Masters Running

Thursday, June 5th Daily (Read 650 times)

    Dear Amy, Please know my thoughts and prayers (a rosary after I type this) are with you and D. Thank you for starting Thursday this way. On my way home from the track, I was selfishly "writing" a clever daily in my head. I saw your start and was humbled. I wish I could sit with you in the waiting room. Please know I am there but here. 0531 71 95% 2+ miles to the track 3 x 600 1 x 800 2+ miles away from the track (200 meters active recovery intervals) total: 7.25 miles of sweaty goodness (((((amy and D)))))
      AAmos, my thoughts and prayers will be with you both today in the recovery days to come. stay strong, cfli

      Head Procrastinator

        {{{{{{{{{{Amy and DH}}}}}}}}} Keeping positive thoughts for you both .
        ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
          Aamos - our thoughts are with you and your husband for a speedy recovery. So lucky this happened where it did.

          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

            Aamos, I cannot express my sincere thankfulness that this all unfolded how, when, and where it did. Be assured that you and your DH are in my prayers. I am feeling incredibly old today. Yesterday my oldest adopted DD turned 40 years old and today my DS turned 20 years old. (I'll let you all contemplate and try to figure the "math" on DD's age.) I bet there's not many of you who have a DD or DS who is also in the Masters division. Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Amy, my thought and prayers are with you and your husband glad there was a quick response to a serious situation. Hope for a speedy recovery also Smile Definitely makes me appreciate life, and how quick things can change. Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                I will lift him up in my prayers today and you too! I hope he is up and running again in 6 weeks. Keep us up to date.

                ksrunr All American 10K Feb. '10 Cowtown Half marathon Feb. '10 Boston '10

                  Vista, I spit my coffee out on this one. Wink
                  Actually, as I typed that I thought of people laughing at the thought. In reality I am very aware that paperwork and procedures are important. However, in some cases at the time of emergency, it seems like it gets over done and "common sense" (which really is NOT that common) is left aside to the dismay of those affected. I was pleased to see Dr. Dale (dtoce) weigh in on this area. He is an expert and often bites his tongue at some of us for the way we handle matters of the heart and exercise. I GREATLY value his words of wisdom, as do all who know him. His appraisal of how we should deal with preventative heart/cardio problems is of GREAT benefit to us all. Thinking out loud here, dtoce......I wonder if an article by you that is aimed at Masters aged runners for the what, how, and when of tests and symptoms might be of value. Your dual background as cardiologist and runner brings a unique experience here. Again.....just a thought. You probably already have done something that I either have forgotten or didn't see in this area. If so, to re-post it would be appreciated. Joey
                    {{{{{{Amy's DH}}}}}}}} Will be thinking of you and DH and sending prayers and good vibes your way. Give your husband a hug and wish him all the best. Horrible thing to happen, but I commend him on his timing. Wildchild - YEAH!!! So glad to hear you have a new job. Mary - but such cute monsters! Easy 6.5 miles this morning.

                    Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                      Amy, any other thoughts I might have for the day pale in comparison to sending you all the strength you need, although you appear to have plenty. When I logged on this morning I couldn't believe how many people had responded to the daily. Then I read Amy's post and immediately figured out why. What a great and supportive community we have here. Amy your husband is in my thoughts and prayers. Tut

                        Amy, I was thinking about you on my way home from the gym this morning, hadn't seen you post for a bit and was hoping everything was ok. yikes. Abundant hugs & good wishes & everything. To borrow SR's words (ok, Ribs?) : "I will be with you both all day today". Of course, tomorrow too. Well. the usual assorted cross training the last couple of days, planks & callanetics tuesday night, yoga & a new thing i'm trying yesterday... This morning was another track at the gym day. It went pretty well. 5:48 m. total. run was 4.5 m, (48:23) average pace was 10:46, max was 8:35. another best day for this portion of time. Smile Not so good for the hr. it was a hard run for me, & HR was consistently pretty high when I looked. I do have a little doubt about my polar's reported high. are they ever wrong about that? it said 193. I didn't ever feel like i think i would have (highest before was 192, but i was very aware of it). So if that's wrong so is the average, but supposedly it was 170. have a great day, everybody.

                          Ahhh, Amy - what an unbelievable experience you and your DH went through. Thank God for all the people who stepped in to save his life. My prayers and best wishes that the operation is a total success and DH's recovery is quick and easy. Your friends at RA send their love and support. Good luck to you both! Jeanne

                          One day at a time

                            Amy, I'll be adding my prayers to everyone else's. What an amazing story! I'm so glad your DH came through, and I'll be thinking of you today as he goes through surgery.
                              ...aamos//'re in our prayers....... it is amazing he almost finished that 10-k

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Hill Runner

                                Good morning everyone, Amos, that must have been a nightmare to say the least...I'm glad that things turned around and wish you all the best. 10.13 miles of hills @ 9:02 pace...tossed the HR strap this morning as my chest is still healing from the welts that it left. I don't think I'll be wearing it again for a good while. Hot today with temps going to 99F for the next three days... Shocked Good runs to everyone today.

                                Upcoming Races:

                                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13