Masters Running


Tuesday August 5 Master Runs (Read 484 times)


    Holly is jogging a mile yeahhhhh. Butterfly hugs to Gordon for resting today. Resti is part of the training my friend. Perch, you are one strong runner. Wow those are hills and 10 miles of it. WTGF Tramps you are too funny. Tim, great job on the 7 at MP today. I did 5 at MP yesterday I was amazed on how eze it felt...I know it would be a different story to run 26.2 miles on that pace. Great training there. Today was rest day for me, but I got a call from a friend who is training for her second marathon and asked me if I could run with her the 8 miles LR she had in her schedule for today. Never to miss out on a fun I went ahead and ran with her. It was so great to have someone to run with since I am a lone ranger around here where running is concern. Aamos, what about Eugene 09 as a meeting place for boomers next year?...

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Aamos, what about Eugene 09 as a meeting place for boomers next year?...
      Why does it always have to be the Pacific Northwest? Why not somewhere more centrally located, say for instance, Dayton, Ohio? Big grin Hey, we'll be in Huntington Beach, CA next summer for a week visiting DH's relatives..too bad, not likely to be any big races in the middle of the summer...

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Yesterday ended up being another rest day. Wow, second in 4 days! Totally unplanned but my foot was cranky and I was not in the mood to deal with the mud and rain. It's getting pretty tiresome. Rained all night, too. The boys also have really busy schedules with soccer clinic and scrimmages in preparation for next week's State Cup tournament, plus cross-country tryouts/practice started yesterday. DS1 has three 2-hour workouts every day! So, transportation has been an issue and that plus the rain... well, I'm full of excuses aren't I? Oh well. It's all good. I needed another day off anyway. I'll run today, probably on my treadmill. Dave, that's a funny story about the 911 caller. We had a kid in town who kept calling 911 because the babysitter wouldn't let him have cookies. Seemed that every time the parents left, the kid would call. They finally figured out to unplug the stupid phone and put it only where the sitter could get it. Takes some people longer than others, I guess. Holly, has anyone who works at that gym talked to you at all? I just find that so amazing. Good job on the recovery plan. Would someone please send some heat our way? I feel like I really got short changed on summer here... Angry

          Why does it always have to be the Pacific Northwest? Why not somewhere more centrally located, say for instance, Dayton, Ohio? Big grin
          I was just trying to stir up some so this idea won't die. I think it is a great idea to try to come up with an official boomer's gathering and since we have Aamos as the leader to help us get organize I can see this being a very successful boomer's gathering. What about Maine in the Fall???? so we can all enjoy the fall colors? Heck...we should just decide for a place and a date...if there is no marathon we could organize one jijij. Another idea would be to look at the Intrepids and see where there is already a large group of boomers gathering and the rest of us can just show up there.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            A cloudy day in Boston with low humidity. Decided to do some track work since my times have steadily deteriorated lately (Could it be aging?-I refuse to use that excuse). Playground 2 miles away with a state of the art track (field upgraded courtesy of the Kraft family-owner of the New England Patriots). Did 4x400, 2x800 and 1600 with 400 recoveries in between. Although not fast, they were about 2 min./mile better than my recent race times. It's encouraging enough to make me want to keep at it once weekly.

              Sue, thanks! I hope so too. Very nice hilly run. Smile Hey. how did camp turn out? // I hate those tiny bugs too. They always want to get in your eyes. Jeanne, thanks for setting a good example! I'm not sure how much I should be doing right now... you know we have to hold it right at the edge. Wink. I need a wide foot box, but I don't think that's an issue with the Frees. they fit closely, but are very light. Tim, it's a RS200SD. Not new, mine was sent to New York for warranty work. There was an electrical problem. The Adrenaline's are what you're waiting for? Those were what I started with. I discovered the other day that one pair really has a lot of wear in them left, I might start rotating. I also wear Nike Equalons. Thanks. Nice 9 miler! I'm glad you said that about the water offers! I got home from work one hot day recently when a guy was just about to run by the house. I asked him "do you need water?" I wasn't sure if he didn't hear me or if he just thought I was weird. But it's good to know I'm not the only one to do that. Erika when I get home I'll point my fans in your direction. DickyG, (what Tim said! ) thanks for the injury advice the other day. I'm still trying to figure this out. I agree it depends on the injury whether you can run through it. More thoughts i'd like input on, but better get working! p.s. TW, I hadn't named my frog.. but am thinking about Tommy.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Holly, has anyone who works at that gym talked to you at all? I just find that so amazing.
                Nope, not a word. I don't even know for sure who works there, since the desk is always empty. Since the place is divided into a men's side and a women's side, I have always assumed it must be one of the men working out on the other side. Or someone in an office somewhere. There's some sort of scanner thing at the desk where people scan a card, so I guess they just figure you wouldn't be there if you didn't belong. The place is relatively slow in the early morning when I go, at least on the women's side. Saturday I was there for 1.5 hours (from 5:45-7:15am) before any other women even came in, so I'm not exactly using up someone else's turn on the equipment. Mariposai - what about picking someplace green and lush, like Tennessee, Virginia or North Carolina. Haven't there been some Boomer meet-ups at Nashville or in JJJessee's neck of the woods?

