Masters Running

Here or KR? Let's talk. (Read 1274 times)

    I suspect others are in the same boat of (a) having decided to leave Active but (b) being unsure of whether to come here or go to KR. I'm someone who will choose one site and stay; I just don't have time to bounce back and forth between multiple sites. I'm curious about what people think and why. Three things are of interest to me: 1) who will be here? I'm being selfish: I want to learn, have a sense of community, and have fun. 2) what is the interface like? Simple, clean is my preference. 3) is the site stable; will it be around for a while? I don't really know about #1, although I suspect folks who have been at KR for awhile will stay. #2 I prefer this interface to KR's. It really is a delight to use. I don't use an on-line log, but for others I know the log here is nice too. #3 I don't know enough about this site to feel confident about its stability. KR has just gone through switching to a new server and will hopefully be stable. In addition, I still feel a little reticent about "invading" the KR site. This place--at least the master's forum--has no history so we step on no one's toes coming here. We get to create our own place. Right now, I'm leaning towards staying here but will be heavily influenced by where others decide to go. Regardless, it's nice to have two excellent alternatives. I intend to support whichever new site I choose with a donation. The Active debacle has made me doubly appreciative of these DIY efforts. What do you think?

    Be safe. Be kind.

    Head Procrastinator

      Tramps, Nobody was "invading" KR That forum was only recently created ( 9-12-07) in response to me asking for it, so we are ALL new there. If anyone was made to feel uncomfortable by a few infantile people who didn't learn to share in the sandbox I am sorry and wish we mods had been more available but Millbot was attending a funeral and I was busy working. This place is really nice too. No idea about the stability either. I think it's a little early to decide personally. I joined here months ago to check out the log. I think wherever we go it's nice if we take part in their other forums as well, they are nice enough to have us we should participate and share our experience. I won't pick, I will probably bounce around until the time where I get a life in the evenings and have better things to do Wink Barb
      ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
        Well..the most important thing to where is the vast majority of CR Boomers going to reside.... The interface is important but only second to the community.... I mean...the CR interface (imho) was not all that great..... Also, I don't use a on-line log.... The KR editor is better..imo The forum appearance is cleaner here... I do know what you mean about does seem like an intrusion....but in time that should go away..... As sad as the demise of CR is...I will say the group had gotten so large that it was next to impossible for me to keep up.... Anyways....those are my initial thoughts..... Tim, Ardmore, OK...

          Both KR and this site has a number of items that make them attractive. Like wa5yom, it's where most of the Boomers go that's important. I still visit CR occasionally to read tselbs and darkhorse's posts. dh is especially amusing. However, I really can't take the multi-logins and other issues.
            You folks have said it all so well. I would hate to lose the influence of so many who have helped me with my running. If I was asked to put it to a vote right now.....after being in Active .......looking into KR......and now just this week trying RA, I would have to say this RA is my choice. The concerns that you have voiced Tramps, are certainly valid. However, this guy really anticipated people coming in and being involved better than KR did. It very well be true that our Boomer group at CR had gotten too large to be functional. That being the case, it may be a natural fix to have people decide which of the sites to use. It would appear that it is down to either this one RA......or KR. Active may soon be renamed...."Inactive". What about giving this until New Year's and then perhaps on New Year's Eve, doing a post that allows people to state where they are going. Make a thread that day in ALL THREE sites starting early that morning and you go in there and declare what your decision is.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Tramps, I'm glad you started this thread - you make some really good points here. Hally, I know that kickrunner is a public forum, and everyone is supposed to be welcome, but every forum is really the people, not the published rules of the site. This as we know all started back in August when people began worrying about where Boomers should meet up if something went wrong with the takeover of, and so a Masters Forum was created at Kickrunners, by and for the CR group. I think a small group took a liking to the format and the small, intimate nature of the group (also I think made up predominately of PNWers who had already met in real life), and so began to spend more and more time there. No one can blame them for enjoying that new intimacy, especially with so many real-life friends involved. But I can't help feeling like I'm butting in there, when I know that the primary reason that group went there and stayed there was to get away from the large Boomer group. How can I feel comfortable bringing to them what they were running from - the crowd? We all know is not going to work out. Most of us agree that we don't have time to give to more than one site. What we need to decide, if we want to keep most of this great community together, is whether we are going to move here or over to kickrunner. If I could make a wish, it would be that all those who were posting at CR as of the takeover move here as a group, leaving the established kickrunner group uninvaded. Like Dg9 said, everyone take hands and 1, 2, 3, JUMP. If only I had those Ruby Slippers...I thought they were around here somewhere. But like you guys have said, I value the people more than the site, so I will go where most of the group goes. Vista - good idea, but I'm not sure you have to wait until New Year's. I think the site is not going to last that long even. We all have a little time off work over the next few days. It will be a relief when this is finally ironed out. Let me just say that I love this group, you fabulous people have made me laugh, made me cry, and inspired me on a daily basis. Thank you.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                It's will be tough to decide between KR and here, I've pretty much given up on active/CR, but will lurk there at least until the end of the year. Lotsa friends at both places already some exclusively. I think with these clean logins, I may be able to do both groups. Paul

