Masters Running


Wednesday, July 23, Ghost-written runs (Read 569 times)


One day at a time

    One hour of pool running for me today. I tried some intervals as I saw suggested on a website. I don't know - it seems hard to get much of a workout, no matter how hard I try.
      btb good to see you post here. He is a great guy. I should also mention that I asked him to promise to write a really nice obituary for me following the race as I planned to drop dead after crossing the finish line. Hmm, now that I think about it I kind of remember him dissembling on that! Forget the great guy thing! What a rat! Big grin

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        Right now when I try to run I feel all weird, my gait is off and it feels sort of "weak" in that hip - just all wrong. Maybe because I've been sort of favoring it all month. I don't want to start running with a funny gait and mess something else up, so it's better to wait until I'm really ready to run.
        That's a good observation and a very smart move. When you consciously or subconsciously alter your gait because you've been favoring one body part, you can injure another part that was previously OK (DAMHIK). That's why I had to take a step back in my recovery and am now being more than a little smarter about it.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"



          Glad to see PDR starting us off! I think Craneium would be a better bet for ghost-writing runs, judging by his entry today! Btb, thanks for the picture of Amy, and glad to hear you're running well again. Spareribs, hope the procedure tomorrow goes well and you notice a big improvement! Holly, have fun at the gym! And I loved your DD's attempt at getting the dog and cat to be friends! Steve, enjoy your well-earned rest day! No run yet today, and yesterday was a rest day. I plan to get out for a run after work with the dogs. We're leaving on Friday for a backpacking trip to the wind river mountains in Wyoming, so we're busy organizing our stuff and planning our meals. Can't wait!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


            Joel is running the repeats just a bit slower than I am, but he is really doing well. I have only been beating him for the past couple of years in races as he gets older. Some of his more recent times are: 10K - 43:36 (7:01)
            Well, let's see...Joel is about my age and about 1 minute/mile faster than me...please don't tell me he can still hit a curveball. DickyG

              I thought I felt a disturbance in the force today... Oh that explains it... Perchcreek took a rest day! Shocked

                Be safe. Be kind.

                The Jogger

                  Just a quick post after a busy work day......of this mornings jog. 3 miler 09:55 AHR147 09:03 AHR 160 08:29 AHR 168 Good Runs All & Good Night Roy
                    Just stopping in to wish Spareribs great good luck. I'll be thinking of you and The Saint. Karin
                      Good luck tomorrow Mr Ribs. Your senior friend. 3 miles today in the rain.

                      Top 'O the World!

                        Good Luck tomorrow Spareribs!!
                        she had put the dog AND cat in the basket and shut the lid “to help them learn to get along.” Big grin !
                        my question would be, How did she get them both in there in the 1st place!? Big grin
                        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
                          Whew, been so busy with work and family, I haven't had time to post. I've been keeping up running and put in 3.7 last night and 6 on Sunday. I'm excited that the mandatory cool down that I've been doing is seeming to help my sore ankle and I feel much improved this past week. Just got my kids home from respective camp and cousin visits last Saturday only to pack them off again to my in-laws for a week and a half this morning. Wasn't quite ready for that yet. They are growing so fast. After that, school is just around the corner and both are in middle school this more elementary... Undecided of luck and healing vibes your way with your proceedure tomorrow. My Dad had that done a few years ago and came through just fine. Holly, You cat and dog in the wicker basket reminded me of when when we moved into our first house and it had ceiling fans. They were terrified. I had to lock them in the room with the fan for a few hours before they finally realized that it wasn't going to "get 'em". Good runs to all...Janet

                          King of PhotoShop

                            Good luck tomorrow Mr Ribs. Your senior friend. 3 miles today in the rain.
                            I hear you Mirko and I am thinking of you too. Many thanks for your kind words. Please post often. You are a good guy. And we old-timers need more support. Those young-uns here are kicking butt! Spareribs
                              7.2 miles in 1:02:00 8.5 minute miles or there abouts. Not the run I planned for today. I started out great : Mile1 8:49 warm up Mile 2 8:04 just about right mile 3 8:02 holding pace even on some pretty good hills mile 4 8:03 My feet are light and the turnover feels good Then something went bad mile 5 9:15 and fading Mile 6 9:04 and working way to hard mile 7 10:11 and glad to be home Not sure whats up with that run but was planning on the middle 5 at 8 Minute miles . Some days it just doesn't happen. Tomorrow is 3 recovery miles then a rest day. Hopefully the weekend will bring renewed sproink. My allergic reaction thingy is still bugging me so maybe that's the issue. Ribs, good luck tomorrow and best wishes. BTB, Great to hear from you Hopefull, You seem to be running well keep up the great training. I think I may join you in Detroit . Roy, Nice run! Good runs everyone Larry

                              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                                ribs, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Best wishes going your way. TomS