Masters Running


Weekly Newbies from CR (Read 666 times)


One day at a time

    Thanks for the welcome, everyone! I did a short run of 4 miles today (I love saying that!). Slow and steady, and I felt great afterwards. 29 degrees felt awesome after 8 on Saturday. I definitely sweat less when it's warmer! Weird. Wow, Laurie, Hawaii to Massachusetts is quite a change, even more than the one I made moving from Texas to Maine! Jemmamma, did it hit 69 today? I can't even imagine that temperature right now! Eliz, good luck with the weight loss. The good news for me has been that while it was hard to lose the weight, it seems to be staying off quite well as long as I run regularly. Have a good evening! Teresa
      Laurie said: "Bill has been promoted from running partner to boyfriend." Whoo hoo! Cool! Now if only I could find someone to promote from running/sailing/kayaking buddy to boyfriend. Wink No run for me today, which was hard, given the near perfect weather - high 60s, bright sunshine, low humidity - but feet needed a rest from 2 consecutive 4+ mile days and I was kinda tired all over. Even so, I made a huge investment in my running future today - I'm getting fitted for custom orthotics next Friday. Hope to have them by the beginning of February. I've been struggling with the modified SuperFeet for a year now, and they're better than my own not-so-super feet, but the podiatrist and I agree that it's time to go "custom." If I only increase my mileage from 2007 by 10 miles, they'll cost only $1 per mile. But I'm a cheapskate, so this is another incentive to ramp up the miles in 2008! Of course, now that I've made the decision, I want them yesterday. Down 1.5 pounds since Friday, but it's mostly because the holiday wine and Christmas cookies are finally all gone! Good runs, all, Eliz Smile


        Laurie - is this the same runnning partner (aka "the hottie")? Good luck to your DD on her surgery. Eliz - ah thanks... my first pulmonologist told me he that I probably had borderline asthma since I was a kid, but just had not pushed the bronchials enough to shut down... little did I know I had to be careful... I really don't feel like an inspiration, but I appreciate the thought. The first pulmonologist forced me to run, taught me how to run through my fear & would harass me if I didn't run at least 1 time a week. lol He told me that I was a very active person before my first attack & he wasn't letting me give up. I think its was his attitude that kept me going.. really my peak flows went up 100 points from just adding running (before they started messing around with the meds), so it is an important part of my treatment & then there is that weight gain thing... my other incentive - not gaining the additional 20 pounds I lost. So, I guess my struggling/attempting to run is doing something & really that's what counts. Teresa - oh yeah its been really rough. But what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger... or something like that anyway. No running today, but I did do some crunches, upperback exercises, hammy exercises & light stretching after a really long day at work. This week will be rough - working late probably everynight.. hoping I can get some TM time in this week. Oh & wow what warm temps!! I'm learning how to drive in icy conditions Shocked We keep getting storms that seem to drop the white stuff! Oh & Teresa did I mention I was born & raised in So. California & moved to So. Oregon (where its cold - well kinda & we get snow) 1 1/2 years ago & I'm still getting used to


          Good morning everyone, It is so nice to have everyone (mostly) back and posting here. (sigh) Eliz, I hear you about the cookies and candy finally being gone. I live by myself and I don't know where it all came from. I know I didn't buy any of it. I sure ate a lot of it though. Congrats on your 1.5 lbs. I hope the new orthotics work. Cheers Everyone! Mike
            Hey guys! Theresa, yes, we hit the heights yesterday, and the madness continues one more day with a predicted high of 73. Cool I ran yesterday at 11:00 am and it was actually a bit too warm - already 60! Ran in shorts, and today I'll wear my running skirt. DS needs the computer - have a great day, everyone - Jem


              Good Afternoon Everyone, Well, it was a little cooler here this morning. I ran 4 miles this morning. It was a little on the blustery side. Cheers, Mike

              Trails are hard!

