Masters Running


Thursday Jan. 17th Master/Boomer Runs (Read 629 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    Can't read... A bit tired here. Traveling back from a business trip, I got stuck in Atlanta. I mean stuck. In the plane, on the tarmac for 7 hrs (watched 3 movies!) then pulled back to the gate and got dumped off at 1:30 am. There were de-icing delays because Atlanta had 0.6” of slushy snow! New boarding pass in hand at 3 am. Tried without success to sleep on airport benches until 5:30. Gave up on that and had breakfast then zombied on CNN til 8:30 flight. Back to Durham by 10:30 then 5 mile run with Tory in 33F wind driven rain in 44:38 (8:58 pace). Then lunch and off to work. Can I sleep now? I thought the run would be good practice in case I ever need to run after being up all night….hmm might come in handy. Later, Steve

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      well, that oughta do it! swoon and don't you know, i have ripped jeans just like that!

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        Can't read... AI got stuck in Atlanta. I mean stuck. In the plane, on the tarmac for 7 hrs (watched 3 movies!) then pulled back to the gate and got dumped off at 1:30 am.
        Shocked Isnt' there some passenger bill of rights now?

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Good evening folks, Here I sit in the Dayton airport awaiting my flight to Atlanta ---Steve! did you take care of the delays? My flight is listed on time and it's raining there now, so I shoud be okay. Just as well....if I was heading home to Mass. tonight (I fly into Bradley airport---serving Hartford/Springfield and environs)....the flight from Dayton through DC and on to Hartford was cancelled. I'll be in Atlanta for the next two days and will be running loops around Centennial Olympic Park. Yee haw! Great 10 mile run this morning with Holly. Thanks again Holly! She has got some serious spot on marathon pace in there. Boston watch out....! MC, after the NYC marathon a few years ago, my shoulders and neck were practically locked. It was bizarre. I couldn't turn my head and lifting my suitcase led to yelping. The doctor thought it was just some muscle tension reaction and dehydration or something. It took about 4 days to ease and then it just vanished. I hope you feel better soon. As for that hug......wowsa. I am looking around to see if there is anyone hug worthy in that way here in the gate area....Naw. Perhaps I'll have to make that my wallpaper. Happy Trails CNY


            Good Evening!! I took off on what wa to be a 4 miler at 4:20 pm which is kinda late here in the northeast in terms of remaining daylight. I opted to extend my run at the two mile mark to a 5.3 miler. This was a beautiful trail run in fairly muddy conditions in spots but I enjoyed it imensely. Finished in 47:45 for a 9:01 pace which ir right around Buger's recovery pace and Holly and Sarge's GA pace!! I think I'll rest tomorry in anticipation of my 12 miler on Saturday. Chris

              peek back. Hi Gordon. I was wondering where you'd gone. Tall, Darby's beautiful. It's tough she's not with you. thanks Stevep. how is your brother? & your mother? erika, glad you got your run in! all happy now? i put in a few hugs, but after page 3 they were superfluous. pdr, I hope it goes ok. just be weird on tape. eta perch you are tough. yes you can sleep now.

                RunninginDC—glad to hear you seem to be doing much better; don’t rush it though.
                Thanks Tramps. Always important to remember, you and the foot reminded me this a.m. It was just a bit grumpy...not grouchy, not cranky, just grumpy. Glad I didn't plan on running tonight but foot is well enough that I will go out with the club on Saturday. Yippee!!! Went to the pool and manged 30 minutes of back and forth. Then the whirlpool, the cold plunge and the steam room. That is my new Tri....and I love it. Mr. Ribs: I love your new avatar!!! Thats some nice legs you got there kid. Wink MC: that's some hug...can I have one??? Big grin Mary: I am sorry that your Mr. Garmin is going bye bye. Hopefully the next one will behave. PDR: you are articulate and beautiful. You will do very well. This place helped me to go for a swim Well, It was snowing here and I wanted to go straight home after work and hibernate. I have been working hard to get out there at least 6 days and do a run or a swim and I said to can go home, you don't have to go for a swim. Then I ate the Raisin Bran muffin from Au Bon Pain. They have a 1/2 price sale between 3-4 on their baked goods and I can't resist such a deal. Roll eyes then I went to the website for the nutrition info...410 cal!!! Shocked An afternoon snack and I ate 410 cal!!! Cry And I said...If I want to keep up with the RA weight loss goal, I have to work that muffin off. And that is not going to happen if I go home! So off to the club I went. Now, I don't know how many calories I burned in 30 minutes of slow as a turtle freestyle, but I know it was more than I would of if I went home. And now I will not get that "deal" again. I will start packing my afternoon snack. Good runs and good night.

                Trails Rock!

                  Mustang Sally- Thanks for the enlightenment. 6 miles for me after school today followed by a trip to the gym to weight train for upper body today.

                  Head Procrastinator

                    TALL - Darby is beautiful! Makes me think - we need to start our "Pets" page again. ~Mary
                    Mary, we've got one going on KR, we'd love to have one of Brinkley there.
                    ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats

                      The bad news Half of New York has been laid low by a bronchial infection The good news I had an allergist appointment today The bad news I started with the symptoms on Tuesday The good news I didn't have to have my allergy shots The bad news Parts of my lungs are down to 50% of normal capacity The good news Its just allergies The bad news Its sleeting, snowing and raining outside The good news 5 wheezy miles at 9:55 pace (last one in 8:37) The bad news I'm cold wet and if the doctor is wrong, probably dead.

                      Certified Running Coach
                      Crocked since 2013


                      One day at a time

                        4 miles this morning. Temperature was 19 degrees. A new lady came to the running group - she is as slow as I am, so we were a good match to run together! So what if she's 58 and I'm 45, lol. A guy in a pickup truck with a snowplow blade thoughtfully took the time to slow down, roll down his window, and yell at us, "Get out of the middle of the road!" Sigh. The next time that happens, I need to remember to give them a big smile and say, "Have a great day!" I love driving Yankees crazy. Sometimes DH and I play a game - going down the sidewalk, we will smile at a stranger and tell him hi. It's so fun to see the reactions we get! Either a blank stare or a look like we're crazy. I love living in Maine, but I do miss southern friendliness. Teresa

                          I had a really nice run with McCat who was on CR and now RA. 4 miles at our civic center course. When I got back to the car, there were missed calls. Mom was ....not good. I called the helper who was with her and the battery died and no charger. My brother was at the house by the time I got there. He's staying the night with her.



                            I had a really nice run with McCat who was on CR and now RA. 4 miles at our civic center course. When I got back to the car, there were missed calls. Mom was ....not good. I called the helper who was with her and the battery died and no charger. My brother was at the house by the time I got there. He's staying the night with her.
                            oh Steve, I'm so sorry. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to all of you.