Masters Running


Stunning Sunday Runs (Read 286 times)


    Good morning good people! Up and at 'em! The day is too nice to not get out there and enjoy it.

    Aamos - I always wanted a house with a big porch. Maybe someday if we ever sell this one... It's hot where you live. Please don't send it east, okay?

    Fresh salmon tacos. Those sound delicious. I think it's time for the tourists to go home, eh Nono? Could you show us a picture of your new wallpaper? You guys always have such cool patterns.

    Lots of posts yesterday. Blueberries, hangovers, massages.... Y'all were busy!

    I got out for 7 miles this morning, 9:56 pace. I can't seem to get my speed down to where it was before I hurt my foot, but I'm okay with a gradual comeback. I had 38 miles this week, which is the highest mileage week since my foot issue. Still, I wish I felt better about Twin Cities. Really, only one month left to train.

    DH and I are playing in a husband/wife golf tournament this afternoon. They call it the "Divorce Open."  Wicked format - alternate shot for 6 holes, best ball of two for 6 holes, play your own for 6. Hope we're still talking to each other by the end of the day!

    Seize the day everyone!


      Jlynne - just have fun - golf is supposed to be a game; however, I don't play.

      A little sore from yesterday's family work day at my daughter's school. I was in charge of the shrub trimming and had a couple of fathers helping me. DW and both daughters helped organize a teachers room. Close to 100% participation. Picnic following. School starts after Labor Day. Usually, once a month the father's and sons get together and do all the yard work.

      Ran 14 miles this morning; 8 miles alone, then 6 miles with daughter at her easy pace. Two bisquits at Bojangles.

      Have fun today.

      God, my Lord, is my strength;
      he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
      and enables me to go upon the heights.
      Hb 3:19

        .....yeah, good luck with THAT one they have Divorce Lawyers as caddies??


        ...but I digress....

        .................35-min FantasyRun..........80s

        .......................leg actually started out bugging me,

         but I moved to a heel-toe strike,

        shortened the strides,


         it liked the NewShoes.....

        by the end of the run,

        I was actually MAKING myself hold back

        and not pick up the pace.........

        I know new shoes can't fix arthrits, but they just might help PAD it a litte.

        ..................................good running guys.....................have a Fantasy every so often.......

        off to my 2nd Church.....

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        MM #6177

          Good morning. I was about to step out the door to drive to the park, and the skies opened up. There are thunderstorms in the forecast for today. Do I go anyway, and bet that it'll just be rain and nothing else? I mean, how much rain is TOO much? Ugh, the thought of running on my treadmill is just SO unappetizing.... OK, there's a lull in the downpour now, I'm gonna head out, wish me luck!

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Nice run Jlynne..... don't fret Twin Cities, just adjust pace based on training.

            Blazin... Bojangles is always good motivation to finish a run(s)

            TW.. new shoes, new shoes!

            5 miles in 44:13 (8:50, AHR 149). That caps my third 40 mile week.... getting there!

            No marathon planned this fall and spring marathon training starts mid November. I'll stay in the 40 MPW range until then. Can't wait to see what happens to the paces when there is a nip in the air. This has been a brutal summer humdity wise.

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


            Trails are hard!

              As long as I have a hat to keep the rain (mostly) off my glasses and there's no boomers, I'd take a run in the rain any day, any level.  people look at you almost as crazy as in a snow storm, but I like it.

              No rain for me thismorning--5.6 miles with all but about 2 on some snowmobile trails that I went exploring on.  Fun to look at the map when I got back, becasue I wasn't EXACTLY sure where I ended up.  Nice cool mornig, not high speed, but I had fun.

              eta:  nice run with the new shoes, Tom.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                 Don't worry to much about the speed right now. Like you said you just came off the highest miliage week in a while. The taper will take care of the fatigue hopefully when that time in your training comes. I always liked to get some race pace miles in my MLR of the week just to make sure I can still get there. It does help mentally anyway.


                Nice 14 ! The long runs are getting up there for you too.I have to go look at (what Marathon and when) you are training for.


                Glad the shoes seemed to help.

                Just 6 for me today as I work towards Saturdays 10 mile race. It was my last "kind of"  hard run until then I think. First 3 @ around 9:00 pace and the second 3 around 8:00 pace. I just tried to hold race pace for the later half of this one to keep the feel of what 8s feel like when I am warmed up.  The cool weather  that was 70 and misty helped also. It would be nice if it stayed like this but the Crim always seems to be H&H. Thats what you get in Michigan in August .

                Hope everyone enjoys their runs today,


                Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                  Rainy 'round these parts too, OM, but I got in 15.4 progression miles, wet, but unblistered and unchafed. Yay! My legs were pretty sore from yesterday's hilly debacle, but loosened up after 3 or so miles.

                  I've got to get to the shop now....I've got a perverse amount of black walnut in there, to be turned into two staircases. Neat project in a nice house. If it turns out to be profitable I'll have a trifecta.  Walt.

                    Black walnut staircase... wow, I can only imagine. I hope we get to see pictures when you're done! Nice wet chafeless run for you, Walt!

