Masters Running


Weekly Run & X-training Thread w/e 12/30 (Read 527 times)

    Let's get this party started!!! Mon-5@8:24 Tue-5@7:48 Wed-8@8:14 Thur-5@8:05 Fri-5@8:41 Sat-5@7:58 Sun-Rest Total=33 miles
    Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
      Nevermind. Stoopid calf. Sorry.
        Thanks, Lyndenrunner, you're the Man. Smile Monday - R&R Tuesday - R&R Wednesday - R&R Thursday - R&R Friday - R&R Saturday - 2 miles on the elliptical Sunday - 3 miles running on the treadmill Totals: 3 miles running on the treadmill, 2 miles on the elliptical Dark Horse
        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

          Let's get this party started!!! Mon-3 ez plus 30 m core Tue- 2 ez plus lower core training Wed- 8 miles with 3 miles @ marathon pace Thur- 5 miles plus ab Fri- 6.5 virgin snow miles plus upper body training Sat-20 on the mill Sun- 2 hours of XC skiing Total=44.5 miles plus 2 hours core training and 2 hours XC skiing.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            lyndenrunner, thanks for getting the party started. All running, no x-training this week. M------------------------> 14.1 miles - done T-------------------------> rest day - done W------------------------> 5.5 miles - done Th-----------------------> rest day - done F-------------------------> 7.6 miles - done Sa------------------------> 8.2 miles - done Su------------------------> 10 miles - done ______________________________________________________ Total---------------------> 45.4 miles - done Paul

              Thought I already did this... but I guess that was over on KR? This double posting gets confusing... Monday: 5.25 miles EZ on the TM, 25 minutes weights and abs Tuesday: Nada... Merry Christmas! Wednesday: 6.15 nippy and snowy miles Thursday: 4 excruciating treadmill miles Friday: rest day... XT was cleaning boys' room... Saturday: 8 miles outside Sunday: 12.1 miles Week total, 35.5 miles running, 25 min's weight stuff, but I know I did more core work in there, I think Thursday...
                Mon- off Tues-off Wed lift,run 5 miles Thurs 3 miles Friday 5 miles, lift Saturday long run 10+ Sunday off


                  I think this schedule will put me over 1800 this year M............8 GA....................8 with 50min XT T............22 LR..................22 T............12 MLR...............12.12 .....15min XT elliptical warmup E S T!!! S...........6 w/ 8 x 200..........7.2 w/13 x 200 S...........4............................3.08 70min XT total......52...........................55ish
                  Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                    Thanks Lyndenrunner. Mon......4 miles.........4 miles Tues.....6 miles.........6 miles Thurs....6 miles........6 miles Sat......12 miles Total 28 miles
                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      Thanks Lyndenrunner! StepBack week cause I've got a little ding to repairin the leg joint. Mon - 3 recovery (did 3 mi with Tory .. felt GR8!) Tue - 3 recovery ... X-mas it depends (X-trained by opening presents) Wed - 8 m-LR Easy (did 8 mi in 38F rain with Tory.. he was THRILLED!) Thurs - 3 recovery + X-train (did 4 mi with Tory + leg strenthening) Fri - 6 Easy (did 6 mi with Tory + leg strenthening) Sat - 5 Recovery (swapped LR with Sun.. 17.2 mi in muggy 66F, forgot how I sweat!..ugg) Sun - 15 m-LR (6 mi with Tory @8:38 pace) Total around 40's ish but all easy 44.3 mi and leg/knee is fixed!

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                        First I was peeking over snow banks watching the migration. This is my first attempt at posting on RA. Hope this works. Monday-7.5 mi Tues-Oh Joy! Wed-4.5 mi Thurs-core/ball class AM, yoga class PM Fri-4 mi Summary: 16 mi, core/ball/yoga