Masters Running


Tuesday July 6 Back-to-Work Runs (Read 557 times)


    ...thanks dg//........but if I ever get that lonely,


    just have me shot.




    very strong running bty.


    you're welcome.   

    aw come on.  remember all those fun games you used to play with her?  

    .... I read that first as 'give me a shot'.    let's start with that, not that I expect it to come to that.   but just in case, I have some Glenlivet.    then you could play 'give me the damn ball'  with the pooch. 



    thanks, very much.


      Greetings! I was away from computer on the weekend; looks like a lot of good running!  My running this past weekend followed a general theme of starting too late and getting too hot!


      Saturday I had tentative plans to get a long run done but spent too long figuring out teenage logistics  and extended family  food stuff and did not start until almost 9 a.m.  It was at least mid-70s by then but blessedly, on saturday, not too humid and there was a breeze. I managed to run about 16 miles on the Masasbesic rail trail, again without water ( I would have parked some this time had I known my plan and started  sooner). I did ok but was pretty tired and thirsty the last couple of miles, at which point it was up into the 80s.


      Sunday was a 6 mile easy pace but wickedly hilly recovery run up near our family lake place. Persistent deer flies too, or maybe  horse flies. I started a little late then too but it was a  cloudy morning so not too bad, and there is a lake to jump in afterwards. It was a decent run though I guess I went too light on the bug dope! 


      yesterday i did 8 miles on the same road plus a short extension. Way too hot, humid, no breeze, hills seemed harder, delayed leg  fatigue from the long run,,,,,, Just as I was really feeling sorry for myself, with about a mile left, DS and DS came running up the road; DS ran back with me at a very decent pace and after already waterskiing. I was forced to perk up and refrain from whining!  He does not run often but is a good athlete.


      Lots of waterfront activity and good food.


      hot night back at home, decided on a rest day for running today, but I did swim 1500 at lunch.


      great races to CNY, Erika!


        Ok, I'm over being the guy in the 5k results. Oh well. I did cut out the results column and highlighted my name in the "Men's Results" for my running folder. 

        After all the garden work yesterday, I'm moving pretty slowly this morning. It's a really nice day out there, although a bit breezy... I've got a bit more weeding to do and some other stuff, but will try to get a run in later today. Nothing much, probably continue the "6 on the 6th" theme we seem to have going.

        Our new tenants have a 5 year old boy who adores my boys. My boys are less than thrilled. He's a darling kid, but at that stage where everything is a question "What are you doing?" "Why are you doing that?" "Why does that do that?" "Where does that door go?" "How does that work" "Come play soccer with me!" That last one is usually directed at the boys and DS1 gamely goes out and plays in the yard with him. I'm sure he'll settle down and get more comfortable around us, but he's very curious and active. I totally forgot what having a 5 year old boy around is like!

        Avenger Doggie

        protector of my dad


          SteveP – definitely post some of those photos – we love Noah photos!


          I will trade you Noah pictures from some of Daisy nekked

          Sniffing Butts, Tag

            ...I would

            just like to add that Erika is My Kind of Guy.........






             couldn't resist.

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Not mine..........  


              Runners run


                Ok, enough now. 

                  Back in school...crud...30 years already..our roll was listed by  last name, then the first few letters of our first name. Mine being "Stephen", was listed as "Steph". A sociology teacher always called me "Stephanie".....I don't want to go to our reunion any more.....


                  3 miles with he who drools.



                    3 miles with he who drools.

                     I was refering to the dog...not DS nor Noah.


                    Renee the dog

                      I only got 1.75 mi out of 2 with one who drools this morning. It was just to keep things flowing and more talk than anything out there with all our dog friends and their humans. 


                      Tonight, my dd, who's 6, will go to her first yoga session with me.  Should be entertaining. I explained to her that "combat yoga" is not allowed in public.

                      GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        4.2 miles 9:30 pace. I waited until 7:30 and let it cool down a little. It was 92 when I went out and a cool 90 when I got back. I took water but mostly just to dump on my hat every so often.


                        Have you guys heard about that Erik guy in Alaska? I hear he runs a mean 5K.   Congrats on the PR who ever you are. 2 PRs in just over a week. NICE!



                        Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                          9 miles, all by myself. Wasn't planning on going that long, but hey, I've got the day off and the afternoon was perfect for a nice run. My legs still feel tired from Sunday's race and run, and all that weeding yesterday probably didn't help.

                            Yes, Hallar, our Erik(a) is getting faster and faster with age .

                            dg, you sure are a jewel...your postings always brings a huge smile in my heart.

                            Mrs. Splasher came home after work ready to go to "practice" swimming...but...a big huge bag of cherries were waiting for me at my door step....yeah...cherry season is here... hallelujah since I used up the last batch of dried cherries during our hike this weekend. Anyway...instead of flapping my wings in the pool I am flapping my hands in the sink as I wash and pit the cherries to ready them for the dehydrator. 

                            I hope you guys are staying cool!!!!

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Maniac 505

                              Yum, Washington state cherries,  Bings and Rainers!  my favorite time of the year.  tree ripened peaches just around the corner,  baby artichokes will be showing up soon. Local strawberries are in the store today.   how can I not gain weight?


                              anyway,  I had to work through the holiday,  I am starting my week off now.   9 miles today with 4 at 1/2 marathon pace, I probably did it too slow but I can make up for it during the rest of the week.


                              Dave59,  hope your foot gets sorted out soon.  Many years ago (before I was a runner)  I had a throbbing foot,  bad enough that I went to a doctor (I never go to a doctor )  He said it was just athlete foot and prescribed some OTC athlete foot medicine.  two days later the infection drained  LOTS of drainage  (the doc didn't notice the infection)  my foot instantly felt tons better and I instantly changed doctors.


                              hope you can find some similar resolution.


                              healing vibes to all who need them



                                We have Rainier cherries in the stores now. I asked DH to be sure to get some when he went shopping yesterday. He brought home two small bags of them, almost $8. But oh they're so good! He also got a 2 lb box of blueberries from Oregon; different than ours but still very good. Ours won't be ripe for a few more weeks yet, but I've already planned on taking some days off this year to pick some.

                                Dive, at least it's fruit you're enjoying, not much weight gain there!

                                I did check in tonight to see if there was any news on Dave59's foot. I hope it's nothing serious.

                                I didn't realize that I had 2 PR's last week till someone pointed that out earlier. What's the likelihood of that happening again??
