Masters Running


Sunday's Runs in the Sun - October 5th (Read 448 times)

    Just finished my bowl of oatmeal and a glass of OJ as I prep for this mornings marathon. Oh boy is it chilly out there this morning - 36 degrees, brrrrr. The temps are supposed to warm up into the mid-50's and hopefully they'll be in the mid-40's by the start of the race. Thanks for all the well wishes, hope everyone else racing has a great race and everyone else just a great, fun run! Big grin I may be posting late today or early tommorrow as I have to go to one of our grandson's football games early this afternoon so we won't be coming home until early evening so if you don't see something from me don't assume I had a bad day....(damn I hope I didn't jinx myself)!! Go get em boomers!

      Go Bob!!!! Thanks for letting us know your plans so we don't worry. wow, a busy day you have planned. Do you get a little break in between?? I can't wait to read your report.

        have fun Bob!!!!!


        Top 'O the World!

          Good Luck Bob!!! May you have an AWESOME DAY!!! I'll think of you while putting around the Komen RFTC here in Denver this am.....
          Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
            Best of luck, Bob! I guess we're both running Portland, but at two different corners, huh? We're just finishing up our breakfast, in Portland, OR - trying not to get too nervous. We had a great dinner last night with Mariposai, her DH, WineJunky, the canadian, LabDuck, BHume(?), rasmussenmp, runnerwife, srlopez, chris(?), econo, and maybe a few more I can't remember or whose name I didn't get. I'll post a picture later, but I don't know how well it came out. With luck we'll meet up with some folks after the race at one of the wonderful breweries / brew pubs they have here in Portland.

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


              Kewl Lou!!!!! There was a blood drive yesterday. I should take the day off. We'll see how it goes this afternoon.



              One day at a time

                DS16 had a hard meet yesterday - I guess that's bound to happen sometime! The XC course got 8 inches of rain the weekend before, and and inch the two days before the race, so it was very muddy. I heard one kid say he was sliding more than running! DS came in 10th out of almost 600 runners, so of course that's wonderful, but he wasn't happy. One of his main rivals, another junior, won, so he's really annoyed! His time (5k) was 16:55. I reminded him that this "bad" time is still faster than his 5k road PR from just a few months ago, and these conditions were much worse. One of his teammates missed the meet due to work, and that was a critical absense. The team ended up getting 2nd place out of 48 teams - definitely would have been first if this boy had run. So DS is bummed out, but I think it's good to tame his ego a little! I'm exhausted - I stood out in the cold in a muddy field from 11:30 until 2:45, then sat in a gym for the awards ceremony until 4:45. Do you think kids have any idea what their parents will do for them? Smile The hardest part was hearing the race director start on the boys' team results with, "In 48th place, with 1,234 points, is Megunticook High school. 47th place, with..." Ack! And then repeat for girls. I know I will miss this two years from now, so I don't rant anywhere other than this board.

                  7.5 miles this morning, 9:41 pace. A comfortable 41F with no wind. The trees are absolutely beautiful right now - just starting to peak in color. Lou, PDR, Bob and all our other racers - good luck and great runs today! I'm anxious to read everyone's report tomorrow. Hope all goes well. Teresa - you're a great mom. I don't think our kids always appreciate the "little things" that parents do for them. Too bad the conditions weren't better for the runners. Off to tailgate before the Packer game. Have a great day everyone. Jeanne

