Masters Running


Sunday March 20 Runs and Fun (Read 458 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    You guys are amazing!  Dove--63 miles!  Wow.  I'm not sure what else to say--you're all so dang impressive!  Ojo--great job on your first 50K.  I hate to leave anybody out but, geeze, I'd be all night if I tried to comment on everybody's accomplishments.  Is this how it goes every weekend?

    Maniac 505

      You guys are amazing!  Dove--63 miles!  Wow.  I'm not sure what else to say--you're all so dang impressive!  Ojo--great job on your first 50K.  I hate to leave anybody out but, geeze, I'd be all night if I tried to comment on everybody's accomplishments.  Is this how it goes every weekend?

       pretty much


        Good evening. Great race Karin!! and great marathon for Perchcreek too!   The legs don't always cooperate, that is for sure!  I could write a book about that.  I agree with Erika; maybe find another race a few weeks out and give it another go, with lots of rest between now and then.


        Busy weekend  here. BIL visited us up north, which was fun but busier. Saturday morning had extra excitement when en route to DS' ski  race at

        Wildcat,  we hit ice and skidded into a curb at the entrance to the ski area, knocking out the left front wheel.  Not a great start to the day.  It was very icy in Pinkham Notch, with lots of cars off the road.   We made it through all that and then hit ice at the entrance... then had a very long day working a ski race, then fitting five of us with ski gear into DH's VW. Think clown car.  Then  we had dinner guests,,,, no run yesterday  but I did get out on a  very clear night and wlaked a cou;ple of miles under the "super moon." Bright and pretty.


        Today was a bit easier. I got a smi-long run in, running 17 miles home from Wildcat. Legs were a bit stiff after skiing the morning, plus i fell once and tweaked myback/hips. Got it done though and weather was gorgeous, high 30s and sunny.  Took about 2:30. I think I will be sore tomorrow from the ski fall. I rarely fall and I remember now why I try to avoid it....


        Cheers.. sleep tight.


        The Dovenator


          Dove   Are you running ET again this year?  I am starting to go into a frugality mode, fewer marathons, and less traveling for the foreseeable future, but I will probably do this one again.



          I won't be going to ET this year. It's the same weekend as the Transcendence 12-hour that my club hosts. Maybe you should come to Olympia and run loops with me (you can quit at 50k for Maniac credit). It's cheaper than Las Vegas.

          "it's just like having fun, but different"


            You guys are amazing!  Dove--63 miles!  Wow.  I'm not sure what else to say--you're all so dang impressive!  Ojo--great job on your first 50K.  I hate to leave anybody out but, geeze, I'd be all night if I tried to comment on everybody's accomplishments.  Is this how it goes every weekend?

             Welcome to our real world MikeE.

            We have amazing runners here,

            but then again...

            there are still people like me and Enkie...who just enjoys running for the sake of running, right Enkie?


            Dave, wanna do the Light at the end of the tunnel?? Son David have gifted me with an early birthday present with a registration for that...only a few weeks after the Seattle Rock and Roll. I think I have a Marathon Maniac in the making with my DS#1



            Great job Ultra Ojo! 


            We also have our own edition of Deena Castor, her name is Karin....way to rock that NYC half marathon yesterday. I enjoyed your description of your route. I have been at the Battery park. Great place to hang out for an artist!


            Perchcreek, great job. Sorry about the missing goal! But you did a great job on the race!

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            Maniac 505

              Dove,  I will think about it,  dollars  are a real concern now,  but not sure I want to run the extra 5 miles to get credit Roll eyes


              Mari,  I will certainly think about it.  I am off that weekend.  looks like your DS really is a future maniac.  It is too bad there is no longer a tunnel to run through.


                Nice AG Mari,  and that photo is beautiful. 


                Perch... good effort. Any run where you learn something  new is a good run, and you had quite a list.


                My race was bittersweet. I forgot to tape my feet pre-race and didn't bring my taping supplies. I usually don't have major blister problems so I didn't worry too much about it.  At mile 40 i felt my feet starting to go. I decided at that point to change my goal from running the full 24-hours (without a mileage goal),  to trying to hit a PR for 50 miles, then hang on the best I could. My feet finally gave out at mile 63. I did get my 50 mile PR by 1/2 hour. I also managed a slight 100k PR. I still can barely walk today, I have a blister that runs the entire width of the ball of foot.



                24-hour races are hard. I think they are harder than 100 milers. I need to find another one in the next few months and redeem myself.



                and redeem yourself????????     oh, Marilou.       congratulations.  you are amazing.      feet hugs. 
