Masters Running


FRIDAY, Sept. 19 runs and such (Read 437 times)

    Just popping in on a rest day to say, "hi, Bill". Glad you are here.
    You knew he couldn't stay away for long. Rest day for me today, too, and tomorrow a 40-mile organized bike tour of downtown Detroit. Have a good one today, everyone! Get well, dg. And good luck to the weekend racers (Holly, Sue, et al).

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      A little disappointed this running forum has become so frivolous. Now it's all about pirates, hot tubs, and baseball. Yesterday I stopped in here, and even caught a brief glimpse of Econo in a witch costume. I guess the management will let anyone in here now. When Spareribs was on top of his game, we didn't have all of these problems. Anyway, I will be back later to post my run. Dark Horse
      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
        I like it when Ribs calls us losers Big grin Only 4 miles today,but they felt GREAT...nice and loose the whole time...8:08 pace ETA-Doug-That sounds like a nice bike trip...good luck
        Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Arrg.. on my ship, you landlubbers. we have a special type of cross training.... the plank Won't ye come aboard? Nice runnin Nice cool breeze filling your sails, must be the change of season... IRC!!! (Ideal Rum Conditions) 4 miles of walk/run to recover from 2 days of running. Leg was very tight causing soreness which gradually loosened. Felt pretty good afterwards. Sure glad the financial markets are nice and stable after being baled out with money we don't have. Don't YOU feel secure? Smile

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          One day at a time

            HOLLY, good luck on your race! My running partner and I did 2.0 miles FAST for us, in 20:46 this morning. Our final run before our HM on Sunday. Tomorrow we're making the hour drive down to York, Maine to pick up our race stuff. Probably not necessary to do it ahead of time, but it will be fun. We're both very nervous. The stock market and oil prices are so interesting! A bunch of my friends locked in their oil price at $4.77/gallon for the next year at the beginning of July. I paid $250 extra for the option of taking advantage of a lower price if the market changed (but I would never pay more than $4.77). My friends thought I was crazy - "Prices won't fall THAT much!" Well, guess what, they have! $3.66/gallon right now. I wiill just about break even with one tank fill. The smart people may be the ones who don't have any contract at all, but I don't like that much risk! I think it's human nature to look at our situation TODAY and think that's how it will always be. "Geez, the stock market fell a bunch - it's going to keep falling forever! Run for the hills!" And then it bounces back. Or DH and I will say, "Wow, we're swamped with business! The money will keep rolling in!" And then it slows down and we're in a pickle! I keep thinking I'll smarten up, but I don't seem to.
              No run this morning. I have quite a hangover from all that champagne at Tammy's tub party. Well worth it, though. So greedy and irresponsible financial institutions are going to foist their bad debt onto taxpayers so they can stay in business? Wow, it really is pirate day, isn't it. Roll eyes

              Be safe. Be kind.

                My running partner and I did 2.0 miles FAST for us, in 20:46 this morning. Our final run before our HM on Sunday. Tomorrow we're making the hour drive down to York, Maine to pick up our race stuff. Probably not necessary to do it ahead of time, but it will be fun. We're both very nervous.
                Don't worry too much Teresa you'll be just fine. Just go out there and have fun, it looks like its going to be a great day for running on Sunday so just have at it and good luck! I'll be there, helping out before the start and I'll be running the 5K then I think I'm going to just keep going and run the half course afterwards to get my miles in for the day.

                Renee the dog

                  Sure glad the financial markets are nice and stable after being baled out with money we don't have. Don't YOU feel secure? Smile
                  Does it really matter? Not like our money is backed up by anything anyways. 8 Ball Sitting here in running gear waiting for Mr Nono to arrive home. Just some pre-planning as he won't be home 'till 5 or 6 p.m. depending on traffic coming down the Garden State Parkway. Renee is going nuts though as she "knows" running gear. Gonna check the may be time for a barefoot run in the surf tonight.

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  One day at a time

                    Don't worry too much Teresa you'll be just fine. Just go out there and have fun, it looks like its going to be a great day for running on Sunday so just have at it and good luck! I'll be there, helping out before the start and I'll be running the 5K then I think I'm going to just keep going and run the half course afterwards to get my miles in for the day.
                    Thanks, Bob! The weather report does sound encouraging. Boy, you make it sound so effortless - running a race, and then going for a 13-mile easy run! Shocked Really cool.

