Masters Running


Wednesday May 25 Runs and Grins (Read 615 times)


    dg - just noticed yesterday that you asked if I was still in "this" area.  If I understand the question, the answer is no.  Haven't been a resident of MI in many years. Matter of fact, as of this month, I have been a resident of NJ EXACTLY as long as I was of MI.    I will however be in MI in a few weeks for my niece's HS graduation.  Still have lots of family there.  Trying to talk DW into doing a 5K in Detroit while we are there. We will be staying at the RenCen, and the race is practically right outside the door of the hotel!


    perch - congrats again on the move to MI.  I probably missed it, but please provide more info on the job and move (Detroit is all I know).  Where will you be working and living?  If you feel like doing a 5K a week after you are there (Sat 6/11) see my note to dg above.  Nice run yesterday and today.


    maine - nice speedwork yesterday in the H&H.


    11 miles on the bike this am.  Ended up seeing a friend about 2 miles into the ride.  Nice to have some company.  No turtle sighting today.  Only having to stop my car on the way into work to let the Canada geese family cross the road.

      Spareribs, many people in OKC are hanging our heads and aren't expecting much from our Thunder.  Jokes abound about whether the thunder outside has any effect on the Thunder inside.


      No running today.  As usual for a Wednesday I made it to yoga, the easy lunch class this week.  My awareness of pulsating prana is growing.  I know that sounds weird but consider the source.


      I haven't been to a group Wednesday evening ride in 3 weeks so I'm excited about doing it today.  They usually ride 21 miles.

      "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


        ((((OM)))). Glad Opie is safe and sound.

        One of the nicest days we've had all spring. This morning I attended a funeral for a beautiful woman who died too young. I didn't know her well but the chapel was overflowing with people she had touched in many ways. I met her when she was the administrative assistant at the music school where I took sax lessons for 3 years. She, herself, was a very talented saxophonist.

        This afternoon I ran 6 miles along the Charles, one of my favorite runs. In a little while I'll head out for a walk to greet Marj who's running home from work along the same course. It's days like this when I realize how precious life is and how fortunate most of us are to be able to do what we love.



          Opie house spared is always good!  If you go to sell the place you should mention in the add "tornado free zone comes with lot!"


          I am here in Ann Arbor.  Yesterday it was very nice out.  Today, wet and miserable!  After lunch it had stopped raining so I figured I would get out and walk around a bit before having to sit for the rest of the afternoon.  By the time I got to my hotel room the skies had opened up again.  So no walking.  At least I got in 34 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  As always, I can hardly wait for my time at the conference to end so I can get back home.  There is the rest of today and then tomorrow then an early morning flight!


          I just got back from Michigan last night. I came in during the storm, listening to the warnings in the car on the way in and telling DW who was at home not to worry as it would turn away from us. Glad it turned and dissipated before it got to you Opie.


          Twocat, I was in Ann Arbor on Sunday and did not run while there. In fact, I did not run any while I was up there in Michigan. I won't run until tomorrow, too many honey-do's to take care of this evening. Memorial Day weekend coming up and I may try to race then, then gone the next weekend to Seattle. After that, maybe I can get back into a regular running schedule.




            I just got back from Michigan last night. I came in during the storm, listening to the warnings in the car on the way in and telling DW who was at home not to worry as it would turn away from us. Glad it turned and dissipated before it got to you Opie.


            Twocat, I was in Ann Arbor on Sunday and did not run while there. In fact, I did not run any while I was up there in Michigan. I won't run until tomorrow, too many honey-do's to take care of this evening. Memorial Day weekend coming up and I may try to race then, then gone the next weekend to Seattle. After that, maybe I can get back into a regular running schedule.




            glad you're ok Paul, I was wondering about you & about Opie.   

            however.   You were in Ann Arbor Sunday?????

              Paul, glad you're safe & sound.  I couldn't remember your travel schedule but I knew how close 1 of the 4 tornadoes came to your house.  Bike ride done just in time for the Thunder game. 


              I brought up the rear.  It was very windy, and I drafted off another rider for a while, a nice lady who stayed back with me when we went into the wind.  In my earlier post I was excited about this ride, but after it was done I felt out of place, like I should have been running or resting instead. 

              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                Easy 6 miler this lovely evening. Now it is time to sit on my porch, drink a glass of wine and enjoy my "solo" dinner. The house is so quiet without my two guys. I may even fit in a bubble bath later tonight, but first I just want to enjoy the solitude outside.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                Maniac 505


                  let us know what the second opinion says.  


                  I was called in for a day of overtime today.    a busy  abbreviated  week off follows.  hope I can get everything done before my next work week starts.  one month before Seattle RnR.  I am woefully under trained.  hopefully I will be able to keep up with the rolling party.


                  6 miles after work tonight.



                    8.3 mile run home in 75° and a good breeze from the north/northeast. Headwind the whole way... and mostly uphill trend. Geez, I really suck at running in wind because it makes me feel like I'm not going anywhere so I push too hard. Turns out that's how you end up with a lot of sub-8 minute miles. Sucks when you wanted to go easy... And at 75° and 28% humidity, I get pretty salty and thirsty on these runs! Now, like Mariposai, I'm going to relax and enjoy a glass of wine out in the sun a bit (already ha lots of water), then we'll grill up some steaks for an easy dinner.



                      Leslie, I thought at first you were getting up early to watch NBA playoffs! Had to read your post again to figure it out.

                      Perch, have you bought a house in Michigan yet, or are you waiting to sell your current house?

                      Divechief, good luck with the job situation.  Hope you have fun at the Seattle RnR despite being undertrained.


                      5 trail miles after work tonight - lovely single track trail along a creek and through woods that are very green now.  This is down in the flatlands, but I'm hoping things will start to get green at home in a few more weeks.  Usually the aspen trees get leaves here about Memorial Day, and this year it may be a week late due to all the snow.  


                      I'm so excited - my DD is coming home from college on Saturday!  She'll only be here a couple of weeks before she heads back to school for a summer job, but I'm soooo looking forward to seeing her!

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      MM #6177

                        Carolyn, I know how that feels, being excited about your DD coming home. DS came home last week, and it's been so comforting just knowing that we're a household of four again. There's some indescribable completeness there, I'm not sure how else to say it. And certainly just having him close by again, in terms of having to go through my surgery... of course he's off with his friends most of the time, but still, it's such a nice feeling. Enjoy!
