Masters Running


Thursdaily, 9.28.23 (Read 40 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    In other news!

    Henry, please tell me more about your on line poetry class. I'd like to try that.

    And. What's the story with Bay State? Who's in? When? Distances?

    And. Lilmissrosie and her husband are celebrating 10 years of marriage next week!

    They are going on their first trip away from the boys.

    San Francisco and Sonoma? I've never been to California so I don't know much about geography...


      Happy birthday, Doug!


      So many people here have thoughtful comments and good advice to share, Holly--it certainly sounds like you have a lot of friends here. I hope you can find a way to get to a happier place.



      +1 on the above for both Doug and Holly.


      I’ve had an unusual day of sciatica,   I walked with a cane for part of the day.  The pain was so bad I could not bear weight at all on the cranky side.   I tried both ice and heat and got the most relief with a hot pack.  I’m going to call it an early night and I have the cane next to my bed just in case it strikes again on a midnight bathroom trip.  

        Happy Birthday Doug!!





          Sorry, dnaff. That sounds really uncomfortable. I am still trying to take it fairly easy on my new knee, but it is generally doing well. My back is acting up.  I suppose it is not shocking that after a few years with a very messed up knee and crooked leg, other areas might rebel. So, I do what I can. Lots of stretching and yoga in the mix.  It turns out getting older is not so easy...


            Happy birthday roachrunner!


            I forgot to ask, what do you do with a whole pile of apples? A friend of my DW's is a suburban farmer, meaning she has lots and lots of produce and gives away lots and lots of produce. Well, we now have more apples than I know what do to with. I made apple bread (3 down a hundred thousand to go) and my DW and I ate a few. So all in I figure we are down maybe 6 apples from where we started. I am not anxious to turn them into pies, because I LOVE apple pies and would eat them! Any other ideas? While I am at it, there is also an oversized green zucchini, which is going to be mostly water. (Always harvest zucchini while they are under a foot or so long.) I need to seed the zucchini and then dry it out a bit to cook it. But what then?


            Apple crisp?? Zucchini bread can be really good.  I used a couple of large zucchini for bread, and it was great.


              Coastwalker - That you so much for the round up.  A day of meetings after a rough night does not sound fun.  Good on ya for 6.55.


              I love the JLynne and Lamerunner are posting.


              If Posai is lurking, here's a smile:



              Dave59 - That's a friendly little trailhead.


              Anneb - Hopefully you shake the bug off.


              Tramps - I wholeheartedly agree with the importance of groups to begin personal growth.  That's what we have here.  It's easy enough to see how those groups can lead to change on a larger scale.  I can imagine that it is a lot of work.


              Happy birthday to Rochrunner!  I hear a rumor that the paint Creek Cider Mill is active again.  Goodness, I miss Lake Orion in the fall.  However, those memories were before the GM plant and the Silverdome.  The mornings on Belview Island would be foggy.  School would get called off.  The fog would lift, and we'd have a sunny "bonus Saturday" without parents to boss us around.


              TwoCat is the Apple King of RA!!! Zucchini is the root of all evil.  There. I said it.


              Holly - It would be wonderful if love were unconditional. It seems as you are not drinking.  Living sober is a whole different story.  What has worked for me, may not be someone else's cup of tea.  I spent time unhappy in recovery, then a switch flipped.  I have so much fun and fewer regrets.  No fuzzy memory mornings.  It's been work and did not happen overnight.   I respect the fella in the mirror.  Sometimes I don't like the little bastrd.  You have real friends who only want a happy and healthy Holly.


              A pox on Dr. Quack.


              Wildchild and fall foliage!






              I got nothin'



                In other news!

                Henry, please tell me more about your on line poetry class. I'd like to try that.


                San Francisco and Sonoma? I've never been to California so I don't know much about geography...


                RCG- welcome back. 
                SF and Sonoma are wonderful scenic areas. Sonoma is wine country.

                My poetry course is an eight week online course on revisions-ie. revising poems to come up with a much better poem- not just writing a poem and expecting it to be perfect first time written (unfortunately how I usually write).


                Rose Colored Glasses


                  Is the course through a university or coursera? Or something entirely different?

                  Revision frightens me because I always think I'm a genius. And then I actually do the work. And realize revision is valuable. 


                  Thanks for answering me.

                  I've been away from here because real life gets so real sometimes. 



                    here’s the link.