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning everyone, Good luck Mainerunnah Absolutely stunning morning here in NC as I headed out for my run...picture perfect fall day. 20.06 miles of hills @ 9:09 pace (154AHR). This was my 3rd consecutive Sunday running a 20 miler and I have to say that it was the easiest...dare I say almost pleasurable? Anyway, everything feels great which always bothers me because I always get a little nervous when things are going too well Smile I hope that everyone is enjoying some great weather today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                      Tim: Since Ribs is not around (hopefully for just a while), I find it necessary to take over your training...starting tomorrow: Monday: 3 easy miles followed by 4 chili dogs Tuesday: 5 miles of intervals, 2 hours of "Law & Order" reruns, 200 yards of walking Wednesday: 20 miles at 10K pace followed by 2 hours in the ER Thursday: 3 mile motorcycle ride, 2 holes of golf Friday: 5K race...backwards Saturday & Sunday: Rest...that means no football If you have any problems, Tramps will handle it. Maine: I know you're probably out the door already, but go get ''re ready, pal. Lou: You too! Teresa: I checked local paper the other day...our local schools had a meet...about 6 teams entered...winning time was about 16:50 or so...your son would be right up there at the top. Yesterday we (mercifully) finished our softball season by splitting a double-header. Unfortunately, we lost the second game which means we ended the season with a loss. No remarkable heroics by yours truly. Got in 4 easy miles this morning. Usually don't run on Sunday but I needed the miles to give me 20 for the week. I GOT to get new shoes...almost 650 miles on my current pair....yikes. Golf in about an hour...then watching the race, maybe a little football, maybe a little nap... DickyG
                        I hope all the racers did/are doing well this morning. Teresa—it’s fun to hear about DS’s meets. 16:55 in the mud! Shocked Peter—nice run. I’ve been doing more long runs this cycle too and they do seem to get easier, don’t they? And I totally understand that “too good to be true” paranoia! Dicky—I don’t think Tim will have any problems with that plan; nothing for me to do at all. And congrats on a great softball season; I’ll miss the reports. When does hockey start up for you? 21 miles @ 8:17 with the usual “cheating” halfway (untimed 3-4 minute break to refill water bottles). Like Peter said, picture-perfect fall day. I usually do long runs with just water or water plus one gel but today I wanted to experiment with more gels. I tried a trick RoseColoredGlasses suggested: eat a Fig Newman to sop up the gel so it sits better in my stomach. I tried it and I think it did help me to tolerate the gels better. Ended up using water + 2 gels + 2 Fig Newmans and definitely felt more energy towards the end for my fast-finish miles below goal-MP. Worth a try if you have stomach issues, like I do. Enjoy the day!

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          DS came in 10th out of almost 600 runners, so of course that's wonderful, but he wasn't happy. One of his main rivals, another junior, won, so he's really annoyed! His time (5k) was 16:55. I reminded him that this "bad" time is still faster than his 5k road PR from just a few months ago, and these conditions were much worse.
                          Teresa, as you know, even if he doesn't, your son did extremely well. Conditions obviously were poor, so the time means little. It's good that he walked away annoyed, because now he has another goal to shoot for, which means he has a reason to work harder. Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                          One day at a time

                            Thanks, guys, I know you're right. It's just hard to see my "baby" unhappy! But that's part of maturing and improving as a runner and person. He's at a church BBQ for HS kids right now, so that should improve his mood.


                              DickyG, I think you'll be a great coach for Tim! Just as long as he ignores your advice! Evil grin Picture perfect fall weather here, too. I went out for 11 miles yesterday, the first 4 with the dogs. Wow, the aspen are beautiful this year! On the theme of what we do for our kids, yesterday was homecoming at DD's high school... We started the day with the homecoming parade thru the streets of Central City and Black Hawk - the only real towns in our county, but they're two of the 3 gambling towns in the state, so not a nice venue for a parade - past casinos. Oh, well, the kids had fun. Then dropped her off at the football game, went for my run, then picked her up after the game. The Gilpin County Eagles lost 12-42. Then in the evening I drove her back to school for the homecoming dance, and went back to pick her up at 11:00, which is way after my bedtime! Oh, and DD has her learner's permit, so she did the driving, and I was just along for the ride. It's an odd feeling, putting your life in your teenager's hands. Surprised

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                                Holly, congrats to your daughter on 2 more soccer goals. You may have to renegotiate the donut rewards the way she's become such a scoring machine. teresa, even though your son is bummed, he did a great job on a tough, muddy, course. When our kids were in high school sports, we rarely missed a game, match, or meet. They didn't say much at the time, but as they've gotten older, they've indicated our presence meant a lot to them. Wildchild, nice fall foliage picture. Nice long runs for Holly, Peter, Tramps, and wildchild. This morning, it was in the low to mid 30s and almost calm. I was dressed just about right and it was pleasant out even though the run was a bit hard. I did 8 miles in a bit under 1:19 for a 9:50 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS