Masters Running


Weekly Newbies from CR (Read 666 times)


    Eliz - okay so first an animated turtle and now a sea turtle? see & you didn't think anyone noticed. Wink I like them both, but that animated was too cute!! Kevin - cute pic! She looks VERY happy!! Teresa - how did your 5.5 mile run go today? wow on the consistency, that is pretty cool. I run all over the place too, but mostly due to my breathing. Deb - How's it going the last few days? I've been working like crazy this week so haven't had time for posting or exercise either. But the tax provision is all done now, so back to the exercise!! My dad is actually doing pretty well. Although he was having problems again, but the docs did some more of that office visit cutting & heavy antibiotics a couple of months ago. He's not driving anymore because the eyes are shot from the Diabetes Sad & bought himself a motorized trike to get around. Now he's walking his dog on that thing.. I think the thing that upset him the most about his feet & not being able to drive to the dogpark - is getting Sophie some walking time. TM time FINALLY today - I did 3.50 miles - 1 mile walk, 1 mile run, 1/2 mile walk/run/walk - so 1.50 run/2 mile walk in total! yay!! I feel better now...

    One day at a time

      Thanks for asking, Rinda, my 5 1/2-mile run went great! Last week, I did 5 miles in 1:03:18, and this week I did the 5.5 miles in 1:06:18. I didn't know I was running faster! I could have gone a little farther, too, so I'm happy. So this week I ran 15.5 miles. Next week I drop down a little since I've run a lot (for me) the last few weeks. Have to get ready for my 6-mile run scheduled for two weeks from today. Eek.

      Trails are hard!

        Linda--I like the sounds of your runs. Hope it remains this consistent so you can keep improving. Theresa--great runs that are getting longer and longer. 6 miles will feel easy soon. Smile I'm up waiting for DD to get home from seeing "Rent". a birthday present from her BF. He treats her nice and is TOO generous. We try to get him to slow down on the presents, but DD argues against it Roll eyes go figure. Spent the day cross-installing new refrigerator and dishwasher. They're the fruits of a nice Christmas bonus. after 25 years we thought we'd replace the fridge before its signs of age catch up. the dishwasher baskets were losing pegs and it would cost at least half the cost of a new one to get new baskets. We don't make too many big purchases so we're pretty excited. Big grin Tomorrow DD is back at her early work hours so I'll be out for an early run over the hills and through the woods. hoping for 7 miles. Also hoping that they're go as nicely as the 5 over the same route on New Year's Day. Should have clear paths. Kevin

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Hey all! No run today, but I ran twice yesterday. Once around my block, about a mile, with DD#4 riding her bike, acting as a pace bunny. We decided we were incompatible. She had to go too slow and I had to go too fast to keep her in sight. After that I drove over to the trail. Haven't run there in months. I ran 6 miles, tried to stick with the horse trail of dirt and gravel as much as possible, but had to run some on the asphalt. This trail is a long skinny state park which was once a railroad track, now is a horse trail which runs alongside a paved biking/running trail. I only go here on Saturdays when I'm planning a longer run. 6 miles for me is long right now, and it was really enjoyable. The paved trail has mile markers and even bathrooms. (Just got the feeling I've told you all this before - mea culpa. :-/ ) No run today, but maybe I'll walk. Kevin, woo hoo on the bonus and new appliances - yes, exciting! Linda and Theresa - you're doing great! Jem

          One day at a time

            Thanks for the encouragement! Today is a rest day. Tomorrow we're supposed to have a big snowstorm, but I'm hoping to get a 4-mle run in before it gets too bad. Teresa

              Teresa - great run yesterday!! Kevin - thanks! I am feeling really good right now, especially for how much I didn't run the last 2 months. I'm working on that consistency. Jem - Great 6 mile run yesterday! Reporting in that I got on that TM again. Both workouts this weekend were slightly over 1 hour, today being 1 hour and 7 minutes. Speed is super slow as usual, but don't think that matters.. it will still be helping my endurance, so when it gets warmer the wimpy bronchials & me can go outside & fly like the wind Big grin So, I did 3.75 miles today - 1 mile walk warmup, 1.5 miles run at 3.8, .5 walk at 3.2, .5 run at 4.0, and .25 walk cooldown... persistence, persistence - I am encouraged.. now just need to force myself on the treadmill in the evenings this week.


                Hello Everyone, It sounds like everyone is doing well. rinda, congrats on your one hour work outs. Teresa, Nice work outs. sounds like you are making great progress Kevin, Appliance wrestling counts as cross training. Debbie, In your cave? Jem, Nice run. Laurie, I hope you and your daughter are feeling better. How's her knee? 5 miles for me today. I kind of fell of the wagon this past month and skipped a few workouts. This is the first weekend up to me full 5 days and 23 miles. (yay) On my warmup walk around the block, a group of the neighborhood brats were out playing street hockey. When I walked past them, one of them took a slap shot and hit me in the calf. they laughed. When I ran past the nearby intersection later on they all started laughing and making cat calls to me. GRRRR! Angry They are so lucky I'm a nice guy. I ignored them. Fortunately they were apparently inside when I finished my run. I had decided that any more taunting from them was going to get their parents an earful from me, right in front of them. Cheers everyone! Mike
                  Rinda, excellent workouts. Big grin Mike, what a bunch of hooligans! Angry Ugh. Kudos for not pummelling them! You had a great running week! Hi to everyone Smile

                    I'll work my way backward & see how far I get. -) Hi Jem Smile Is DD4 the bookworm? Mike, yes. it's nice in here. I have tea. how's your calf? I'm so sorry you had that happen. I hope they aren't around much. did you say your weekend had 5 days? congrats on your 23 miles! Linda, yay! that's so great. I agree, don't worry about the speed. I'm going really slowly too. too bad your dad's been having problems, but that's so nice he can walk his dog now. things like that make so much difference. i'm not making much progress with the running/walking part, but the elliptical has been going a little better. 24 min. today, then 45 min. on the recumbent bike. meant to swim after but i'm still a little sick & was dizzy on the elliptical. decided that was enough. the fact that i hate swimming there had nothing to do with it. Wink well, actually i don't think it did, but when I decided against it I was so relieved! It was getting a little late too, DD is pretty sick & I made some light soup for her before I left & gathered up things I thought might help her to drop off after working out. Since I slacked & read in bed with my coffee before I got busy, i didn't get to the gym till 7:30. Kevin, I had the same reaction as Jem. she's gorgeous! & so happy. you have to smile right back at her. cross-installing can be very interesting. how do you & dw like the new models? how was your run? Eliz, nice avatar. what's going on with you? Teresa, you're doing great! Big grin. When i"m on the TM I usually do about 10 min. walking, then run as long as I can without too much pain, sticking in a little walking when my little small voice says I'd better. then a walking cool down, although I'm not sure I need that. I have to get better at stopping sooner regardless of the mileage. How's the pace bunny? i dont dare sign up for that, LInda would yell at me. although i'd really like to do 1000 miles this year. Hi Roberta!

                    Trails are hard!

                      Good evening. It was challenging to get out and run this morning. I played permissive dad and told DD that she and BF could go out to IHOP after Rent. Since the only one open after midnight is a ways away, she didn't return till 1:30am. the 6:15 rising to take her to work came very quickly. I got in my 7 miles, but the last 1/4 to 1/2 mile was some painful running and walking as my right knee decided to act up. I have my suspicions that i seriously need to start up on my exercises again now that my miles are back up. If I had stopped at 6 I probably would have been OK, but I got greedy of course it could have something to to with my almost wipe out while negotiating some water flowing across the path. i thought since it was flowing there wouldn't be any ice (it was 26F). WRONG Shocked I thought I was headed for what we used to call a "Yard Sale" fall while skiing, but managed to stay upright. Spent the next few minutes trying to see if anything hurt after the stress of catching myself. We got a GE fridge and dishwasher and after 24hours +, still like them Wink It may take several weeks to get it arranged the way we like it. We're due for a huge nor'easter starting late tonight and into the day tomorrow. Ought to be interesting as I have jury duty at 8am and supposedly have to call at 6:30am to see if things are canceled due to the storm. Of course this is probably about 15 minutes AFTER I should leave to have any chance of getting into downtown Boston in miserable weather. I'm really looking forward to this. Good runs to all. Kevin

