionally planned as an RA get together so I guess maybe not much was really said about it. I think Carolyn was sort of planning a road trip and looking around for some options on 50K's and this one just happened to fall into her travel plans I believe. 

    just returned from 3.2 miles on the trails with the dogs. It is super cold today and snow expected tonight and into tomorrow. David and his 2 classmates who are all planning on rooming together at OSU are supposed to go up to Corvallis for an incoming freshman day but they have another planned in March over spring break, so because the passes are supposed to get a lot of snow overnight, they are postponing. 

    and now this afternoon I am doing some trip planning for husband and son to go to So Cal (Calif speedway) for the Nascar race in mid March - a local guy has to sell his two tkts he has each year for this race, so checking into airfare and hotel down there to see if it's only mildly ridiculous in price, or stupid ridiculous in price.



      I am so thrilled to see the fun-tastic miles Tammy is running Smile. Love ya sistahhh. How fun that my birthday sistahh will be there to run it with you.

      Holly, what a fun weekend you had with your friends. Kuddossssss to your DH for his planning. How romantic.

      What is not to love about our Avenger Doggie's races.

      Marj and Henrun...when my DH and I retired, I aim to emulate the fun you two are having post retirement.


      Well, today was the day the balancing act for my as far as how I proceed with my knee injury. I rested all day yesterday, think of me sitting, reading a book for about 5 hours, yeahhh. I am a read-aholic Smile. I got up often to walk around to change knee was barking with the rest. Today,  I decided to do the opposite, stand up activities such as sorting my clothing in the closet. Seating down for about 10' to the hour and my knee was still barking . My knee was perfectly happy when I woke up . I spoke to a few friends, doctors of mine, and the consensus is...go to the ortho doctor, get an MRI and see what is going on...just so frustrating. The best part of today was to finally swallow my ego and unpacked all my fat dress pant... I have forgotten how many cool looking outfit on the fat size I still own.


      Life is good while we are still on this earth...find the good on everything my friends...Carpe Diem.

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


        G/L on the trip planning Tammy.


        Posi:  I have had the barking knee...mine was a simple issue.  Hope yours is also.

        4ish mile on the Cooper trails this afternoon.  It was damp and cold.  I'm not sure when I'll warm up.

        Trails Rock!


          Hey y'all, didn't get out until after lunch and by then temps were in the low 60s with wind.  Did 10 miles running, another 2 miles of "Gallowalking."


          Have a great night everyone!


            BioGuy- Teachers deserve a lot of credit. I'd be one of the people you see on TV news for loosing his cool.


            Tammy, I want to run in your neck of the woods.


            RunnerKSA- Congratulations on 550 Temps.


            Tet - Avenger Doggie eats Chinese. That's as close as either one of us come to being multi-lingual. I love that logo.


            Holly - Once in a while a person needs lots of laughs.


            We probably had our last multi dog run before DW and I head to FL.


            I couldn't get Honey or Tag to pose for the life of me.




            As soon as I opened the door, I was trampled by three and a half dogs. (Note to self "undo the seat belt before opening the door"). Thankfully I caught Honey's leash before the was off and running for goodness knows how long. I saw what as more important than the dogs' photo opp.



            We got three miles in. My driver's side ankle was barking at me. I hope it's just a thing and not a THING. There's a little 15K in Tampa next weekend I've been looking forward to.

