Masters Running


Happy Birthday, Aamos! (Read 335 times)

    Happy birthday, Amy! What wonderful gifts you have received from the RA gang. Love the cake, not to mention the scoreboard. (I'm sure if I'd had the good fortune to have grown up closer to Boston that I'd be a card-carrying member of Red Sox nation, but dare not disregard my Philly roots as long as I still live here.) Bob - glad you dropped by. We miss you!! Eliz


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Amy! Happy Day! Hope it's a great one, beware the ides of April... (I don't even know if April has ides. Um. I don't even know what ides are) But have a great birthday anyway! Your friend, RCG or Barb

      "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


        April does have ides! But Teresa told me they were on the 12th. Happy berfday, aamy.



          I know this is late, but I just want to add my birthday wishes and hope you had a perfectly mahvelous day!
            ....Happy B'Day aamos//......Good Running to Ya........

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            Half Fanatic #36

              Buon Compleanno!!!! Which one shall we go run in Italy...? Francesca
                Oh my! I logged on for the first time today and am stunned Surprised. Rarely am I so speechless. Blush This is the coolest b-day present evah! I love everything (and YES! to an Italian marathon, who else is in?) Wow, the scoreboard rocks, as does the real deal from today's afternoon game in Oakland. Usually people are too busy to remember and/or in crabby moods doing their taxes. Thanks so much mi amigos e amigas! Yes, we have our plane tickets to Seattle. grins, A
                Masters 2000 miles

                Hill Runner

                  Happy Birthday Amos...I hope you enjoy your day!

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                    Amy sent me this thread near the end of our work-day. What a perfectly wondrous way to end the day! I was awed by the notes, scrolling down to the bottom of the page, only to see there were three pages of greetings there! And I'm happy to report that I think she did have a great day. It started yesterday when she learned she didn't have to report to her usual Wednesday morning 8 AM court; the judge had other things to do today. And that also meant that the possibility of having to try a case tomorrow (the day after her birthday, the day before she leaves for Boston) went away. So she could have a nice evening last night and a halfway leisurely morning today. I'm looking forward to meeting and talking with many of you in Boston and again in Seattle. Proud of my lovely lady -- Dan
                    DanL2 SCA 6.1.2008, ICD implant 11.7.2008 Still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up!
                      Happy Birthday !!!!! Good luck to you and your Sox but I know you are a closet Tigers fan Wink Many more Larry

                      Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                      Head Procrastinator

                        AMY!! Happy Birthday! You share this with my Dad, only he is not with us anymore. I am not making Boston this year so I am giving you and Dan a hug {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{AMY AND DAN}}}}}}}}}}}} now!! Barb
                        ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats

                          Happy Birthday Aamos from a friend in Kansas, who was born in your state of South Dakota. TomD

                            An orginal birthday poem for Amy Happy Birthday dear Amy We're glad you ain't running all ..........something that rhymes with Amy Though you gets lots of snow in South Dakota, It makes it easier to find a cold soda.



                            MM #405

                              Amy, so sorry it's late... Happy Birthday !!!! Love you lots, arf