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                        Back home again after a trip out of state (my elderly mother was hospitalized, and we went to check on her). I'll get back to running tomorrow. All of your stories (rindaroo's times, too) encourage me to keep at it, and I have to remember that I DO feel better when I finish. The first mile, though, has been strictly a head game since last fall. Just finished watching the two NFL games today - neither of which ended like I had hoped. Sad Roberta

                        One day at a time

                          Kevin, I'm glad you caught yourself from falling! I did the same thing last year, on a path in Portland. I NEVER would have thought about it being ice. I was heading directly toward a drop-off next to the ocean- fortunately, there was a chain link fence that stopped me. I'm a little more careful now! The snow is not supposed to start up here until daybreak, so I think I can get my run in. dg3, I'm still ahead of the pace bunny for now. I think I'm getting DH's cold, though, so I'm a little worried. Wow, Mike, those kids are horrible! I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. There are a couple of kids at the end of our road who are ALWAYS out in their driveway, skateboarding, but they've never said anything. They don't stop their dog from running straight at me, though! Keep going, Rinda! Slow and steady is definitely the key. Back to work now! Teresa


                            Good morning Everyone, Debbie, I wish my weekends were 5 days long. Roberta, I hope your mom is doing OK. Kevin, How's the knee? Rest day for me today. Cheers Mike
                              Hey Guys, Got real behind on reading but now I think I am finally caught up. Kevin, I agree. She's a cute teen. How old did she just turn? I've been a little more permissive with my 16 year old too. The noreaster hit hard today. I shoveled a foot of snow and its snowing again. Mike, you have much more tolerance than I do. I would have kicked some brat butt and worried about it later. I dont put up with that kind of crap. When DD3 was a baby some pre teen brats in the neighborhood waited for me pushing her in a stroller to come nearby to fire a firework. They started laughing when she started crying. What kind of sick minds do that? And what kind of sick adults do they grow up to be? At the very least I would have run straight to their parents home and had a word with them. Actually it would have been more like an earful. Deb, I know what its like trying to wait out a healing muscle or illness. But be sure the illness will go away and muscles will heal and we both will be back on track. I struggled through 6 hilly miles yesterday with running friends. My longest run since Florida. Questions...does anyone know anything about ITB? It might be the source of my leg pain. And does anyone have suggestions for improving hill runs. I struggle big time with hills while my running buddies run up them like its nothing. Any form youre supposed to do while running up or down to make them easier? Update on Kim. She can now do 40 mins on the eliptical. But still cant snowboard for more than a few runs or run outside at all. Seeing the orthopedic surgeon next month. She still wants to train for Boston in 09. Laurie

                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                                Deb, sorry you and your DD have been/are sick. Is it the same bug? You do know you're supposed to take it easy, right? Dizzy = not good. Yes, my dd4 is the ultimate bookworm. We are attempting to help her form an exercise habit. Smile Kevin, hope you've just got a temporary owie and not a lasting injury. Awesome 7 miles anyway! You New Englanders have some wicked weather. Lots of x-training opportunities! I grew up in Massachusetts, and spent 15 years in Chicagoland. The contrast to the climate here in n. Va, even though it's not really "south," is striking. Though we've had some cold weather, I feel like winter is just beginning. And once March comes, it will be almost over. I don't mind a bit. But I'd like some snow for the kids. Roberta, hope your mom is doing well. Hi to Linda and Theresa and Eliz and Mike. Laurie, good run. I don't know anything about ITB, but hope you take it easy. And all I know about hills is that when I ran a hilly route too much last summer I messed up my achilles tendon. But that's not your issue. Hope you figure it out. I ran 5 very relaxed hill-free miles at lunchtime today, 43 F felt chillier than that with the wind. The pace bunny and I are tied right now - I didn't plan it that way! Jem