                    Stumpy, heh, I'd rather run in a snowstorm. Assuming there's no cars swirling the snow around in my face, that is. I've gotten better at the running-in-the-rain thing. Used to hate it, now it's ok, but yes I wear a cap to keep it out of my eyes. Snowmachine trails you say? Around here we call those the bikepaths. The snowmachines take them over and pretty much ruin them for anyone else in the winter. I guess you can walk on them, but they develop "moguls" and ruts of chewed up soft snow that is almost impossible to run on.

                    Jlynne, there was an article in this month's Running World (at least I think it was this month's... I'm so behind it could be from last month) on "cramming" for a race that I thought was interesting. The focus is on finishing, not PR'ing of course, but what could you do if you had a month to train, after already having a certain base. Would be worth looking at. (you do win the most darling avatar contest, you know)

                    Yay Steve on the 40 mile weeks! And not doing a marathon till next spring. Is that the one on the new trail in your area? Sounds nice. Easy on the build up, fren. We know what happens when you get excited... 

                    Woohoo on the New Shoe Magic, tomwhite! 

                    Ok, there's more I wanted to say but I forgot it already. Need more coffee. I've had my toast with PB and an egg, working on coffee, trying to evaluate how my back feels. Not bad, but I can sure tell I was bent over a lot yesterday. Ahhh, but almost 2 gallons of blueberries! I'll take care of those this afternoon. In a bit I'll head over to the race start and warm up, run the 10k with no time expectations (although a bagel gift card would be awesome!), then finish up for 12-14 for the day. Prolly more like 12... Forecast was for mostly cloudy with sprinkles and there's not a cloud in the sky. Love it when they're wrong like that!


                      Thought I would join in today instead of lurking!  I ran 14 miles in the pouring rain this morning.  Loved the run but my body felt a bit achy -- probably need to get a new pair of shoes this week.  All in all happy to be out there! 


                      MM #2929

                        6.5 easy miles this morning w/DW  

                        10k next Sunday then it will be time to kick up the mileage.

                        Jlynne wtg getting the miles hold back thespeed fora couple more weeks. Good luck at the "Divorce Open"

                        Hip-Hip Hooray  TomWhite   My hip was also much better today than yesterday

                        Nice 14 Blazin & Ojo in the rain


                        Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                          Hi Ojo,

                          Nice RUN STREAK you got there.  Sorry I peaked at your log.  Welcome.

                          Erika, what do you do with all those blueberries - I realize you must freeze them, but what sorts of things do you do besides pie?

                          Jlynne-nice to see your mileage up there

                          Mariposai-that is one low HR for a pretty good pace.

                          I'm about to head out in the cool 57, light drizzle to the horse trails....I printed the map so I might actually run some different side trails this time.  Anywhere from 4 to 8 slated.  My calf is tight from those trail hills yesterday.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            fatozzig, I'm glad your husband got to the doctor and has a plan to follow for recovery.  Walt, nice 5 mile trail race (mountain climb).  Franc, nice, speedy, 10K so soon after a wicked ultra.  tet, nice tri.

                            Nice long runs for nono, perch (with hills), mariposai, blazin (6 with daughter), Walt (progression), and Ojo (I think you're new - welcome).

                            This morning, it was in the high 60s and there was a bit of wind.  I got in 5 miles before church in about 51:15 for a 10:15 pace. 

                            A good day and good runs for all.



                              Drive by post....

                              Jeanne look how great you're doing.   I told you so I told you so.   Big grin

                              tw, ohboy ohboy.   that made my day.

                              hi Ojo!

                              Erika thanks for mentioning that article oh boy do I need it. 

                              I love running in the rain, usually anyway, but not thunderboomers.

                              Amos I'm glad you have a great porch.   you get that kind of heat even after the kind of winters you get?   That Is Not Fair!!!!

                              5.24 miles today grumble grumble grumble.   no, that was not the plan.   It was the knee thing that stopped me, it started really bugging me during mile 3, & I kept shifting posture / form every way I could think of.   Stopped a couple of times, then tried again & could do a little more.   tw, I even tried heel to toe for a little while, which I usually avoid.  seemed to help for a little while, I don't  quite get that one. 

                              oh, but good news from the doctor!   (Holly, i went the day I posted about it.  sorry I didn't get back.  thanks for asking)  My toe is not broken.  (shows how much I know).  He says the joint is sprained.   Not quite sure how to treat that but I'll look it up later.  It still hurts, but seems to me I should have more wiggle room (hee) with this.  I really wish I'd known this 3 weeks ago!   The knee & everything else (eek) will be evaluated on Tuesday, I hope.  He thinks a lot of it can be traced back to the post-hernia surgery stuff.   It's nice to have someone that will look at the whole picture.  

                              I've got to get going (trying to fit in a gym trip, in case I can elliptical or bike or something, can do weights anyway I think) and they close early.

                              Nice running everybody!


                              MM #6177

                                It never rained, though I would've welcomed it. I also love running in the rain, just that the lightning and thunder are what would scare me away. Got 8 miles in, ankle was fine. Now we're prepping for DD's party indoors since the storms are coming for the afternoon and evening. Fun, fun!