                      A new statue of the first black player to win the Heisman Trophy depicts Syracuse University great Ernie Davis wearing Nike cleats. The sculptor, Bruno Lucchessi, probably didn't realize that Davis led Syracuse to the national title in 1959, 2 years before Nike was formed. This is not the first time something like this has happened. The other day I was driving down Monument Avenue in Richmond and noticed that on one statue, Robert E. Lee was wearing a sweatshirt that said "S**t Happens." Perch: Back in the game! Carolyn: Nice race! That's two PR's in a row, right? Enke: Use those sponges in your shoes. Tramps:
                      my suggestion for improving baseball: after a hit, batters get to keep the bat to help them make it past the defenders on each base. No stopping on bases; you must try to make it home every time. There may be a need for additional padding on infielders. Half-hour, 45 minutes tops, game’s over. (Dicky, can’t we work in some rasslin’ too?)
                      Admittedly, this is one of your typically brilliant ideas However, you can't mix baseball & rasslin' see, well as football, boxing, hockey, racin', & pro fishing...are all fixed. Rasslin' is the only true sport left. Holly: All the best tomorrow.. dg: Welcome have the flu or something? Bill: Welcome back...thanks for reconsidering. Teresa:
                      $3.66/gallon right now.
                      Not to rub it in or anything, but it dropped below $3.00 here yesterday....and good luck Sunday. 4 miles today in 36:28 (9:07)..same course as yesterday...yesterday I had to walk 9 times, today only 3...but I only cut 7 seconds off yesterday's time. That's 5 days in a row for me Golf tournament & softball double-header tomorrow, final day of golf tournament Sunday. I'm a little steamed...just when I reach 65, they eliminate the super-seniors (65+) division in the city-county golf I'm in the seniors (50+) group...that's OK..I won this thing 15 years ago and again 12 years ago...I got one more win left. TigerG
                        I'm not worried about the market: my daughters spend my money for me. So, financially unfettered, and smitten by the perfect weather, I did a healthy 7.6 miles in a little under an hour....close to MP'ish @7:49/mile, 145/162....must get to work now. Holly, others: good luck in your races this weekend! Walt
                          I am soooo confused!! Confused Don't know whether I am a pirate, a baseball fan or part of the slugfest. Help!! Shocked

                            Thanks Doug, Sue, DickyG! not sure what it is, sorethroat/dizzy/fever/cough, one of those. it's still here, but i have my most of my old obsessive self back. Wink. TigerG, good luck on your tournament. & your double header. wow you do a lot! wtg 5 days straight. i think i asked this before, but are you injury free now? Sue, I'm glad big E was fun & tasty. what is the big E? happy traveling & good luck this weekend! you've been on a string of great, well run races for a bit now, haven't you? how's your mom? Doug, no more doughnut talk. sheesh. Congratulations on your longest week since January. Smile. And for escaping your denial. Mine keeps coming back. SteveP, it's nice to get on here in the morning & see a post from you. Holly & Teresa, good luck! Re Ribs' post. I agree. For the most part. I hope your run was peaceful & heart healing. Erika, did you find your gloves? you want mine? has the weather report improved any? how are you?

                              Not to rub it in or anything, but it dropped below $3.00 here yesterday....
                              Hey, you guys got nothin'. You should try having an oil pipeline cutting through your state, going right by your house. And have a refinery just 20 miles out of town to provide you with cheap gas and heating oil. Oh, WAIT, that's us! And we're still paying $4.20 for gas, and almost $4 for heating fuel! Confused What's up with that? And when Ike hit the south, talk here was they'd raise the prices because of the effect on refineries... Huh? No Ike here, and our production and refinery is all local, and we STILL pay more than the national average. Talk about a bum deal...! Deb, hope you're feeling better soon. And thanks, I'm pulling my stuff together gradually, found a couple of pairs of gloves just need to decide which ones. Complete IRC out there now... It even feels mild at 33F... just a nice sunny morning with some high clouds, brilliant yellow birch leaves, green grass, blue skies, mountains purple and white in the distance... ahhhh. Would be a lovely day for a marathon! But noooooooo, we're gonna do it tomorrow when the forecast HIGH for the day is 48F, rain starting tonight and continuing into the morning. The "snow" term has been put off till Sunday, and only above 2,500 feet but that wouldn't affect us anyway. But it's going to be a cold wet trudge up the hill tomorrow. *sigh* Oh well. Last few years have been very nice, I guess the law of averages says we need a cold wet one this year.
                                Hey, you guys got nothin'. You should try having an oil pipeline cutting through your state, going right by your house. And have a refinery just 20 miles out of town to provide you with cheap gas and heating oil. Oh, WAIT, that's us! And we're still paying $4.20 for gas, and almost $4 for heating fuel! Confused What's up with that? And when Ike hit the south, talk here was they'd raise the prices because of the effect on refineries... Huh? No Ike here, and our production and refinery is all local, and we STILL pay more than the national average. Talk about a bum deal...!.
                                Now wait a second. Aren't you Alaskans the folks getting something like $1200 per person in oil kickbacks plus another $2000 per person in energy rebates paid for by the oil companies who pass along the cost to...who?...oh, yeah, us! Wink I'm just sayin'....

                                Be safe. Be kind.
