Masters Running


Monday, December 8 Brrrrrr Cold Runs and Such (Read 512 times)


    Lou and Mariposai, thanks so much! I'd feel a lot better if my legs weren't stiff and sore today... Shins are really barking for a day off, so that's pretty much what they'll get. I might make it to the gym at lunchtime for some weights, and maybe to the pool after work for some pool running... but maybe not. But my foot feels good! The stiff feelings I have are everywhere... even my hands! I couldn't figure out what was going on till I remembered the hour or so of snow shoveling DH and I did yesterday. We had our boys go out too, and they did a crummy job and quit after 15 minutes. What's up with that?

    Marathon Maniac #957

      But my foot feels good! Excellent! We had our boys go out too, and they did a crummy job and quit after 15 minutes. What's up with that? Why does that sound so familiar? My kids do the same quality work. Big grin

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        SRLopez, thanks for that info. I wonder if Obama knew about this rating because he eats there everytime he comes to Seattle. Sorry to hear you will not be around on Thursday, it would have been fun to hear you recap all the marathons you did this year, sort of like a year-end recap. I won't be there for lunch either, but for dinner. Any suggestion for a good place to eat in downtown. I will be staying at the Sheraton, so I always look for something that is walking distance.

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Apparently I am a day behind as I just posted this on Sunday's thread. Leslie.....WhooHoo!! Timmy....that made my day!! Maybe it's just me, but I was more impressed that you helped entertain her kids during checkout time than the $$, although I am sure she was stunned by both. Having not too long ago been with two toddlers...I can tell you, not everyone out there has nearly as much patience and sympathy for toddler temperments. (especially when waiting in a customs line for three hours at the airport!) Yesterday my planned LR of 12 turned into a short 3.5 mile run....just couldn't do it....too tired and unmotivated with the wind and rain. Today it was about 43F, no rain. I did 6 x 1/2 mile intervals, with 2 min walk's been awhile, and maybe this was too soon after that hard tempo I did on Friday, but anyhow, I aimed for 8 and managed 6 ok. I knew I couldn't do two more at the same pace so I stopped. 2 mile w/u @ 11:44 4:04 (8:06) 3:57 (7:54) 3:56 (7:53) 3:58 (7:56) 4:00 (8:01) 3:59 (7:57) 3 mile c/d @ 10:56 8 miles total.

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


            Any suggestion for a good place to eat in downtown. I will be staying at the Sheraton, so I always look for something that is walking distance.
            Palomino is one of my favorite spots! One of these times we've got to coordinate our work travel so we're there at the same time!!

            Half Fanatic #36

              Any way I can get you Mari and Jon , and Enke and Dave and more..... to come out to the Eastside for a real Italian mega lasagna at my house on Thursday night...????? Francesca

              King of PhotoShop

                Went out for a short run, but lasted just 200 yards and realized this wasn't a good idea. Walked 2 miles instead, and did a full core and stretch routine. Enke, that's a lot of work. Are you getting close to some goal race right now? Spareribs

                  Went out for a short run, but lasted just 200 yards and realized this wasn't a good idea. Walked 2 miles instead, and did a full core and stretch routine.
                  Are you ok?
                    baby it's COLD outside!! 22 degrees and windy - yikes!! 3.5 miles in 31:55 avg pace 9:07 avg hr 170 -- dressed right tho - my body warmed up quickly fortunately tim- that was a very sweet thing to do!! we have a tree at our church and we collect gifts for 4 different organizations - i helped one of the men sort gifts today - it is amazing how generous people have been so far and it's still early december




                      Yeah, Ribs, I hope you're OK - you're not known for being a slacker! Holly, I agree with Tim that what you call light cross-training sure makes the rest of us look lazy! Jlynne, that was a speedy progression run! Nono, we're thinking of getting a new TV this year, too. Actually it's my DH's idea - I'd be OK with a converter box, but he wants to upgrade. I guess it'll be helping the economy. Breeger, a one hour marathon! Shocked You da man! Wish I had a Garmin like yours... WRFB, good point about kicking out the GM CEO - who's gonna want to take the job? Especially for $1. Enke, those are some pretty consistent interval splits - good going! But I can't believe you were unmotivated to run in the rain yesterday - weren't you the one telling us what a great place you live in, and how you don't have to shovel rain? Evil grin I ran 18 holes of golf at lunchtime... actually ran 5.3 miles on the winding paths around the golf course. My office is right on the course, and I usually run on the regular sidewalk, but today I ran on the golf course path because it's chilly and there are very few golfers out. It's much quieter being away from traffic in the middle of the block instead of on the sidewalks right next to traffic. No one seemed to mind me running there, so I think I'll do it again next time it's not good golfing weather. It's actually not bad weather today - 46 and breezy, with dark clouds. Rain and/or snow is predicted this afternoon so that may be keeping the golfers away today. I heard a good joke on Saturday Night Live: Barack Obama has nominated Bill Richardson to be his Secretary of Commerce. Should be a pretty easy job, since there isn't any...

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      One day at a time

                        Carolyn, that's cool you're so close to a golf course. Sounds like a great place to run! Our road is already slippery after only one light snow. It freezes up quickly because there's a lot of shade. A BLECHY workout today. Since it was 15 and VERY windy, I headed to the Y to run on the treadmill. I made 5.0 miles, but it took me 58:27! Maybe because it was my third day in a row to run, and I haven't tried that in awhile. Come on, body. toughen up! I'm SO close to 1000 miles!!!
                          Enke, those are some pretty consistent interval splits - good going! But I can't believe you were unmotivated to run in the rain yesterday - weren't you the one telling us what a great place you live in, and how you don't have to shovel rain? Evil grin
                          I knew that comment would come back to bite me on the butt. I deserved it. My excuses are: 1) I was hungover 2) I didn't dress warm enough 3) It was a downpour Franc - I'm in, Mari??? Dive? Tet?, Soundie? Spareribs....yes, I am trying to get into race shape for a 12K on Sunday. All easy the rest of the week....absolutely. Still, it bugs me that those 6 x 1/2 miles were faster in Sept.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          King of PhotoShop

                            dg, I am okay. I don't need to push through any workout right now. Saturday I ran 6 and yesterday 5, so today when I went out I felt a bit of pain in my upper right leg, almost like piriformis. So walking and stretching were best to do. Thanks for asking. Spareribs

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              dg, I am okay. I don't need to push through any workout right now. Saturday I ran 6 and yesterday 5, so today when I went out I felt a bit of pain in my upper right leg, almost like piriformis. So walking and stretching were best to do. Thanks for asking. Spareribs
                              So it wasn't from runnning a half marathon on Saturday?..hmmm (was it him??)..

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                                Sure wish I was in Seattle on Thursday.... Quick trip to the gym over lunch hour for 10 minutes warm up on the elliptical, then 30 minutes of upper body weights. Amazing how sore my right forearm is from shoveling...