Masters Running

Here or KR? Let's talk. (Read 1274 times)

    I certainly understand your situation Erika. We certainly don't want to lose contact with you. My statement to set a date and declare at that time just where everyone was gong to locate was only meant as a suggestion for those needing a guideline for making such a decision. We have been talking about this change since August and many are feeling frustrated waiting to see what everyone else is going to do. I just thought to give a deadline in everyone's mind might help. We all are perfectly capable and able to determine where we best fit. Meanwhile, it is encouraging to see the number of people showing up here. On the premise of "build it and they will come"......I think we have at least put down home plate here.

      So far, I'm diggin this site. I've never been a fan of, but gave it a try. The "Boomers" from CoolRunning get credit for some of my goals.


      Head Procrastinator

        If y'all really want to put your money where your mouth is someone would ask Eric to make a Master's forum in the main community so that ALL the folks on RA felt comfortable participating. After all, this is a "club" and therefore making it an unwelcome place for newcomers. In fact, I think I will do just that Big grin
        ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats

          So far, I'm diggin this site. I've never been a fan of, but gave it a try. The "Boomers" from CoolRunning get credit for some of my goals.
          Is that you Steve from Traverse City? Apologies if not, but if it's you, nice seeing you here. Cool

            Oh, and can someone tell me why my post time is 6 hours ahead? My zone is EST(US) Where is this place?

              Oh, and can someone tell me why my post time is 6 hours ahead? My zone is EST(US) Where is this place?
              Never mind ! I found it.

                I never got involved with Boomers at CR because I felt like an intruder. It's hard to jump into an established group. I wouldn't even attempt to at KR. This is nice because we're all new to this site. A group of us started C25K at the same time. So we kept a thread going over on CR. We've now moved that group over here. The MultiSport group at CR started a temporary site while CR changed over to Active. They had the same discussion. Keep their new site or try to stick it out with Active. So far they're trying to stick with Active. Like the rest of you, I don't have time to be jumping from site to site and I need to make a decision. I'll probably stay here although I know I'll peek in at CR. I just want to find a place to fit in. CR is not CR anymore so the fit is not the same. I feel like peg trying to fit into a square hole.
                  Everybody's welcome! Nice to hear various perspectives. Hally--good point about integrating into the main forum. I was a little confused at first about the "user group" designation. Does that mean we'd lose the "report" feature that vista pointed out? BTW, it occurred to me (duh!) that folks staying on KR wouldn't see this thread, so I posted an equivalent thread over there to encourage everyone's input.

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    If y'all really want to put your money where your mouth is someone would ask Eric to make a Master's forum in the main community so that ALL the folks on RA felt comfortable participating. After all, this is a "club" and therefore making it an unwelcome place for newcomers.
                    I like that idea because I noticed people in the general running community that I recognized from other places, like the old runners world forums. It would be nice to be in a place where they could easily join in.



                      Hi, Just dipping my toe in the water, so to speak. I agree with a lot of what's been said: I don't have time for 2 forums, I'm pretty sure I won't stay at Active and I do like the clean look of this interface. While I'm not sure yet where to settle, using the log here may influence my decision. Right now I can kind of float, but when I start running again, it's be time to pick. Mark

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        If y'all really want to put your money where your mouth is someone would ask Eric to make a Master's forum in the main community so that ALL the folks on RA felt comfortable participating. After all, this is a "club" and therefore making it an unwelcome place for newcomers. In fact, I think I will do just that Big grin
                        Thanks Hally - good idea. If they make one, will you show me the way to find it? I tend to bookmark these sites on my favorites folder, but have no idea how to actually get there without it.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Yesterday I emailed "Feedback" at the bottom right of this page, making two design/usability suggestions: 1. Bigger window in which to create posts, so you don't have to scroll around so much to edit your own post before posting 2. Additional links back to upper levels when you reach the bottom of a page of posts, so you don't have to sccroll back up to the top of the page to click back to the forum, etc. The same day Eric Yee emailed me back to say he agreed with both suggestions and would implement them. How's that for customer service? And we aren't even paying customers! Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                            Hello folks! This site is nice... easy on the eyes, speedy, and full of nice runners. I'm sorry that not everybody feels welcome at KR. I hope it is just the natural hesitation about entering an "established" group. I'll be living there mostly, but I think I will feel okay about visiting here sometimes. If you decide to live here, I hope you all feel okay about visiting KR. Peace. Smile

                              Ditto Millbot . . . I'll primarily be at KR and would hope that any of you would feel welcome to participate there as well, even if you don't want to be there primarily I hope you still feel welcome to visit occassionally. There's quite a few folks that are ending up here and want to make this their home, so I hope that I'll be welcome to come visit occassionally as well and as my time permits I'll join in on conversations and keep up with what is happening around here.



                                ........ Honestly, Ilene, tell me that's not your butt. .......... Smile
                                Sorry, Evanflein, it is my butt. Walking back to the car from Pacific Shoreline race last February. Smile


                                Runners run