Masters Running


Sunday 4/19 Day Before Boston Runs and Anticipation ... (Read 527 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    62 ° F Ideal Walking Conditions (IWC) Another walk through the swamp with Ralph and Veta (the wonder Schnauzer). We saw a pileated woodpecker, he laughed at us. We saw a few other birds that I will have to look up in the Bird Book. Tramps, Sorry about the name change. Long story. But, here's the deal, call me anything you want! BilRegrOne, Nice 20! It is nice to read the excitement in the air around the Boston runners. Good luck everyone! Henry, That's what I've been thinking all day. It's good to be alive.
      Now I'm off to church with my husband and kids.
      Holly, when I read that comment yesterday, I was actually wondering if something had happened that I wasn't aware of since I haven't been checking in all that often. Glad to know I was mistaken! On the Boston subject, I'm pretty sure that I watched it on Versus last year, but don't see it listed this year. Is it covered on TV anywhere? Or just online?

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        Look who came home on Friday: Yesterday we had some of her friends over....she's got quite a fan club. Today, trying to get back to Marathon training, I did 18 in 2:32:14, (8:28's), 151/171...I could use a few more of these before Memorial Day next month. GOOD LUCK, ALL YOU BOSTON FOLKS!!!! MTA: oops, the pix are huge. Isn't she adorable, though?
          Doug, Universal Sports is carrying it live. If you're not sure if you get that, plug your zip code into their web site (lower right column of the front page) to see where it is on your dial. It's a free over-the-air station so my antenna and I are happy. Smile ETA: Yay, Walt!. She's a real cutie. It must be a pleasure having her back home. And a great run, too.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Holly--you're married? Shocked Who knew? Wink
            DH, with whom I share everything that happens at RA and with my RA friends, considered logging on himself last night just to set the record straight, but I assured him that wasn't necessary. Smile Walt - she is indeed a cutie! How wonderful that she's back home. Go Boston Runners!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Anybody want to be my time management coach? Walt, I'm so happy Ellie's home. So very much a cutie. Just time to post my run. Always optimistic about catching up later. Roll eyes It was so windy I felt like I was standing still sometimes. Don't know the mph, the forecast wasn't for much more than 13. It does get windier by the river sometimes. But It was a nice day, & the rain I expected didn't show up. 49F. 8.20 miles, 9:40 average pace, 8:31 max. HR monitor still not tracking. Miles went nicely down until mile 7 (up .01) & 8, up a little more. Did the last bit in 9:08. Better get busy , happy Sunday everybody. Warm happy waves to all of you in Boston.

              Rose Colored Glasses

                Walt, So glad to see Ellie's smiling face at home! What a frightening ordeal. She is precious. Holly, Good call. Nice long run, deeg! I think my DS1 (19 years old, college student) is messing with my head. He is the kid I worry about and complain about and, well, he's the middle child. He's been in college for 2 years now. We rarely get phone calls or e-mails or any form of communication from him. He came home last summer and mostly just slept. ANYWAY. This morning I get this text from him: "I ran two miles today" Will wonders never cease?

                  Walt, Nice long run, deeg! ANYWAY. This morning I get this text from him: "I ran two miles today" Will wonders never cease?
                  SmileBig grinYes oh, & thanks. oh, & don't butt out! we love you. (thread hopping)
                    This morning I get this text from him: "I ran two miles today" Will wonders never cease?
                    I don’t want to cast a cloud of suspicion on any member of your family, but you might want to check out Ribs’ post of a couple days ago for alternate ways of understanding why your son might suddenly be running two miles. Big grin

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      Go Boston Runners!
                      I second that emotion! God speed and good luck to all our Boston people tomorrow. Aww, Walt - what great pictures! I bet everyone is thrilled to have her home. Holly - glad your DH hasn't lost his sense of humor. Smile Yesterday was quite an experience. I drove to a half marathon an hour south of here to write a free lance story for a company that organizes races like these. Not knowing exactly what they were looking for, I interviewed lots of people (random, interesting-looking folks, the winners, a sweet 13 yr old boy who did part of the 5K in his wheelchair and walked the rest). The company told me depending on how my story read, they may or may not use it. I must have done okay, because they have it on the main page of their website! Plus, our local paper picked up one of my quotes. I don't want to bore anyone with a long story because I know this is a runner's forum, but having my article published made me feel kind of good. Not much running this weekend, though. 3 miles yesterday in 75° hot and windy temps, and 4.5 miles this morning in 41° windy rain. Like they always say, "If you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, just wait a couple of hours. It'll change." Can't wait for Boston reports!

                      Rose Colored Glasses

                        I don’t want to cast a cloud of suspicion on any member of your family, but you might want to check out Ribs’ post of a couple days ago for alternate ways of understanding why your son might suddenly be running two miles. Big grin
                        You mean this one?
                        Woods Lady, the reason my log is not available for public viewing is because it differs so markedly from my posted workouts and I would be embarrassed to have all my friends here learn the truth. A small example from last week: My log reads: "Released from police station after breathing below .08 but since car was not driveable, had to kind of jog walk back to the house, 4.8 miles...." On the forum I posted: "Had a bit of extra energy tonight so went out and hit the streets for almost five miles of tempo work. Had to dodge a few cars, but I persevered to get the work in." Last Sunday from my RA log: "GF's husband came home early so I had to run home 14 miles in the rain. Couldn't risk getting in my car across the street and having him see me. Will pick it up tomorrow I guess." On the forum here I posted: "Really proud of myself for a 14-miler in the rain, my longest since surgery." Last Tuesday from my log: "Walked out of the hardware store with a nail gun I didn't pay for and heard the guy yell, 'Hey you! Stop!' Ran like hell all the way home." On the forum I posted: "Tried a bit of speed work today, 3 miles at race pace from downtown to my house." So you see, I kind of like to have my workouts out of the public eye. Spareribs
                        Thanksalot, Tramps! Hey Jlynne, Post the link! Post the link! This is fantastic news.
                          Thanksalot, Tramps!
                          You're welcome. Wink

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Walt.....yes, adorable she is! And I don't mind big pictures.....especially of the kidos. Very nice. 6 easy miles for me on a blustery but beautiful day.
                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                            Rose Colored Glasses

                              Modified because I go on too much. But I did like this video. And running for something is better than running away from something.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Hey Jlynne, Post the link! Post the link! This is fantastic news.
                                Yes, please do! I'd love to read your article.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