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                One day at a time

                  What about Maine in the Fall???? so we can all enjoy the fall colors? Heck...we should just decide for a place and a date...if there is no marathon we could organize one jijij.
                  Yes yes yes! There's a really good one - the Maine Marathon AND Half Marathon (so I could do it!). It's on October 5 this year. It's one of those events, apparently, that everyone loves to do and looks forward to. Perfect time of year for leaves! Here's a link - notice the good reviews: I could shoehorn some people in our house, now that we have our addition built! You guys would all love Maine. Smile
                    I overslept and missed my opportunity to run. My son was awake in the middle of the night, pacing around the house, opening his windows, fretting, saying he couldn't sleep. How can an 8 yr old be an insomniac? Anyway after he fell back asleep I was awake for awhile and couldn't sleep.....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Will do an easy 6 tonight in the heat, or hit the TM. Was watching the news on TV and saw an ad for a 10k/5k race on the 16th in my area. Hadn't known about it before. Might have to make a PR attempt next weekend, but which distance?? I'm thinking the 10K since it has been almost a year....and it goes along the same path as the HM I will be doing on Labor Day.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                      Yes yes yes! There's a really good one - the Maine Marathon AND Half Marathon (so I could do it!). It's on October 5 this year. It's one of those events, apparently, that everyone loves to do and looks forward to. Perfect time of year for leaves! Here's a link - notice the good reviews: I could shoehorn some people in our house, now that we have our addition built! You guys would all love Maine. Smile
                      Oh, that would be so lovely. I know I can sell this idea to DH. But not t his year...but I may have to consider that one for next fall. I want to see what Aamos, the capitana, and the rest of the crew suggests.

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                      Trails are hard!

                        Time for a little typing before I sit down to study. I'm taking the electrical PE exam in October and the class I was counting to force me to relearn everything I've forgotten in the 20 years since I graduated got cancelled. Now I have to force myself to do it. I remember now why I was happy to get out of school Tongue out for what I thought was going to be an easy run around the lake this morning and then it turned into a tempo. I had seen a runner go by just before I started, who looked to be going at a good pace and figured she'd be long gone by the time I got going. Well, she took the long way around one of the building on the route and popped back onto the road about 20 yards ahead of me. by the time she got another 20 yards further ahead, I thought, I should try to keep up and see how long I can go. well, I never did catch up, but I ended up with over a mile and a half of a pretty quick pace bunny and then I tried to keep it going once she left my course. ended up with 26:53 for the 3.2, which is about my fastest training run ever. It felt good, but sure wasn't what I set out to do. Smile of course my bunny was probably like Karin or Erika or any of the other fast wimmen around here, just noodling along on a 10-12 mile "easy" run and hasn't the faintest idea of how hard she made me work for such a short distance Roll eyes Henry--very nice work out! I know I'm not aging, so I know you can't be Wink Kevin

                        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                          Geez CNYRunner. Stop hogging all the speed. Share some with us lowly mortal runners. My goodness. Bill

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Geez CNYRunner. Stop hogging all the speed. Share some with us lowly mortal runners. My goodness. Bill
                            I think she's doping Smile - Unlike me and Bill who are just plain dopes Big grin Tim

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Mari, I am so not Captain material--I played second base, the team player type. I'd love to run Eugene, but I think the problem is that it is in April, so there's that big fat run out east that a lot of folks tend to gravitate toward. I think it's because the Red Sox play at the same time Clowning around. Speaking of (notice I often am? Talking Sox, that it).....Jlynne and Dave59, didja see the photo of Manny last week, before the trade, holding a sign claiming he was going to be traded for Farve?? (He has an arm and can run--I think we'd have taken him!) Karin, my dogs used to know the words "Look Park!" as they loved to ride over there and then get walked. Lots of other dogs for premo dog socialization. I loved running there. What are you training for, do we know? Tramps, I'm sure Tammy would agree--NEVER be late for a meeting with your parole officer (and don't be having a martini lunch before hand, either Shocked). Teresa, be careful....I believe at least Mainerunnah and I are headed to Portland (the east coast one, natch) this year....... Now about a reunion, why don't we figure how much planning time folks need? If just a few months, Memphis in early December is a thought--airport nearby, large enough city to find rooms, there's the Elvis connection Roll eyes, nice course for a good cause (St. Jude's). The Flying Monkey in late Nov. in Tenn. is sold out for this year and it is not an easy course, to say the least. February makes me think of Austin, relatively centrally located and supposedly a fun town to visit, good race to run. May, there's a nice one in Madison Wisconsin around Memorial Day that gets good marks--flattish, lots of lakes, still usually decent running weather in May (I know, there was that one year it was called in the middle--I was in Rochester, MN, same thing happened there--freak of nature). I haven't done it, but lived there for 3 months on co-op. Really lovely town. If there's sentiment for a coast, how about Vermont in May or Tacoma in May? For lots of notice, and a different location, there's Deadwood/Mickelson Trail (old rails to trails, you DON'T need trail shoes) in June or Missoula, Montana in July. That's to get things started. .....say, I know, let's get into a mock battle and then send words to Ribs he has to get better to settle things or chaos Black eye will ensue! grins, A PS: My Garmin works...and I got an email back from the company, but it was so not clear--I took the liberty of quoting my 3 knights here who gave me such great advice back at Garmin (politely, of course) when I responded. Thanks again!
                              Masters 2000 miles

                              Renee the dog

                                No run yet for me -- I was very dehydrated when I woke up and decided to do an evening run today instead. Also spent part of the night in Mom's room (she's back with me again). She was crying and crying. My Mom never cried when I was growing up, so she's very much fitting in as my 3rd child presently. Dad is doing poorly, but rallies every few days. He'll be going to hospice shortly. My sister has finally hit the wall and is falling apart and executing a bit raggedly. I hope with Mom off her hands, she can get some things accomplished and then build her confidence back up. She's sure she's going nuts. She might be, as trying to unravel my Dad's finances would make anyone kooky. Undecided So, I have all 3 of them napping, and I'm sucking down water like it's margaritas so that I'm comfortably hydrated for tonight's run. Good runs to all!

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