                  Hi Guys! I too am feeling very lost and unwelcome at most sites. I agree that KR is a bit difficult to be welcomed into. I am not at all interested in staying with Active. So far this site is the easies to navigate - easy to read, and easy to find the posts! I think I am going to stick around here for awhile and see how it all plays out! Although I don't get a chance to post every day, I do read every day. When I do post I sure do like feeling welcome! C-mom

                    Hi Guys! I too am feeling very lost and unwelcome at most sites. I agree that KR is a bit difficult to be welcomed into. I am not at all interested in staying with Active. So far this site is the easies to navigate - easy to read, and easy to find the posts! I think I am going to stick around here for awhile and see how it all plays out! Although I don't get a chance to post every day, I do read every day. When I do post I sure do like feeling welcome! C-mom
                    Welcome C-mom Smile As well as everyone else!
                      I'm starting to think this may be my new online running home. I like the clean attractive interface very much. Enough Boomers are already here to make this site feel like a viable social experience to me. That said, I mourn for the demise of Boomers & Beyond on I hoped that group and that feeling could be preserved intact on Yesterday I suddenly realized that probably wasn't going to happen, and it was a blow to me. I won't blame anyone for whatever choice he or she makes. We all should do what feels comfortable for us. I'll say this: yesterday and today, when I've been posting and reading here, is the first time in a while that I've felt excited to go online. I diidn't feel that way at Dark Horse
                      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                        I'm not sure we all have to make a final decision or make a decision by a certain deadline, or announce our decision to the group as a whole. It isn't like we are actually a tribe deciding to pack our tents and migrate across the desert together, ensuring our survival by our cohesiveness and simultaneous movement. Big grin It will all shake out by itself. Some will come some will go and new folks will blend in too. Let go of the past and enjoy the present. Smile


                        Runners run

                          Ilene, I was hoping we could all pack our tents and cross the desert together, as one tribe. That way, if it's a really big desert and things get bad, we could kill and eat the weaker members of the tribe. Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                            Ilene, It's really hard for me to concentrate and write a sensible post while I'm staring at your @$$. Dark Horse
                            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                              Big grin Getting sustinence from some of these scrawy long distance runners will be tough. We will need everyone we can muster after all.


                              Runners run


                                Heheheh I may be a long distance runner, but scrawny I am NOT! So... I have the endurance to outrun some of you, on multiple days of the week no less, and plenty of fuel stored to get me thru the desert! Honestly, Ilene, tell me that's not your butt. I will probably post on both sites for quite sometime. There are people near and dear to me on both, and choosing between the two is like choosing between my parents! I can't do it. Perhaps it's the PNW "bias" on KR, but hey, you gotta love a site that's got lots of posters still up when it's 8 pm my time!! Ok, at least I've gotta love it... I'll be here, I'll be there, and I'll love all you guys! Smile