Masters Running


Wed Feb 20 Hump Day Runs and Ramblings (Read 747 times)


    Great runs this morning. WRFB—can’t you change a few light bulbs? I thought that was your specialty. Wink
    Big grin

      What Lou said. The Garmin's close enough for me. I'm sure there's some variation but, hey, I'm running intervals with elevation changes too! I don't obsess about the precision. I just try to get the general run done. Related question: Is the public allowed to use the track at your local public schools (when students aren't using it, of course)? It's a pet peeve of mine that a high school about 3 miles away has a nice track locked up behind tall chain-link fence. I'm curious what other localities do.
      Ok, guess I need to get off my "ride it right to the line" horse and go with what the Garmin gives me. Like Lou said, it may not be exact for the books, but the training value would still be there. Like you, Tramps, I'd be doing it on hills as that's all I have around here. Even the nice "flat" bike path I could use now has a gradual incline or decline to most of it. I guess I could run in the road out to the reindeer farm, but that adds a new exciting factor to the workout... As for our high school tracks... they're very nice but under almost 3 feet of snow now...
        Teresa, belated congrats to your son on his performance at the state indoor track meet. Roy, your friend/coach is a remarkable, and modest, runner. dg, I'm glad to hear of your progress. Aamos, my condolences to you and the family of your friend. enkephalin, you were burning up the TM today. Sound, add me to the list of those that think you took a great picture. hopeful, sorry to hear about the sore leg. You've been ramping up your training lately and may be due for a little recovery time. Tall, that's a bummer that you brought back a cold from warm Cuba. Holly, sorry to hear the whole family is fighting colds. btb, I enjoy your posts. You put a lot of time and effort into them. WRFB, nice negative split run. Nice long runs for bap, Peter, Twocat, Holly, breger (and with negative splits), and biketm (progression). Good job on the speedwork perch. This morning, the temp was around 0 degrees and the roads were icy so it was another TM day. I did 8 miles at 1% and 6.5 mph (9:13 pace). A good day and good runs for all. TomS

          Thanks for the photo Soundrunner
          Related question: Is the public allowed to use the track at your local public schools (when students aren't using it, of course)? It's a pet peeve of mine that a high school about 3 miles away has a nice track locked up behind tall chain-link fence. I'm curious what other localities do.
          What size town are you in??? Ask the school coaches or superintendent. They may not realize tax payers like to run on facilities they paid for. The fence around the field may have an outdated design where public access would make it easy for vandals to bring vehicles onto the track. It would take about $200.00 in materials to fix it. A bit more if the fence is stupid high. I've seen episodes of Smallville where unpleasant things happened on school property after hours. Is your neighborhood prone to alien invasion? It was 7F when I got ready for today's run. In the time it took me to put layers on, the temp dropped 8 degrees and I said "......"....bad words. We've got a warming trend headed this way. I'll wait till tomorrow.



            Cute baby pic Steve! But why is that child not wearing a batman shirt????



              Hey gang, I agree Soundrunner gets my vote for the hot race photo of the year. And it's not even March yet Smile Still on the sniffle list, but improving. Legs feel like running but nothing else does. Probably a good time to be sick, else I'd hurt something. jjj
              Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                Cute baby pic Steve! But why is that child not wearing a batman shirt????
                The kid has them. He's not old enough to dress himself yet. Poor guy, I hope he turns out OK.


                  Steve - love the picture -what a gorgeous baby! Holly - I have pictures of the beast, but I haven't figured out how to download them here. Computer technoloy is not one of my strong points.

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                    Ask the school coaches or superintendent. They may not realize tax payers like to run on facilities they paid for.
                    I've been through all that. A synposis of responses to my inquiry from various authorities: 1. Don't know, no one's ever asked before. 2. No, school facilities are for student use only. 3. Allowing the public on the track would result in excessive "wear and tear" on the track. 4. We can't unlock the gates because of the danger of vandalism. My real question is what do other localities do? Is simply locking up the tracks common practice?

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      TRAMPS - our local middle school has an awesome track that I sometimes run on. THere is one of those little gates that looks like it is closed, but is actually unable to close. I think they do that to make kids think it is locked. Many of th eschools in our area are used for boot camps, running clubs and other sports clubs. I think in this area it is common to use the facilities!

                        I've been through all that. A synposis of responses to my inquiry from various authorities: 1. Don't know, no one's ever asked before. 2. No, school facilities are for student use only. 3. Allowing the public on the track would result in excessive "wear and tear" on the track. 4. We can't unlock the gates because of the danger of vandalism. My real question is what do other localities do? Is simply locking up the tracks common practice?
                        Only in schools that are more than 20 years old or in higher crime areas. Can you get area runners to bring it to the school board??? Your running store should help and que the local paper when you bring a petition to the school baord meeting.


                          Tramps - we have 2 nice high school tracks within 5-7 miles of home. Both are locked up to the public. They do allow us to use a worn out middle school track that needs to be resurfaced Dead

                          ksrunr All American 10K Feb. '10 Cowtown Half marathon Feb. '10 Boston '10

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Holly - I have pictures of the beast, but I haven't figured out how to download them here. Computer technoloy is not one of my strong points.
                            Sue, 1. Upload your photos to 2. Right click the photo and copy the properties 3. Paste the properties into your RA post, and put a {img} and a {/img} on either side of it (no spaces), only, instead of using { }, use the <>.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Tramps, that's unfortunate that they lock the track up at night. I understand the point about the public should be able to access it since the taxpayers are the ones that paid for it, but I also understand the school's responsibility to do what they have to do to prevent vandalism or excessive wear and tear. I guess it's not a whole lot different than other things taxpayers pay for but are unable to use. Since our county no longer has libraries (due to lack of funding), it sure would be nice to have access to the school's libraries, but we can't. Those are resources paid by taxpayers for the purpose of the students. Doesn't seem fair you can't use the track, but I understand their point of view on it also. I don't use our highschool track often, but the public can get in through a turnstyle type of gate. Although I imagine if or when vandalism becomes an issue, that would be changed. Or if you had a batman shirt and tights you could easily scale the fence and use the track. I think that is what Steve would do.



                                Regarding the use of the track, liability is also an issue for schools. Some schools here lock up their playgrounds, and others have even taken them out completely.