Masters Running


Monday morning daily for Nov 8 (Read 400 times)

    Good morning everyone.


    Welcome to our "running world".     I am always aware of the compartmentalization that our lives bring.    We have small world segments that come together to be "us".     There is our "family world", "work world", "health world", "financial world", "spiritual world" and of course, "running world" to mention as at least some of these segments that we all face.   Each world requires effort or consideraton and some are more fun, which hopefully is the case in our "running world".    Running can be the escape and therapy that helps us handle some of our other areas of responsibility.


    Congratulations to those who ran races over the weekend.   The reports are appreciated and looked good.   You people amaze me and there is never a week that goes by but what I use your experiences as an illustration in some conversation or presentation that I am making.


    I ran a 6.37 mile course yesterday for the third weekend in a row.   It is a new route for me and is quite nice or at least a change.


    Thanks for the comments on my new little grandson.    The little guy is less than 2 months old but seems to me to be extremely expressive. Yesterday I posted a pumpkin picture and this morning added a couple of his expressions that are cute.    This is for those who like baby pictures.   I promise not to bore you with baby pictures but did think these are unique.



    Have a wonderful day.   I look forward to reading your posts throughout the day as I use this "running world" as an escape from my "work world".




      The grandson is extremely impressive, indeed.  Congrats Vista!

      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM away vista//..........this is a Cutie..........




        rest day........back into the trenches in my Other World


        well put

         phrase there joey

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        Marathon Iowa 2014

          Morning all,


          Thanks for starting Vista.  I know what you mean about the world compartments.  I've been in the work world compartment the past week.


          Anyways, got in a nice, hilly run yesterday.  Probably about 9 miles.


          Today was gym day, as there was snow/sleet coming down.  Lift, step, spin.


          Must avoid caramels...


            Vista he is a cutey!


            hi everybody, sorry to be so long absent.   for now, just saying hi, um well I guess I did that.   and that I hope you all are well.


            will also avoid caramels.   thanks for the heads up PBJ.

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              There really was some great racing over the weekend at RA and at the NYC.


               In 2008 I ran a local turkey trot (8K).  Guess who won womens and less than 2 secs behind the OA winner?  Our Tarheel, Shalane Flanagan.  So I was thrilled with her debut marathon placing 2nd and winning the American Marathon Championship!


              Frosty 30° morning. Ran 5 miles with strides in 39:31 (7:54, AHR 151). No effect of yesterday's long run!

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                Congratulations to CNY for her splendid 19:32 5K AG win and a 20 year PR.  That is outstanding!  You certainly have earned this and deserve this with all the work you do putting in the "Miles of Trials, and Trial of Miles".


                Congratulations to Erika on her sweet 3:41:56 on what she said was a "Hilly Sucker".  For her to complain about a hilly course means it must have been a series of small mountains.  That's a good time on any course.


                Congratulations to Tim on his sandbagging 3:58.  C'mon Man.  You got more than that.  And you know it too.  (A little kidding Tim.  A nice time coming back from a tough injury.)


                My "Running Compartment" is going pretty well right now, as it usually does when our weather breaks and my Fall Marathons are done.  If I hadn't had obligations yesterday I would have gone for an HM PR as I'm sure I have one waiting to happen.  6 miles this morning at a comfortable 8:53 pace.


                My weight is going up ... rather consistently.  Eek.  I'm at the highest I've been since I started running 5+ years ago.  Gotta stop with the snacking.  Caramels?  Did someone say something about caramels?  (Anyone know of some good healthy diet choices that assist with mental outlook and energy?)



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                  Love the grandbaby pictures, Joey. Keep 'em coming!


                  Tom - are you and Pickles recovered from your Claire weekend yet?


                  Hi Deb!!! We missed you. Hope all is well...


                  Lots of good racing this weekend. Tim, Karin and Erika come to mind though I'm sure I'm missing some folks. Congratulations to all of you.


                  5 miles this morning, 36° and no wind in a clear dark sky filled with stars. Lots of motor homes still parked across the street from Lambeau Field, but no rowdy party-goers this morning, just the forklifts cleaning the parking lots in and across the street from the stadium. Always feel like I'm the only crazy person up so it's always nice to see some other live bodies. I lost my flashing clip-on light on a run last week  but there wasn't a lot of traffic that early.


                  Ok, I'm in. No caramels for me today either. Big grin


                    ..thanks jlynne//........apparently not,


                     I thought PBJ was talking about camels........

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      (Anyone know of some good healthy diet choices that assist with mental outlook and energy?)

                      Beer....well, at least the mental outlook part.


                      Drive-by post to congratulate all the weekend racers, police-car-riders, and bruised-knees-ultra-runners! You know who you are.


                      Easy 5 @ 8:54 for me today.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        Wow, congrats CNYRunner! I hope to kick some 5K butt in 2011. Nice job. Kudos to Erika and Tim too. Real nice times.


