Masters Running


Sat 2/14 - Master Runs - Bloopers - Catnip - And Anything (Read 567 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    I bet when you saw bloopers you thought....what did TimBO do now Roll eyes. Nothing, just thought I would add that in there to entice your curiosity. At work early on this Saturday morning...the shop is packed with wrecked cars and I am really behind on processing the paper. Oh well, just a few hours which will go by fast. I woke up super early this morning for some reason, and decided to get my run done before work. There was a light coating of snow, and it was a comfy 32 degrees. 6.3 miles @ right about 9:00 pace. Again, I kept having to slow myself down because I had "jimmy legs" that wanted to go faster Smile. Was a nice run and will make me feel good all day long. Hope everyone has good runs today, and a Greta Weekend!!! And....Happy Valentines Day....I got off cheap this year being single with no GF Big grin.( But would really rather have a special woman I could cherish and love...boy, am I having a really bad "dry spell" right now Sad) Seriously, do something special for your DW or DH or who ever you are involved with, to show them you Love - Cherish - and Respect them!!! And, I already have a plan today to do some special and nice for this single Gal I know, that is going through a tough time right now....she will be pleasantly surprised, and I will be a Blessed Guy for my surprise to doing this stuff for people Smile Your Buddie and Good Friend TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    King of PhotoShop

      Very cold outside, but I am HOT. Headed off to the club for our Red Dress Run. Pics later. Spareribs

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Ribs, it's not that you are hot....but rather Hawt Smile....have fun. TBo

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Hill Runner

          Good morning guys, 6.02 miles of hills @ 8:58 pace this morning. Looking forward to the pictures SR. Good runs today everyone.

          Upcoming Races:

          Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
          Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
          Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


            Good Morning ! Have fun today Ribs........I don't need to see the pictures Wink I'm at work too Tim, 1st time the plant has been down since Christmas and I have contractors crawling everywhere. 2 runs......12hrs.......1st snowflake......last snowflake. Last night 5:30 pm, 8.5 miles. Seen the first snowflake fall. By the end of my run there was enough snow that it was packing under my feet, sticking to my shoes and making me shuffle step to wipe the bottoms clean. This morning, 5:30 am 6.6 miles. watched the last snowflake fall. Streets were slushy and the sidewalks were under about 3 inches. Later today is a family gathering at my in-laws. Everyone is bringing a Mexican dish. I'm already salavating.

            Renee the dog

              SLO -- some cool running there! Wink I took off with Renee 1/2 hr before sunrise so that by the time we hit the bridge with traffic and no ped. lane, the sun would be up. Luck smiled on us and no traffic in our direction on the up or down side. Rest of the run was like that too. We managed to get to another bigger bridge with good shoulder at around mi 7, and did that one as fast as we could as well. Good workout! Overall 11 mi., and just as we stopped, up runs another Masters runner from church. Smile We chatted for a minute, then Renee and I walked down to our rendezvous point with our pick up squad. They were there waiting with coffee! It was fun running to Cape May, but way more traffic than when I run to the next island north. Beautiful morning. Good runs and races to all!!

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                I've heard of "Devil in a Blue Dress" but "Ribs in a Red Dress"? Shocked During the very first mile of my run yesterday, I pulled a calf muscle even though I was going very slowly to warm up. I eased up even more for a bit and it seemed okay so I finished the run without problem. Later in the day, though, it tightened up on me big time. So today—usually a rest day—I went out for a couple of slow miles just to make sure it’ll loosen up for tomorrow’s LR. There was a persistent twinge but it seemed okay and I’ll try a little massage during the day too. In honor of Darwin’s birthday this week—and all you hard-working treadmill runners:

                Be safe. Be kind.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning! Timbo – we get off cheap too, because we’re married. Big grin Actually, DH knows that I’d rather buy running shoes than have flowers and chocolate any day. My new pair arrived yesterday. Smile Slo_Hand – we love Mexican food at our house, too. 7.1 miles today in 36 degrees. In spite of reduced mileage this week and new shoes today, my legs felt dead and sproinkless. Hopefully tomorrow’s LR will have more pep.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    It looks like people are not getting out too early this Saturday morning. Either that or they are already started on a big day and haven't had time to post. Nice long runs for maine, Peter, WRFB, and nono. Good job on the speedwork for Holly. This morning it was in the mid 20s with a light breeze and an inch or two of new snow. I had "dead" feeling legs and a body with no "sproink" but plodded through 8 miles in a bit under 1:22 for a 9:13 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                      This morning it was in the mid 20s with a light breeze and an inch or two of new snow. I had "dead" feeling legs and a body with no "sproink" but plodded through 8 miles in a bit under 1:22 for a 9:13 pace. TomS
                      Tom It's days like those, that by sticking it through, I get a real sense of accomplishment at the end. There's nothing hard about an enjoyable 8 mile easy run......but when it's and easy paced 8 miler, your mind and/or body just ain't into it and you can win over the hold out.......That run is worth so much more. Put it in log buddy.

                        In Latin America today is a day of Friendship and Love. So happy day to all. Will run later to honor all of you my friends.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          I'm oddly looking forward to the pictures, 'ribs Cool 7.1 miles (incl 8x20sec striders), 55:56, 7:54/mi, AHR 158 (79% mhr) Um, er, this was supposed to be GA but was about MP other than the striders. Hopefully my med-long run tomorrow isn't too hard because I ran too hard this morning. I loved that picture of the white cat yesterday -- so funny!

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                            Thanks for the great start Tim. You're too good for a long dry spell so best wishes for better days ahead. Lookin forward to Ribs pics Wink Slo Hand nice running in the snow Nono I've ran that area at sunrise about 10 years ago, everyone thought I was crazy getting up at 5:30 to run into the rising sun. I told them they are crazy ones for sleeping thru it. Smile Besides it was going to be 95F later that day so early run was necessary. 8.7 miles w/DW 10:00 pace counted 30 downed trees from Wed/Thursday storms. Spring is over for now, back down to 24F w/ a dusting of snow. Happy Valentine's Day

                            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                              My DW went off for a 6 mile run with the local jogging club this morning. Temps were not bad. High 20's. (Editor Did you just write that? Twocat Must have been a muscle spasm.) Post run I delivered the muffins she volunteered me to make. Roll eyes On the good news side they were a big hit! Smile For Valentine's Day my DW came up with a really clever gift. There is a local cheese shop and she got me a six month subscription to their cheese of the month club! She is pretty observant and has a good memory. We were last in the shop together in December when I noticed the sign for the club and mentioned that it looked like a good way to try out a lot of new cheeses. I, alas, am not so clever. I got her the standard roses. Well not quite. By our tradition it is 12 red and 1 yellow. The 1 stands for same time next year. Good running everybody. Somebody get a copy of Spareribs in a red dress to the national press! Wink

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Well, the run went off smoothly at the Club. The Saint was embarrassed all morning at seeing me in the dress, especially when I insisted on stopping at Starbucks for a coffee. She stayed slumped down in the seat when I was inside. But she did take this one fashion shot of me before we left the house. Of course I wore my red Asics DS Trainers: She was relieved when we got to the clubhouse and learned that I didn't look as bad as some of the men. You should have seen the hair on the back of the big guy next to me in this picture: 4 miles total for me today at about 9:30's, and my first 40-mile week. It's tough running in a dress. For one thing, today was cold and I wished I had chosen a dress with more material on top. Amazing the trouble women have to go through to get dressed and put on all this stuff. It's a lot easier being a guy. Spareribs