                good evening to all. a quick note whilst waiting for DD to return from dance class so we can celebrate her 17th birthday. yikes, does that make me feel old Shocked I had a good run on Tuesday. It feels fun to run in shorts in January. I had a very quickly squelched idea of running without a shirt for the last mile. The results of less exercise and more food persuaded me not to. I've given back 8 or 9lbs over the past month. I hope it will start back coming off. Birthday cake should help a lot Undecided extra short, DD is here. hope she likes her present--we broke down and got her an Ipod. Night all. more tomorrow. Kevin

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Kevin, you youngin'
                    But then last week I went out alone and did my 2nd fastest 5k time ever. Laurie
                    Laurie, wtg on your fast run. Smile You're still flyin'. Are you going to resume your old identity? Hi to all! Today is my cross-training day. I spent 1 hour on my nordictrack. It's dull, but keeps me moving without the impact of running. I'm going to run Fri and Sat and try to walk with dh on Sunday, weather permitting. I don't mind running in the cold, but how I detest walking in it. Happy running, walking, re-habbing, resting, etc. Jem

                      Hi guys. I'm sorry I haven't been around much. a little too much to catch up on everything right now... most of you already know what i'd say to everything anyway. Roll eyes Wink Kevin, no sympathy here!! (old. sheeesh) happy birthday to DD. I'm glad she's still dancing. did she like it? Jem, I just read something good about the Nordictrack, but I forget what it was. That's nice you're walking with your DH. You really hate walking in it? I really liked it pre-running, but maybe it was a different thing, alone & going fast, than a companionable walk. Linda, I'm so glad you're doing so much better! tough schedule though. that sounds like pretty good cross training after a long day... do you still go to the gym, or do you do them at home? I"m re-reading your posts... i'll have to compare my tm posture vs non tm. hadn't really thought of that. i know my stride tends to be too long, may have mentioned that already. anyway, lots of good advice, much needed. thank you. I found a link the the information I mentioned; it's not available printed as I'd hoped it might be, but there are podcasts or mp3's. I'm on a different OS right now, it's not saved here... but I'll send it soon. How's your dad? Laurie, good to see you back after you started this thread! Is your hamstring better? good luck to Kim with her knees! congratulations on your 5K. have fun Saturday. Eliz, did you get your orthotics? how is your new program going? Mike, it sounds like you are back on schedule. (sorry you 2. running out of steam) Ok Teresa, another bio. I started running in the very end of august (2006) when we were going out of town --I'd been up till 12 the night before & was up at 3 the next morning because everything was crazy. On my usual walk with one of the dogs I decided I was in so much of a hurry that i'd run it, and ended up liking it! that was it. no plans or motives. I started running as I could during each of my walks (5 days a week)... run till you think you'll die, then walk a little. Too fast, too hilly. sort of a textbook version of what not to do.Smile The beginning of Dec., searching online for stretches I found Cool Running, a great source of information, started making some better choices. I was sick January through the beginning of April, had to stop doing everything so pretty much started from scratch then. My longest run was 7.16 miles, last september. Was up to 20-25 miles per week & feeling good, then I pulled my hamstring Oct. 2. I'm still trying to fix it. I've had a marathon planned (since april) next October, so I better get back on the road fast! I'm married, have 1 grown daughter & 2 grown stepsons, i work mostly with computers. sorry, this was pretty boring! I've been sick for a few days & am getting wiped out again. You sure have had some major ups & downs, I'd love to hear how you managed to get through them. short report.. did most of pilates workout 2 this morning & some TM tonight. the end. Yes

                      One day at a time

                        dg3, nice to meet you! That's too bad about your hamstring pull. Can you run on the treadmill, or are you walking? I hope you can get back to training for your marathon. That's a great goal! I did another 4 miles today, on a different route than Monday. My time was within 5 seconds of the previous! I didn't know I ran that consistently. I slow down and speed up all over the place. Time to psych myself up for my 5.5 mile run on Saturday. I'm nervous about it, but I'm pretty sure I can do it. Have a good evening, everybody! Teresa

                        Trails are hard!

                 you think she liked it?

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            That's one very happy girl! She's gorgeous!
                              A quick "hi" to everyone and a test to see whether I've managed to figure out how to change my avatar. Eliz


                                Hmm, looks like I changed it to nothin'. And I found this cute graphic of a smiling turtle. Guess I'll keep trying! Anything?