                        Leg workout this morning: squats, stiff-legged deadlifts, leg press, hamstring curls, some ab work and back extensions. followed by a short easy 2.5 miles on the treadmill in my new hyperspeeds. just getting used to the flats on the TM first before I use them on the roads or track. Glad I was indoors this morning. Really high winds and rain. Wind nearly knocked some people over as I was walking to the office and I saw a couple umbrellas flying through the air like darts.


                        Ran an easy 4 yesterday, then did 8x20 second strides. I was doing them on the street in front my my house so my oldest DD joined me for the final 2. She can actually keep up with me pretty well. Felt good to do a little fast stuff. Still managing this PF with stretching and icing.


                        Good Monday everyone.


                        MTA: Re: PF. I missed a bit of the daily this weekend - kept myself busy so i didn't see Perch's and Holly's posts.  Perch, it's pretty typical PF. I do some ankle rotations and dorsiflexion before getting out of bed. It'll be a little stiff but loosens up pretty quickly. Holly, no real big races on the calendar right now. So I can pretty much run easy through year's end and baby it. I have a 5K Thanksgiving morning that I may/may not run. It's a really fun race so I could just go for funsies. I can make that decision the day of. I'm running the Mills City Relay with my running club on 12/5 but not sure which leg so don't know length. My club asked me to run a race yesterday as part of a 5k or 10k team and I declined. It's only been 3 weeks since my marathon and didn't want to risk making things worse. but running the strides yesterday after my easy 4 gave me a bit of confidence. It's a nuisance injury and could take some time to completely go away but I can run as long as i keep up with the stretching and icing.


                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949


                          EGH-George.... I really had great sucess with my PF by wearing a night splint.  This one:



                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Good morning everyone,


                            Bill, the sandbagging thing did come into my mind, when I was passing 100's of runners the last 10K. But as Karin said though, running marathons is a mysterious thing to figure out sometimes, and I'm actually still pretty new to the Marathon distance. But like I said.....hind sight is 20 / 20, and if I had it to do over I would go for it. I knew endurance wise I would be fine, but I just didn't have the time to work much on my MP at all really because of my injured knee. But with my trail marathon and 50K trail race quickly approaching, maybe this was for the best. But on the inside.............I wish I had another road marathon I could run fairly soon Smile


                            I feel very good today, and the only thing that is sore is my quads a little bit....but no biggie.


                            Thanks for the start off Joey......NO such thing as boring us with baby pictures Ya know  Smile


                            I never got to tell Karin.....super job breaking  20 minutes on a 5K (I would have thought she had already done that, with as fast as she is)


                            Erika had *another* outstanding Marathon.....WTG !!!  Look forward to seeing you and Slo in about four weeks in my neck of the woods.


                            BTW Slo.....way to tough out your long run over the weekend. My hill work I did leading up to my Marathon really did my legs in at times, and took longer for me to recover, vs speed work. 


                   also amaze enjoy your HARD earned taper !


                            PBJ..........snow sleet = yuck


                            Bill.............step away from the snacks  Wink  I actually would hate to weigh myself right now....I will wait for 3 or 4 days.


                            George.....I have a new night splint boot for PF that you can just have. If you want it, just send me a PM here with your address, and I will ship in right out today !


                            Well, I better get back to work...........



                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Fussyrunner – what a sweetie you are!  I’ll send you a message with the details of our trip.


                              Leslie – sounds like some good eating at your place yesterday.  Too bad you had to work all day and then clean up all night, though…


                              TomWhite - I keep playing that youtube song at home - makes my kids roll their eyes....that would make a great ringtone, you know?


                              Vista – you won’t bore anyone here with baby pictures – we love them!


                              EGH3 – I can’t keep up with either of my kids for strides if they really try hard, but neither of them can keep it up for long, so I overtake them eventually.


                              PBJ - yesterday on my LR I was thinking of you and your "4 marathons in 4 weeks" - I don't know how you did it, and still so fast and consistant - you are just amazing!


                              No run for me today, just some light x-training:  lateral raises, bench-dips, hammer curls, push-ups, and stability ball core work.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Karin is a rock star. 


                                I was not at all well-prepared for my Half yesterday what with the sore knee after TCM and all that business travel, so I had no great expectations. In the spring I ran just under 1:50 at this distance, and although I didn't think I could do that again, I went out with the 1:50 pacer yesterday just to see how I felt. When the balloons disappeared on me at about two miles I knew this wasn't going to be the day.  I finished in 1:56, 17th out of 62 in my AG, about what I deserved.


                                The Saint ran a 2:16 and was only a minute off her goal, so I am happy for her.


                                2 mile recovery run this morning with Lucy von Sheltie, now to pack and head to Cleveland for work. 


                                Pretty tough for Erika, traveling across the country and running that kind of time on a hilly course.  Great result.  Spareribs
